Judge Rebukes Biden DOJ

Biden’s DOJ is out of control. Let’s pray for restraint, for wisdom, for protection, and for true justice. From The Daily Signal. On Sept. 20, weĀ reportedĀ on an outrageous subpoena served by the U.S. Justice Department on the Eagle Forum of Alabama. Fortunately, in the face of vigorous opposition expressed in amicus briefs filed by literally … Continued

The Jesus Revolution Is Coming!

Jesus Revolution, produced by the Erwin Brothers through LionsgateĀ  for $14 million, will be released in theaters nationwide in February. Get prayer updates from IFA.   The film tells the story of the Jesus Movement through the eyes of Greg Laurie, as he watches Lonnie Frisbee inspire Chuck Smith (played by Kelsey Grammer, of Frasier) … Continued

Outrageous Claim about Abortion

Stacey Abrams is continuing to share misinformation about abortion. Let’s pray she starts standing for the unborn, not against them. From Breitbart. Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams, who is running for governor, said during a television appearance Wednesday that more abortion access was a solution to combatting the nationā€™s crippling inflation rate, a remark that prompted … Continued

Why States Should Ban Trans Clinics for Youth

Although Vanderbilt may have stopped its surgeries on minors for now, we cannot trust them to continue to police themselves. From The Daily Wire. After insiders atĀ Vanderbilt University Medical CenterĀ told The Daily Wire that they fear transgender surgeries on minors would eventually resume, hostĀ Matt WalshĀ affirmed why states need to create laws to ban such practices. … Continued

School Board and Parent Grievance

From The Daily Signal. Shortly after he got arrested for speaking out at a school board meetingĀ last year, a Texas father filed a grievance with the school board, which finally put that grievance on the agenda for a meeting last Thursday. Yet after the father waited for nearly four hours for the board to give … Continued

Overcoming Barriers to Effective Intercession

Would you like to grow as an intercessor? This excerpt is from a daily devotional series available only from IFA. To sign up for the series, click HERE. No one needs the evening news to be reminded that our country is in a serious downward spiral ā€“ socially, economically, politically, and spiritually. While people shake … Continued

Time for a Second Wind

ā€œPray for a second windā€ the Lord whispered to me during a moment of utter exhaustion. I felt I had nothing left to give, but that is where the second wind makes its entrance. Itā€™s when the finish line is within sight, yet the runner is exhausted with nothing left to give. Even though they … Continued

When Our Brains Refuse to Focus on God

As intercessors, we simply canā€™t ignore the epidemic concentration problems that we have. They stand in the way of our spiritual growth. Our ever-shrinking attention spans are undermining our ability to meditate on Scripture, be still long enough to hear from God, or focus long enough to pray. This is a problem that is impacting … Continued

Elijah’s Ravens Speak to Us Today

ā€œOnce upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary ā€¦ while I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, as of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.ā€ These are the first lines of Edgar Allan Poeā€™s famous poem titled The Raven. Poe uses the dark, mysterious bird as a … Continued

AG Sues Google for ‘Unlawful’ Collection

These charges against Google in Texas hint at a predisposition of Big Tech to abuse its powers. Let’s pray for an end to such abuses. From UPI. Texas Attorney GeneralĀ Ken PaxtonĀ announced Thursday that he has filed a lawsuit againstĀ GoogleĀ for allegedly having “unlawfully” captured the biometric data of “millions of Texans” without their consent. Get prayer … Continued

States Investigate UN’s ESG-Style Commitment

The ESG agenda is destructive and oppressive. Let’s pray that this investigation is thorough and that banking assets are not being misused. From The Epoch Times. The war between states and banks over environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing and similar practices has reached the doorstep of theĀ United Nationsā€“19 state attorneys general have launched investigations … Continued

TikTok Always Planned to Track Americans

As more and more information has come out, it has become clear that TikTok is a threat to national security. From The Daily Wire. TikTokā€™sĀ parent company inĀ ChinaĀ reportedly planned to use the platform to track the location of specific American citizens. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   The team that was going to … Continued


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