Are Americans Turning Against the COVID Vax?

As the pandemic continues to die down, more and more Americans are choosing not to get vaccinated. What does this mean? From The Epoch Times. About half of the U.S. adult population say they donā€™t need the latestĀ COVID-19Ā boosterĀ while just under a quarter have already taken the jab, according to a recent poll. The findings come … Continued

Vatican Defrocks Pro-Life Priest

Why was Frank Pavone defrocked? This is a huge loss for the pro-life movement. From In a shocking turn of events, the Vatican has dismissed pro-life leader Father Frank Pavone from the Catholic priesthood. The decision will certainly anger pro-life Catholics who respect Pavone and appreciate his decades of service to the pro-life movement … Continued

Christmas: The Greatest Reset

The greatest reset of all time was the birth of Jesus Christ. Even the calendar was reset from BC to AD! The Son of God was sent to redeem the world from sin and its consequences including separation from God. While born in humble circumstances, Jesus fulfilled His redemptive mission through His sacrificial death and … Continued

The Spiritual Battle Over Christmas

Do you see Satan’s fingerprints all over American Christmas celebrations? Commercialism, consumerism, stress, lies, and a vague “Christmas spirit” all sound good but detract from the real reason for the season. Satan masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14), even at Christmas! Get involved in state level prayer with IFA. According to the … Continued

A Random Pirate and Glory-Filled Details of Christmas

Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. So it was, that while they were there, the days … Continued

Weaponizing Religion for the Climate

Analysis. What happens when religion becomes weaponized for the sake of climate change? The UN isnā€™t concerned with this question, because the UN believes such a tactic is necessary to avoid a ā€œclimate hell.ā€ Have you taken your place on the wall?Ā    UN Secretary-General AntĆ³nio Guterres used strong words in his doomsday speech kicking … Continued

NC Oversteps in Gerrymandering Case

As the Supreme Court considersĀ Moore v. Harper, the justices are deciding whether they have the authority to subvert legislators. Let’s pray that God’s will is done. From The Wall Street Journal. Analysis. Democrats claim the U.S. Supreme Court will subvert democracy if it overrules a North Carolina decision on legislative gerrymandering. But an extraordinary ruling … Continued

Twitter Files Expose FBI Censorship

This is big news. Let’s ask the Lord to continue to shine light on this situation. From Just the News. The latest installment of the “Twitter Files” Sunday night revealed the social media giantā€™s Trust and Safety chief expressed discomfort over increasing censorship demands from the FBI. Get prayer updates from IFA.   The sixth … Continued

Intercessor Shares Encouraging Vision with IFA

Dreams and visions are among the avenues God chooses for communicating with us. When we are asleep and God conveys a message, that is a dream; when we are awake and see with our natural eyes, that is a vision. Both are supernatural, and both are mentioned in Joel 2:28ā€“29 as a sign: ā€œAnd it … Continued

Senate Votes Against Military Vaccine Mandates

We have prayed for an end to military mandates. Now we are seeing real progress! Praise God! From Breitbart. The Senate on Thursday passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which repeals the Biden administrationā€™s military vaccine mandate. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   The SenateĀ passedĀ H.R. 7776, the NDAA for the fiscal … Continued

Leftist Groups Funding CRT in Schools

Leftist billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates are funding woke education in our schools.Ā  From Breitbart. Over two dozen groups of parents are requesting that five different organizations stop funding social emotional learning (SEL) and race-based education programs in public schools, aĀ reportĀ from Fox News explains. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   … Continued

Senate Delays Omnibus, Avoids Shutdown

With a potential government shutdown looming, Senators and Representatives sent a spending package to Biden’s desk. In this crucial time, let’s pray for wisdom for congress. From Just the News. The Senate on Thursday passed a one-week spending package that would extend the deadline for lawmakers to pass a full-year omnibus package to Dec. 23. … Continued


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