The Battle at Hand

In April of 1975, Col. Harry G. Summers was the head of the U.S. delegation’s negotiating team that ended the Vietnam War. Summers met his North Vietnamese counterpart, Col. Tu. The American stated: “You know, you never defeated us on the battlefield.” Tu smiled and replied: “That may be so, but it is also irrelevant.” … Continued

Strive in Prayer

The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional Fellowship With the Father, written by IFA contributing writer Remco Brommet. Does God want us to nag Him for answers to our requests? That is a question I started asking myself this past week, as I thought about the overwhelming needs in our country. Have you taken … Continued

5 Ways to Pray About the Lawfare Against President Trump

On Thursday the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case against former President Trump for involvement in the events at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. The question before the court is whether Trump is immune from prosecution. The justices asked important questions about the nature and scope of presidential immunity. Trump had hoped … Continued

Praying About Lawfare in Election Politics

The term “lawfare” is not made up. The online Collins dictionary defines it as the strategic use of legal proceedings to intimidate or hinder an opponent. In other words: weaponizing our nation’s law to hinder a political opponent who can not be defeated otherwise. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   Background The use of … Continued

Biden Signs TikTok Ban – What You Need to Know

Biden has signed the TikTok ban into law, making waves throughout the country, especially in the online space. Here’s what you need to know about the legislation: This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   What Does the Ban Say and Do? The legislation targets TikTok’s China-based parent company, ByteDance. ByteDance has been … Continued

Chaplains Punished for Refusing COVID-19 Shot Seek Justice

Congress may have rescinded the COVID vaccine mandate for those in the military, but Secretary Austin hasn’t restored many of the chaplains punished for refusing the vaccine to their previous status. Now these chaplains are seeking justice from the Supreme Court. From The Gateway Pundit. Making its way to the Supreme Court of the United … Continued

Miracles Amid Madness

Around the country right now, Christians are boldly taking a stand and saying: “Enough is enough.” This was evident on April 13, 2024, when parents and intercessors gathered at state capitols to pray, worship, and declare Christ’s love at a rally titled “Don’t Mess With Our Kids.” Many of these gatherings saw opposition from loud … Continued

Is China Creating Biological Weapons?

The Chinese military is researching sea-based neurotoxins. Is this research truly innocent, or is China working on a deadly bioweapon? From The Washington Times. China’s military is conducting research on sea-based neurotoxins, raising fears among U.S. officials and analysts that Beijing is secretly developing deadly biological weapons for use in conflict. Find out when your state prays. … Continued

Biden Admin Pushing ‘Trans’ Agenda Through the Bureaucracy

The “trans” subversion has permeated every area of our lives. Most recently, a document published by the Office of Personnel Management shows that this dangerous ploy is snaking its way through every level of the federal bureaucracy. From The Daily Wire. The Biden administration has set out to encourage gender transition attempts among federal bureaucrats, … Continued

Pray About America’s Elections and Illegal Immigration!

Intercessor, are you concerned about illegal immigration as we approach the elections? Through a 2021 executive order, President Biden has brought over 10,000,000 illegal immigrants into America. In the lead-up to one of the most consequential elections in recent history, it is important that we pray about these aliens and the threat they pose to … Continued

Who’s Funding Pro-Palestine Protests?

The protests at American universities did not happen organically. Two big names are funding the protesters. The U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights offers stipends to campus-based fellows who could aid campaigns demanding the U.S. cut ties with Israel. These fellows are paid stipends for a three-month term of part-time work that can include protesting U.S. … Continued


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