End-Times Deception on the Rise

A recent headline caught my eye: “Christians Find Out Jesus Was Woke and Are Now in Crisis.” The article asserts that the Church is in trouble, citing pastors and evangelicals who refer to the principles of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount as “liberal talking points.” Such people believe that what Jesus taught about turning the … Continued

Praying for China Without Fear

Recently, news stories about China have surfaced that should compel us to step up our prayers. News outlets report that the Chinese are conducting military drills near Taiwan. Taiwan’s government says it believes China could be ready to conduct a full-scale invasion by 2025. Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   Meanwhile, the … Continued

What Is Going on in China?

Chinese President Xi Jinping is shaking up his country, clamping down and focusing inward. How will this affect China on the global stage? From Reuters. The disappearance of China’s defence minister, the latest in a string of upheavals in the country’s top ranks, is stoking uncertainty about President Xi Jinping’s rule as an internal security … Continued

The End of the ‘Post-Cold War Order’

As the UN falters, many countries are looking to other international bodies. Will China use this to overthrow America’s global influence? From Bloomberg. A brutal, grinding war in Ukraine. Governments overthrown in Niger and Gabon. Lingering hostility over the Covid-19 pandemic … This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   With dozens of … Continued

McCarthy Calls for Classified Border Briefing

With fentanyl, trafficking, and now ISIS-affiliated smugglers, our border is in horrible shape. Could an all-members briefing lead to change? From Breitbart. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has requested an all-members classified briefing for “all 435” members of the U.S. House of Representatives on national security threats at the United States border with Mexico after reports … Continued

FBI Politicized Background Investigations

More evidence of the FBI’s apparent bias against conservatives, republicans, and former president Donald Trump. From The Federalist. A recent report published by America First Legal (AFL) details how the FBI weaponized the federal background investigation process to deny Republican presidents — specifically Donald Trump — the ability to make political appointments in an “institution-wide” violation of … Continued

DACA May Head Back to SCOTUS

DACA has been embroiled in controversy for years, and this ruling, well helpful, doesn’t solve the issue. Will the SCOTUS have to step in? From AP News. While a federal judge on Wednesday declared illegal a revised version of a federal policy that prevents the deportation of hundreds of thousands of immigrants brought to the U.S. as … Continued

Is the U.S. Selling Off the Border Wall?

Reports indicate the Biden Admin may be selling materials intended for use in the border wall. From The Epoch Times. Republicans on the House Oversight Committee are investigating reports that the Biden Administration is selling off materials procured to build President Donald Trump’s signature border wall. Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   … Continued

Pro-Biblical Marriage Clerk Fined $100K

Years after denying a marriage license for a gay couple, Kim Davis has been ordered by a judge to pay $100,000 to the same gay couple. From Daily Mail. A US federal jury has awarded $100,000 in damages to one of the gay couples who sued a former Kentucky clerk for refusing to grant them a marriage license. … Continued

The ‘New Segregation’? Teachers Union Smears Parental Rights

Some are now likening today’s parental rights movement to last century’s push for racial segregation — citing the smears of the questionable SPLC as evidence. From The Daily Signal. A top teachers union boss cited a far-left smear factory in demonizing the parental rights movement by comparing it to the “Uptown Klans” that opposed the end of … Continued

Biden’s Attack on ICE

As the government scrambles to avoid a shutdown, Biden is trying to sneak controversial proposals through amidst the chaos. Analysis from Fox News. President Biden says he wants simple, status-quo legislation to prevent a government shutdown, but hidden in the fine print of his actual funding request is one of the most radical, anti-policing, pro-criminal proposals of his Presidency. This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   … Continued


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