Poll: Most Americans Value Prayer

Despite the skepticism or even outright hostility with which many respond to the very idea of prayer, it seems that the majority of people still appreciate prayer, especially as a response to tragedy. From The Christian Post. A new poll reveals that the overwhelming majority of Americans see public calls for prayer in a time … Continued

Super Bowl QB Gives God Glory

From Breitbart. Kansas City Chiefs star Patrick Mahomes pointed in one direction, thanking God for the teamā€™s win against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday. Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   After the 23-20 win, the Chiefs will head to the Super Bowl to face the Philadelphia Eagles next month, but Mahomes said … Continued

The Satanic Temple Opens Ritualistic Abortion Clinic

From LifeNews.com. The Satanic Temple isnā€™t just promoting the killing of unborn babies in abortions anymore. Itā€™s actually killing them through a new ā€œreligiousā€ abortion practice in New Mexico. Get prayer updates from IFA.   On Wednesday, the satanic group launched a new ā€œreligious medical services arm,ā€ TST Health, to begin doing abortions. The Satanic … Continued

Pastor Pawlowski Faces Final Trial

After a long legal battle, Pastor Pawlowski is approaching his final trial. Let’s remember to keep him in prayer. From Charisma News. Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski, who has faced three years ofĀ repeated fines, arrests and imprisonmentsĀ for keeping his church open during the COVID pandemic in 2020, is preparing for what he says is his “final … Continued

Double Standards: Trump and Biden

This double standard is sad but not unexpected. Let’s pray for universal truth and justice. From Washington Examiner. The National Archives has stayed largely quiet when it comes to Biden’s classified document saga ā€”Ā a stark contrast to how it handled Trump’s scandal. It set up anĀ entire section on its website, ā€œPress Statements in Response to … Continued

Native Americans Are Experiencing Fiery Revival

Native Americans are experiencing revival! Praise God! From CBN News. In some respects, the plight of Native Americans hasn’t changed. They face troubling circumstances with issues ranging from substance abuse to a massive COVID-19 impact, to an alarming number of missing and murdered women. Get prayer updates from IFA.   “There’s a lot of broken … Continued

Did Hunter Biden Admit the Laptop Is His?

Perhaps this will convince the mainstream media to take Hunter’s laptop more seriously. From Fox News. Hunter Biden’s lawyersĀ called on federal and state prosecutors across the country to open criminal investigations into his critics on Wednesday, but denied that doing so suggested reports about the laptop’s contents are accurate. Let the IFA community know how … Continued

Google Exec Fired for Not Being ‘Inclusive’

These allegations about Google are disconcerting. Let’s pray for truth and justice here. From The Daily Wire. A former high-rankingĀ GoogleĀ executive, who was allegedly sexually harassed by his boss, was later fired by the tech giant forĀ failing to be ā€œinclusiveā€ simply because he favored high-performing employees, according to a lawsuit filed in New York federal court. … Continued

SatanCon 2023: Coming in April

As The Satanic Temple prepares for SatanCon 2023, we have to be praying. From Fox News. AĀ group of Christians is pushing back against SatanCon 2023, an event scheduled to take place in downtown Boston that is being touted by The Satanic Temple as the “largest satanic gathering in history.” ā€¦ Find out when your state … Continued

Reversal! Border Patrol to Testify Next Week

This is huge answered prayer! As these Border Patrol chiefs prepare to testify, let’s pray that the truth comes out! From The Daily Wire. TheĀ Biden administrationĀ has reportedly caved to the new Republican-controlled Congress and will allow top Border Patrol chiefs to testify in a hearing next week. Post a prayer for your state!   The … Continued

Praise! Chinese Police Station in NY Closes

The closing of this police station is a big answered prayer! Let’s continue to pray against CCP influence in our nation. From Daily Caller News Foundation. The overseas Chinese Communist Party (CCP) police station located in New York City has closed, a State Department spokesperson told National Review Monday. Pray for your fellow intercessor.   … Continued


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