A Matter of Life and Death

What is a matter of life and death? Abortion on the ballots of five states and as a major factor in every race across the nation. Author Janet Porter, the architect of a heartbeat bill, is speaking throughout Michigan to make people aware of that state’s Proposal 3. The Michigan Catholic Conference warns that this … Continued

Candidates Threatened Leading Up to Midterms

Kari Lake is just one of many candidates who have been threatened or attacked. We should pray for safety and protection for all. From Fox News. Arizona GOPĀ gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake reacted Sunday to her campaign headquarters receiving “suspicious” items in the mail, vowing to track down the person responsible. Have you taken your place … Continued

The Fight for Election Integrity Is Working

After rampant fraud in the 2020 election, Republicans have fought bravely to preserve the integrity of the vote. We thank God for them! From The Federalist. If Republican candidates do as well as expected on Tuesday, they can credit the new, widespread, and coordinated effort to begin securing U.S. elections, helping give candidates the best … Continued

The Exponential Impact of One Vote

How much does one vote really matter? Bunni Pounds, President of Christians Engaged, explains just how important a single vote can be. From The Stream. I cast my vote ā€“ my 1 vote ā€“ among over 4,227,631 Texans that had gone to the polls by Thursday evening the second week of early voting.Ā (Source: Ryan Data … Continued

A Spiritual Call to Arms

Analysis. The phrase ā€œa call to armsā€ has been defined as a call to ā€œprepare for confrontationā€ or to ā€œdefend against a takeover.ā€Ā  Pray for your fellow intercessor.   Conservative historians Victor Davis Hanson and Newt Gingrich have referred to the upcoming midterm and 2024 elections as being the most crucial in our history since … Continued

The Energy Crisis Continues

Nearly every American has felt the pain of inflation and the energy crisis. Let’s pray for wisdom to solve this crisis. From The National Pulse. Remember the good ole daysā€¦ way back in 2020ā€¦ when the United States was an exporter ofĀ energyĀ and theĀ priceĀ of gas was $2.17 per gallon? Today, the United States ā€“ and indeed … Continued

Midterms Illuminated by Unusual Blood Moon

The night of the midterms will feature the second blood moon of 2022. What is the significance of this? Does God have something big planned? From CBN News. A total lunar eclipse or “blood moon” will hang in the sky as ballots are tallied on the night of November 8, and it has sparked some … Continued

Praise! True the Vote Released From Prison

We prayed ceaselessly for Catherine and Gregg to be released from prison. Now, intercessors, our prayers have been answered! From 100 Percent Fed Up. On Monday, Federal Judge Kenneth Hoyt unfairly held True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and True the Vote investigator Gregg PhillipsĀ in contempt of courtĀ over their refusal to identify a confidential informant … Continued

The Greatest Political Seduction of All?

Analysis. While doing a TV interview with James and Betty Robison on my recent bookĀ The Political Seduction of the Church: How Millions of Americans Confused Politics with the Gospel, James said to me,Ā ā€œDo you know what is the greatest political seduction of all? It is when Christians completely drop out of the political process and … Continued

Clinton Criticizes Republicans’ Focus on Crime

As leftist policies rip through American communities, Hillary Clinton says it’s the Republicans who aren’t concerned about crime. Let’s pray. From National Review. Former secretary of stateĀ Hillary ClintonĀ on Thursday suggested Republicans are ā€œnot concerned about voter safety, they just want to keep voters scared.ā€ Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   The former … Continued

Christian Roots of Hobby Lobby’s Success

This is an encouraging example of the success that following God can bring. Let’s pray that we too can practice faithful stewardship. From Movieguide. Hobby Lobby founder and CEO David Green recently announced that he plans to step back from the multi-billion dollar company. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   Green, who … Continued


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