Biden Admin Released Suspected Terrorist Into U.S.

Our southern border is a major national security risk that must be covered in prayer. From the Federalist. AUSTIN, Texas –On Feb. 16, Republican Congress members asked House Democrats for permission to hold a hearing about a decision to release a suspected Islamist terrorist who in November swam the Rio Grande into Texas. Rep. Andy … Continued

China Requested That Russia Delay Invasion Until After Olympics

This is yet another dangerous sign of the growing alliance between Russia and China. From CNN. A Western intelligence report indicated that Chinese officials in early February requested that senior Russian officials wait until after the Beijing Olympics had finished before beginning an invasion into Ukraine, US officials said Wednesday. US officials broadly view the report … Continued

Senate Acts to End Covid-19 Emergency

The government’s overreach must be stopped. The first step to fixing this problem is ending the national state of emergency that enables our leaders’ grab for power. From Gateway Pundit. On Thursday, Senate Republicans passed a resolution to end the national state of emergency that’s currently in effect under the government’s two-year-old National Emergencies Act (NEA) declaration from the … Continued

The Need For Revival In the Next Generation

The younger generations lack the passion for God and the biblical values of their parents. In times like these, we must pray for revival. Studying the sobering results of Dr. George Barna’s research, “Millennials in America,” I felt fear for the future with this, the largest generation in our history. I listened intently as he … Continued

NASA’s “Hidden Figure” Owes Her Success to God

The Lord blesses all of us in special, unique ways. Christine Darden is a perfect example of this, having excelled by the grace of God in her career at NASA. From Movieguide. By the end of her 40-year stint with NASA, Christine Darden was known as a brilliant mathematician and engineer. Obtaining her dream job … Continued

Fake News About Clarence and Ginni Thomas

The bias against conservatives is greater now than ever before, frequently manifesting in fake news stories. We must be vigilant, able to tell the truth from the lies. From The Federalist. The unifying characteristic of the legacy corporate media’s repeated attacks on Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife Ginni is that they all contain false … Continued

Jobs Report: Big Gains In February

With the economy in its current state, we should give thanks for every good sign while also praying for an end to debt and inflation. From CNBC. Job growth accelerated in February, posting the biggest monthly gain since July as the employment picture got closer to its pre-pandemic self. Nonfarm payrolls for the month grew … Continued

Latest Update From Ukraine – Day 10

From Intercessors for Ukraine. PRAISE THE LORD! UKRAINE IS STANDING STRONG!  Prayer Shield of Intercessors for Ukraine: Day 10 of the NATIONAL RESISTANCE! THANKS TO GOD! He gives strength to stand strong and win!   We praise the Lord for: –  Entire national security and defense sector worthily fight back the attacks of the Russian occupants … Continued

How Putin Used the Middle East to Strengthen Russia

While our previous leader laughed at Russia, Putin strengthened his country in any way he could. Russia is now strong enough to challenge the world. We must pray that our country does not fall behind. From FAI Mission. On February 24th, 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. To many, this was a shocking … Continued

We Can Change the Narrative

According to a recent interview from CNBC, Bill Gates stated, “We’ll have another pandemic. It will be a different pathogen next time.” Righteous indignation arose in me.  I knew we didn’t have to accept his proclamation. We can change the narrative. We are not yet on the other side of this last man-made variant as … Continued


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