A Prayer for the Presidential Debates

“Election season.” The phrase brings a glimmer of hope — though to many, it can bring dread, as well. But friends, we don’t have to fear that our hopes will be cast down. Our hope is in God, and He is never cast down! Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.   … Continued

How a Government Shutdown Could Affect You

A government shutdown looms, threatening the incomes of 4.5 million Americans. How would a shutdown affect you? From The Wall Street Journal. Congress is running short on time to pass new spending legislation. If Republicans and Democrats don’t reach a deal before Oct. 1, much of the federal government will have to shut down. Get involved … Continued

Vital Diplomacy in the Pacific

President Biden will host an important summit this week, seeking to shore up U.S. diplomacy and strategy among the Pacific islands, to counteract China’s “economic coercion” there. Were you aware of these crucial efforts? How should we pray? From Reuters. President Joe Biden will host a second summit with Pacific island leaders this week, part … Continued

Who Is George Soros?

George Soros has been funding leftist policies for years, contributing to America’s decay. Who is he? Why is he doing this? From The Daily Wire. Many people have warned me that talking about George Soros is dangerous. Others have told me that it is brave. If you comment on him on X, formerly Twitter, a … Continued

Where Are the Illegal Immigrants Going?

Massive crowds of illegal immigrants are surging across our border every month. Where is the government settling them? From Breitbart. Republican governors are calling on President Joe Biden to “provide honest, accurate, detailed information” on where his administration is resettling tens of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens released into the United States every … Continued

Have You Signed the Declaration of Independence?

On Constitution Day, we at IFA share this wonderful initiative with you. Six months ago, we started an initiative to challenge the citizens of this country to read the Declaration of Independence, to learn of the risks taken and sacrifices made by the Signers, and then to sign the online version at www.sign1776.com. The inspiration … Continued

Senate Relaxes Dress Code for Fetterman

Following a relaxation of the dress code, Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania presided over the Senate in casual attire. How does this reflect on our nation? From The Daily Wire. Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) presided over the Senate on Wednesday wearing a short-sleeve shirt, no tie, and shorts days following the controversial decision to stop enforcement of … Continued

The DHS Lost Thousands of Illegal Immigrants

Why has our government lost track of thousands of illegal immigrants, and how can we keep these mistakes from happening again? From Daily Caller. Republican Texas Rep. Lance Gooden is demanding Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas provide information over his agency losing the ability to track thousands of illegal immigrants released into … Continued

Free Speech – a ‘Weapon of War’?

Many call free speech the most important right in America. But some are now attacking free speech — including this woman who calls it a “weapon of war.” From Jonathan Turley. Jacinda Ardern may no longer be Prime Minister of New Zealand, but she was back at the United Nations continuing her call for international censorship. … Continued

Republicans Seek to Repeal FACE Act

The FACE Act has been used in recent years to charge and silence countless pro-lifers. Is it time for that law to go? From The Christian Post. Republican U.S. Rep. Chip Roy of Texas has introduced legislation to repeal a federal law that has been used to prosecute abortion clinic protesters and those accused of … Continued

The Worshipping Church

The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional series “Back to the Basics,” written by IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles. “Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on … Continued

Understanding the End Times – for Non-Dummies

The famous For Dummies series is a global publishing phenomenon that was introduced over 30 years ago, leading to sales of over 250 million copies of the series books. The popular concept helps people learn about important subjects in a lighthearted and easy-to-understand manner. In that same spirit, let’s examine three critical areas of our … Continued


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