Why We Engage in the Culture Wars

Analysis. Have you ever wondered if the Church should continue to engage in the culture wars? After all, we will never eradicate evil from the world, and sometimes it feels like the water is pouring into our boats faster than we can bail it out. Connect with others in your state in prayer   Plus, … Continued

Fewer Hate Crimes Against Christians in Europe

Christians are seeing their safety and religious freedoms threatened in frightening numbers across the Atlantic. Let’s pray for them. From The Christian Post. More than 500 anti-Christian hate crimes occurred in Europe in 2021, a significant drop from the nearly 1,000 that happened in the previous year, according to a new study. Join others crying … Continued

City Launches Basic Income for Trans Residents

This blatant misuse of government funds is encouraging a twisted sense of identity in San Francisco residents. Let’s pray against this. From The Daily Wire. The city ofĀ San FranciscoĀ is offering a monthly stimulus program exclusively for transgender residents. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   San Francisco Mayor London Breed announced that the … Continued

Is a Fentanyl Vaccine on the Way?

Fentanyl has devastated our communities and taken many of our loved ones. Is this vaccine exactly what we need to stop it? From The Christian Post. Researchers at the University of Houston say they have developed a vaccine that could significantly impact the nationā€™s opioid epidemic by blocking synthetic fentanyl from entering the brain, eliminating … Continued

Must Read: Will Congress Say ‘Nevermind’ to Religious Freedom?

This bill will have drastic repercussions on religious liberty in our nation. Let’s pray that God strikes it down. From The Washington Stand. If youā€™re waiting for the Georgia runoff to decide what the Republicansā€™ margins are, donā€™t bother. Thanks to Wednesdayā€™s marriage vote, we know exactly where the lines are drawn. Heading into this … Continued

More Questions about Konnech

IFA has previously reported on Eugene Yu, CEO of Konnech, and his ties to the CCP. As more information comes out, we must keep praying. From Kanekoa News. On January 28, 2020, U.S. federal authorities arrested Charles Lieber of Harvard University on charges of misleading the Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health … Continued

Are Your Core Beliefs in Danger?

Analysis. Earlier this year, Lifeway Research and Ligonier Ministries released the fascinating findings of their biannual joint effort to gauge the theological climate in the U.S., both inside and outside evangelical church circles. The report, titled The State of Theology, summarizes the results of surveys conducted among American citizens and evangelical Christians. It defines evangelicals … Continued

Prayer for the Third Great Awakening

In the past, America has seen several noteworthy revivalsā€”revivals that have each changed the course of the nation during their days. For example, we saw the First and Second Great Awakenings. In the 1700s, when Jonathan Edwards preached his famous sermon, Sinners In the Hands of an Angry God, the Holy Spirit fell so strongly … Continued

Battling Trafficking in Prayer

Intercessor, did you miss our first State Leaders Live Webcast? Human trafficking is another form of slavery. State leaders offered insight on how to pray about such a dark, consuming evil without being overwhelmed. God will defeatĀ this horrific practice! Share your prayers in the comments . . .

Respect for Marriage Act: A Law that Can’t Be Law

Analysis. Weā€™re often told that policy is downstream from culture, but often the converse is equally true. We donā€™t need to look far to see how policies can impact cultural acceptance. How many millions of those victimized by the industry of abortion could speak to the reality that they would never have had an abortion … Continued

Senate Passes Respect for Marriage Act

Twelve Republicans voted for this bill, and Biden is eager to pass it. We must pray that by God’s grace the House stops this. From CBS News. The Senate on Wednesday advanced legislation that would provide federal protections for same-sex and interracial marriages, endorsing the measure in a bipartisan vote that moves it closer to … Continued

Republicans Take Majority in House

Following a close election, Republicans have secured a majority in the House. Let’s pray that they use their new power to accomplish God’s will. From Fox News. Republicans haveĀ secured a majority in the House of Representatives when the 118th U.S. Congress convenes next January. Do you want state prayer alerts?   The GOP has now … Continued


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