Biden Admin to Force Employers to Cover Abortion

The Biden administration has been relentless in pushing its abortion agenda. Most recently, they unveiled a plan to force employers to cover abortions, regardless of religious or conscientious beliefs. From LifeSiteNews. The Biden administration announced a new rule that will force employers to cover abortion under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), trampling upon religious liberty and … Continued

More Young Adults Are Being Transformed by the Bible

According to a recent report, over half of Gen Z claims to have been “transformed” by the Bible. From The Christian Post. New research reveals that the share of young adults who think the Bible has had a transformative effect on their lives has increased even as a majority of them remain “Scripture Disengaged.” Let … Continued

Israel’s Secret Weapon

As the whole world turns its back on Israel, God continues to save and protect his nation. Read on, intercessor, to learn what the secret weapon Israel holds is. From Breitbart. The past few weeks had been, until last Saturday, among the most difficult for friends of Israel around the world. … Join others crying … Continued

U.S. Lawmakers Stand in Support of Israel

As Israel responds Iran’s vicious attack, many American lawmakers are standing boldly in support of God’s chosen people and nation. Have you taken your place on the wall?   On Thursday, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a resolution condemning Iran’s attack on Israel and supporting Israel’s right to respond. As many come against God’s … Continued

The Miracles That Saved Israel from Iran

The defense of Israel on Saturday, April 13, 2024 was statistically impossible. Professor of physics, Maximilian Abitbol, who is also an expert on the defense industry, demonstrated this: I wanted to share something that is much more than a feeling. Something that comes from a real calculation: What happened in Israel on last Motzaei Shabbat was … Continued

The Spirit Behind Earth Day Revealed

This year, over 1 billion people from some 195 nations, mainly students, will celebrate Mother Earth Day, on April 22. Traditionally known as Earth Day, the U.N. is calling it Mother Earth Day — which reveals the true nature of the day, as it enshrines the spirit of Gaia: supposedly, Greek goddess of the earth … Continued

Eyewitness Testimony From Israel Under Attack

What woke me up was the rapid pfhht! pfhht! of anti-missile rockets. It was 2:10 a.m. on April 14, and we’d known already about the possibility of Iran’s attack that night. But we were told that our area of Jerusalem should be safe: Iran wouldn’t risk doing any damage to Islamic holy sites in the … Continued

U.S. Vetoes Palestinian State at U.N.

We prayed that America would block the U.N. efforts to formally recognize a Palestinian state. Now we are happy to report that the Lord has answered our prayers! From The Jerusalem Post. The United States stopped the United Nations Security Council from granting the Palestinians full-fledged membership in the global organization of 193 member states. Pray for … Continued

Israel Strikes Back at Iran

An Israeli drone strike targeted Iranian air force assets at Isfahan in central Iran early Friday morning, two Israeli defense officials and three Iranian officials confirmed to The New York Times, although there were some initial contradictory reports that the strike was carried out by long-range attack missiles, which Jerusalem also possesses. Who’s calling the … Continued

Poll: Nearly Half See No Trump Crime in Hush-Money Case

As D.A. Alvin Bragg seeks to bring Trump down in Manhattan, nearly half of Americans think the former president is either completely innocent or did not commit an actual crime. From The National Pulse. An overwhelming number of American voters agree with top legal scholars and the Trump campaign that the charges brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg … Continued

Most Americans Oppose Abortion on Demand, Poll Says

Even as the staunchest progressives keep demanding abortion up through the ninth month of pregnancy, a new poll suggests that most Americans disagree with them. From Breitbart. While many Americans identify themselves as pro-choice, a strong majority do not think abortion should be legal past the third month of pregnancy, a new poll found. Join others … Continued

State Senate Passes Legislation to Make Kindergarten Mandatory

Michigan is trying to make kindergarten mandatory. Many Republicans and families oppose this effort. What do you think? From Chalkbeat Detroit. The Michigan Senate has approved legislation that mandates kindergarten attendance in Michigan. Do you want state prayer alerts?   The bill, which supporters say will improve early education, passed with a vote of 21-15, … Continued


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