The Big Lie

Many Christians avoid stepping into politics and government, thinking that God despises them. In truth, God IS government. From Give Him 15. In every election cycle, I am accused by some of being too political. I’m used to it. In reality, I have chosen not to affiliate with either political party, to ensure and demonstrate … Continued

Biden Launches Transhumanist Order

Biden’s new executive order advances biotechnology and transhumanism. From WND. Joe Biden has launched a new executive order that purportedly will send more U.S. tax dollars to biotechnology companies – with the apparent goal of reducing dependence on China for various materials. Who is praying on the wall?   According to the New York Post, it “allows the federal … Continued

Fact Check: Abortions Do Happen after 15 Weeks

These days, many pro-abortion activists are insisting that abortions never or rarely happen beyond 15 weeks. Are they correct? From LifeNews. State and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) abortion data indicate that overall, approximately 6% of all reported abortions take place at or after 15 weeks of gestation. When applied to the Guttmacher … Continued

Green Energy May Create Shortages

The whole world is pushing for clean, green energy, although these supposedly climate-friendly policies may cause problems of their own. From The National Pulse. The push for “green” energy alternatives is causing a shortage of sulfuric acid, a resource critical for the production of food and lithium-ion batteries, according to a new report from the … Continued

Divine Timing for Christian Films

Only the Lord could have inspired George Johnson three years ago to write and produce a film about a Ukrainian being kidnapped by Russians that would come to theaters during the Russian war against the Ukraine! Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.   There were seasons where Christians complained that there’s … Continued

DeSantis Calls Out Virtue-Signaling ‘Fraud’ on the Border

After facing criticism for sending illegal immigrants to Massachusetts, DeSantis took aim at leftist mayors and the President himself. From The Daily Wire. After his transport of illegal immigrants to the posh area of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, elicited widespread approval among conservatives and handwringing among leftists, Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) fired a salvo at the … Continued

Special Master Appointed in Mar-a-Lago Case

This case has the potential to divide the nation even further and lead to a new level of anger and unrest. From CNN. A Brooklyn-based federal judge was selected on Thursday to serve as an independent arbiter to review the materials seized in the FBI’s search of former President Donald Trump’s Florida home. Get involved in state … Continued

Space War Worries: Real Risks Inbound

Analysis. We do not see satellites, but they are all around us. We use them every day, and their numbers are growing swiftly. How do we keep from blowing them up and causing a dangerous mess (dangerous in more ways than one)? Get prayer updates from IFA.   Finding an answer to that question is … Continued

School Board Rejects ‘LGBTQ History Month’

After a conservative sweep, the Miami-Dade school board stood for parental rights and biblical principles. This is an answer to our prayers! From Breitbart. The Miami-Dade School Board overwhelmingly voted to reject recognizing October as “LGBTQ History Month.” Connect with others in your state in prayer.   After listening to three hours of heated debate, … Continued

Praise! Progress with Religious Exemptions in the Military

Our government denied countless religious exemptions to the vaccine. Fortunately, we’re starting to see God answer our prayers for change. From ZeroHedge. The US Navy quietly rolled back Trident Order #12, an order denying religious exemptions for covid vaccinations, a few months after an injunction was issued by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in … Continued


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