Answered Prayer: Hidden Jan. 6 Tapes to Be Released

Republicans are promising to release information on January 6 that will provide context and reveal the truth, as well as other procedures that will increase transparency. From TrendingPolitics. During an interview with Charlie Kirk on his radio show on Tuesday, Florida Republican congressman Matt Gaetz announced that Republicans would be releasing 14,000 hours of January … Continued

Dave Kubal: Truth and Justice in 2023

IFA President and CEO Dave Kubal is calling intercessors to pray that 2023 would be the year of truth and justice.Ā  Kubal highlighted three situations the Lord used to show him the prophetic prayer direction:Ā  the miracle of Twitter and how it now protects free speech; how Twitter’s new policies have revealed proof that there … Continued

Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve

This nation is full of compromise. The Christian church is full of compromise. And I have a question for you today: Are you walking before the Lord with clean hands and a pure heart? Are you 100% loyal, faithful, and obedient to His inerrant, infallible Word? Or is there compromise in you, too? Who is … Continued

Praise! Pentagon Scraps Vaccine Requirement

We have prayed over mandates in the military, and now we are seeing those prayers answered! Praise God! From Daily Caller. The Department of Defense (DOD) officially scrapped the requirement that all members of the armed forces be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 on Tuesday. Post a prayer for your state!   Defense Secretary Lloyd AustinĀ introduced … Continued

Fox News Features IFA

IFA was recently covered in an interview done by Fox News. Let’s pray that this article bring more and more intercessors into our community! From Fox News. Prayer is a focus this month as Americans observe Sanctity for Life Month all throughout January ā€” withĀ Jan. 22 specifically observed as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. The … Continued

The Shocking State of the Federal Debt

Our government spending keeps getting more and more reckless and less and less biblical. Post your prayers in the comments. From The Center Square. Federal debt soared by $1.4 trillion in 2022 as President Joe Biden and Congress approved multiple new spending packages. Have you taken your place on the wall?   The Congressional Budget … Continued

House Republicans to Investigate Biden Business Deals

Now that the Republicans are in control of the House, they are investigating President Biden’s business dealings with and through his son, Hunter. Let’s support the investigation of wrongdoing with prayer for truth and justice. From BizPac Review. As Democrats and their corporate media allies have been gearing up for the inevitable defense of President … Continued

FAA Outage Impacts All U.S. Flights

So many flights are at risk, and countless people could be left stranded. Our infrastructure needs a prayer covering. From CNBC. The Federal Aviation Administration lifted its nationwide haltĀ ofĀ departing planes on Wednesday morningĀ afterĀ a technology outageĀ delayed thousands of flights, but airlines warned the issue will continue to disrupt travel throughout the day. Get prayer updates from … Continued

Answered Prayer: Christian Schools See Increased Enrollment

This is great news! Let’s pray that our children continue to attend good schools that will protect them and teach them truth. From Daily Caller. Christian colleges and universities are seeing an increase in enrollment despite the national enrollment rate of college students being on a decline, higher education experts told the Daily Caller News … Continued

Congress to Probe White House and Big Tech Collusion

Now that the battle for the speakership is over, the Republicans are getting to work. Let’s pray that they are able to hold our government accountable and bring justice. From Newsmax. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, will chair a new House select committee that will probe Big Tech’s interactions with the White House, Axios reported. Let … Continued

Win for Free Speech Case

Hening was brave enough to stand for her beliefs against coercion, and her settlement will likely inspire others to do the same. Praise God! From RedState. A former Virginia Tech soccer player claims she was benched in 2020 for refusing to kneel for a pre-game unity ceremony supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. She sued … Continued

A Growing Secular Pro-Life Movement

Despite the media’s narrative, pro-life atheists do exist, and they are just as passionate about the unborn as believers. Let’s pray that God continues to make the scientific truth of life at conception known. From One does not have to be a Christian to believe that every human being deserves a right to life, … Continued


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