Christians Make up Almost 50% of Migrants

Out of all religious groups, Christians are migrating the most. As millions of migrants pour into America, how will this affect our nation? From MinistryWatch. The worldā€™s 280 million immigrants have greater shares of Christians, Muslims and Jews than the general population, according to aĀ new Pew Research Center studyĀ released Monday (Aug. 19). This content is … Continued

Not Even Christians Know the Bible

Is biblical literacy waning among churchgoers? New reports indicate that some Christians are oblivious to basic scriptural knowledge, specifically the Old Testament. LifeWay Research surveyed about 1,000 Protestant Christians about Bible stories. The results are telling. When asked, ā€œOf all the stories found in the Old Testament of the Bible, which one is your favorite?” … Continued

What is the Holy Spirit Speaking to You?

The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional seriesĀ Fasting and the Heart of God. ā€œā€¦ Then your light shall break your forthā€¦Then you shall callā€¦ [God] will say, ā€˜Here I amā€™ ā€¦ The Lord will guide youā€¦satisfy your soulā€¦a watered gardenā€¦a spring of waterā€¦If you turn away your foot from [abusing] the Sabbathā€¦Then you … Continued

6 Lies and 1 Truth at the DNC Convention

Over four nights this past week, Democrat leaders, politicians, and the partyā€™s superstars spoke about their vision for Americaā€™s future. Sadly, many lies were told about the state of the economy, the border, crime, and more. It was a challenge to pick only six. Lie #1 Exposed: Trump did NOT call Neo-Nazis ‘fine people.’Ā  The … Continued

Ronald Reagan and the Divine Plan

Correction.Ā  The Reagan movie opens August 30 in theaters nationwide. Prayer was fundamental to his life and his presidency. Read the untold story here. When there is no prophetic vision, the people cast off restraint ā€¦Ā (Proverbs 29:18 NET). Bible scholars often speak of the ā€œlaw of first mention,ā€ by which they refer to finding where … Continued

Win for Voter Integrity Law

The SCOTUS ruled that Arizona can require proof of citizenship for voter registration, but it can’t require proof of citizenship to vote. From Breitbart. Arizona can continue requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote while legal challenges continue in court, but once registered, people can still vote in presidential elections or vote by mail … Continued

Who Are God’s Chosen People?

Here at IFA, we talk a lot about Israel. We do this not only because Israel is a close ally with the USA, but also (and more importantly) because the nation of Israel is important to God. God made a covenant with Abraham thousands of years ago, and Scripture proves throughout its pages that the … Continued

Repentance: More Than a Feeling

If you pick up a modern French dictionary ā€” one sanctioned by the Institut de France ā€” the government academy that arbitrates matters concerning the national language ā€” you will find the word repentance defined almost exclusively as a ā€œpainful regretā€ for oneā€™s faults. For this reason, many French Bible translations will use more words … Continued

RFK Bows Out, Endorses Trump

Are you following the twists and turns of the 2024 presidential election? There is plenty of opportunity for intercession. Many were not surprised that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. endorsed President Trump. Although RFK is a member of America’s most honored and celebrated Democratic political families, his positions on Covid, vaccines, involvement in foreign wars, and … Continued

Shoot Straight – “Should Christians Steer Clear of Politics?”

One word on the cover of NEWSMAX magazine describes America today as an Associated Press poll says ā€œ82% are pessimistic about politics.ā€ This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   Christians offer an array of solutions. The Top 10 List puts: The Pulpit. Voting. Revival. Gospel. Prayer. Church. Awakening. Scripture. Repentance. 2nd Coming. … Continued

Another State Adds Abortion to the Ballot in November

Montana citizens will vote on whether to mandate the availability of taxpayer-funded abortion through birth.Ā  From The Federalist. Montanaā€™s Republican Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen certifiedĀ a ballot measureĀ on Tuesday night that will ask voters on Nov. 5 to amend their state constitution to ā€œexpressly provide a right to make and carry out decisions about oneā€™s … Continued


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