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Early Voting Breaks Record

Let’s pray that Christians show up in record numbers to elect righteous leaders! From CNBC. Turnout from Georgiaā€™s first day of early voting set a new state record for a midterm election, nearly doubling the figure from the same time period in the previous midterms, state election officials said Tuesday. Pray for your fellow intercessor. … Continued

CDC to Shield Vaccine Makers from Liability?

On Thursday it is anticipated that the CDC will vote on whether to add the covid-19 shot to the recommended schedule of childhood immunizations. This would mean that schools across the nation would require children to have this shot as part of the entrance health requirements. Your prayers and action are needed! From The Dossier. … Continued

NYC Admits Texas Strategy Is Working

As more and more illegal immigrants are being bused into New York City, more and more people are recognizing the border crisis, including democratic city leaders. From The Gateway Pundit. Texas Governor Greg Abbott for the last several weeks has been sending busloads of illegal aliens to New York City. Let the IFA community know … Continued

Christian Fired After Objecting to Trans Procedures

This is a critical moment in American history where we can still win the battle on transgender issues, but we must pray. From Fox News. A ChristianĀ woman in Michigan who served 17 years as a physician assistant for Michigan Health filed a lawsuit against her former employer last week after they allegedly terminated her because … Continued

Is This Country the Leading World Power?

Chinese President Xi Jinping declared his nation to be the leading world power, boasting about its military among other things. Let’s pray. From Breitbart. Dictator Xi Jinping opened the 20th Chinese Communist Party National Congress on Sunday with a ā€œreportā€ to the Central Committee, which he nominally serves, that claimed China has ascended to global … Continued

Australia Reverses Policy on Israel

This decision will only hurt Israel, a nation that is already struggling under fierce opposition and global animosity. From The Epoch Times. The Australian left-wing Labor government has created a diplomatic crisis withĀ IsraelĀ after it decided on Tuesday to walk back theĀ previous governmentā€™s policy of recognisingĀ JerusalemĀ as the capital of the country. Have you taken your place … Continued

Inflation Chart Contradicts Biden on Economy

Biden is being taken to task on inflation. As the midterms approach, let’s pray for leaders who will help solve this crisis. From PJ Media. If you listen to the White House, things are going great. Joe Biden said last week that the economy is ā€œstrong as hell,ā€ and on Monday, White House Press Secretary … Continued

Why Is Biden Depleting Our Oil Reserves?

As Americans struggle to pay for gas, the politicization of our oil reserves is the last thing we need. Let’s pray. From The Federalist. Gasoline prices will soar after the Democratsā€™ midterm shellacking. Why? Power. For many politicians, as well as parties, the point of power is power. Who is praying on the wall?   … Continued

FBI Called Out on Biden’s Shady Dealings

As the Hunter Biden scandal continues to unravel, many are asking just how involved the president was in his son’s business dealings. From Fox News. New whistleblower documents reveal that President BidenĀ “was aware of Hunter Bidenā€™s business arrangementsĀ and may have been involved in some of them,” Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley said Monday, suggesting that the … Continued

Musk’s Dangerous Vision for Twitter

Elon Musk wants to turn Twitter into a one-stop app that blends social media and financial services. Here’s why that’s a bad idea. From LifeSite. Why does Elon Musk want Twitter so badly? Is it because he is such a big free speech advocate, that he wants to ā€œsave the worldā€ and save us all … Continued

25K Convicted Criminals Crossed the Border This Year

How can we continue to reject the rule of law? We need leaders who will secure our borders and keep us safe. From The Federalist. CNNā€™s Dana Bash is trying to make the number of dangerous criminals pouring over the southern U.S. border sound far lower than it really is. … Pray for your fellow … Continued

Why Is the Military Still Mandating Vaccines?

The battle over these mandates sets major precedent for the future. Let’s pray for an end to mandates in any and all circumstances. From Fox News. On national television,Ā Biden administrationĀ spokesperson John Kirby mounted a feeble attempt to explain the presidentā€™s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for the military.Ā Kirby, a retired Navy admiral, had no acceptable answers when … Continued


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