Dobbs Case Leak Remains Elusive

Even after months of investigation, the SCOTUS has yet to find the person who leaked the Dobbs decision. We need to continue to pray that the truth would come out. From The Daily Signal. The United StatesĀ Supreme CourtĀ announced in an investigative report on Thursday that it has not yet found the leaker of the draft … Continued

New Conservative Business Index

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the conservative legal organization with a network of over 4,600 attorneys, has designed a new, objective way to rate companies on their respect for freedom of speech and religion. The Viewpoint Diversity Business Index is the first comprehensive measure of corporate respect for free speech and religious liberty in their services, … Continued

NYC Mayor: ‘No More Room’ for Illegal Immigrants

As the border crisis continues, New York City is feeling overburdened. Let’s pray for a swift, supernatural end to this crisis! From Breitbart. New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) says there is simply ā€œno more roomā€ for border crossers and illegal aliens in the sanctuary city after tens of thousands have arrived since the … Continued

The Controversy over Online Privacy

In the age of the internet, our online privacy is crucial. Let’s pray for God’s protection and that there would be accountability. From The Federalist. On Jan. 4,Ā the EU fined Meta (Facebook) $414 millionĀ for illegally forcing Facebook and Instagram users to consent to personalized ads based on data collection. Yet Facebook is still trying to … Continued

Harvard Class Teaches LGBTQ+ Infant Medical Care

Harvard Medical School is teaching students how to care for “gender and sexual minority ā€¦ infants. ā€¦ ” We must pray for the protection of our children. From Fox News. Students at Harvard Medical SchoolĀ can learn about how to provide healthcare to infants who are supposedly LGBTQIA+, according to a course catalog description. Connect with … Continued

How to Be a Courageous Christian

As a devout Christian, a dedicated mother, a political commentator, and a former Pray with America’s Leaders guest, Stacy Washington is an instrument of God raised up for such a time as this. Intercessor, be encouraged by this interview of hers with The Daily Signal! From The Daily Signal. Stacy Washington wants to tear down … Continued

Answered Prayer! Corruption Exposed

Hunter Biden’s exorbitant rent payments may have been something more sinister. Let’s pray for the truth in this matter. From TrendingPolitics. Earlier this week, we reported about how Hunter Biden made extremely high rent payments to his parents at their Wilmington, Delaware home. ā€¦ Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   The monthly … Continued

Congress Considers ‘Whites-Only’ Crime?!

If it becomes law, this bill could have disastrous implications on free speech. The bill is about “white supremacy,” which is racist and wrong. But the definitions may allow prosecution of whites for disagreeing with CRT or open borders. Let’s pray about this. From Headline USA. Rep.Ā Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, recently introduced a bill,Ā H.R. 61, … Continued

God Is Moving in Ukraine

We reached out to Pastor Maxim Belousov, of Intercessors for Ukraine, a few days ago to ask if the revival that broke out at the beginning of the war has continued. He replied with a very encouraging and insightful voice message! Have you taken your place on the wall?   Here is a synopsis of … Continued

No Back Pay for Troops Who Refused the Vaccine

Despite rescinding the military vaccine mandate, the Pentagon is refusing to give the people it discharged back pay. Let’s pray for those who were discharged unfairly. From U.S. News. The Pentagon on Tuesday shut down speculation itā€™s considering back pay for service members it discharged for refusing to get a COVID-19 vaccine, distancing itself from … Continued

Florida Proposes Ban on Mandates and Masks

This will set a major precedent for the nation. From CNN. Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday announced a policy proposal banning many pandemic mitigation efforts involving mask mandates and vaccine requirements in the state. Who is praying on the wall? The proposal would permanently prohibit Covid-19 vaccine passports in Florida, prohibit Florida schools … Continued

Prayer-Walking Miracles

An intercessor submitted this wonderful article detailing specific miraculous answers to prayer from prayer walks. We hope you are inspired. Our family lived in a very liberal, New Agey university town in Arcata, Calif. My husband, Clay, was pastor of a local church near the campus for 15 years. Christianity was not a favored religion … Continued


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