Communism and Cursing Are Connected

The commies are coming, and they’re targeting — among many other things — our language.  The prophet Isaiah prayed this when he saw God in a vision: … “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips! … Continued

Will January 6 Reach SCOTUS?

Will the Supreme Court finally take the chance to settle the January 6 issues once and for all? If so, what verdict will they deliver? From The Epoch Times. The evidence-tampering statute being used by the U.S. Department of Justice to prosecute hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants is unconstitutionally broad, interferes with First Amendment free … Continued

Victory in Vax Mandate Battle!

After two grueling years of legal battles, Liberty Counsel has secured a win for our service members.  From CBN. The Department of Defense (DOD) has signed a $1.8 million settlement with Liberty Counsel to pay for attorney’s fees and costs after the Christian religious rights law firm litigated for two years against the Biden administration’s order … Continued

Prayer-Walking Miracle in October

(This article is the historical account of a miraculous prayer walk that preceded one of the greatest spiritual and geopolitical victories of the past century. Be encouraged that our God who did that then can do it again now.) “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” That iconic line, delivered on June 12, 1987, by the … Continued

Columbus: True Story of a Flawed Christ Follower

The first Monday in October is a good time to remember or learn that Christopher Columbus believed that God inspired, directed, and guided him to America. In the book, Inspired People, IFA President/CEO Dave Kubal wrote about how God has divinely intervened in American history, through the lives of remarkable people. Let’s not lose this … Continued

Iranian Spy Ring in D.C.

Spies in the heart of our federal government have been working against American interests, seeking to benefit Iran instead. From Tablet. The Biden administration’s now-suspended Iran envoy Robert Malley helped to fund, support, and direct an Iranian intelligence operation designed to influence the United States and allied governments, according to a trove of purloined Iranian … Continued

City Offers Abortion ‘On Demand’

In a post-Roe nation, as many states are banning abortion, others are choosing to champion the killing of the unborn. From The Christian Post. New York City’s health system has become the first in the nation to offer residents “on-demand” access to abortion through a telehealth initiative that delivers abortion pills to women’s doors following … Continued

Tucker Tackles the Leftist Revolution

In this excellent video, Tucker Carlson sits down with Victor Davis Hanson, who brings clarity based on a historical perspective and a realistic view of where America is right now. Do you want state prayer alerts?   “This leftist revolutionary spirit,” Hanson says, “is like rust after a rain, or it’s mushrooms on your lawn … Continued

Lessons From ‘Letter to the American Church’

IFA celebrates 50 years with a conference and gala this week. Eric Metaxas is a keynote speaker, so we bring you this article again.  Eric Metaxas’ most recent book, Letter to the American Church, gives hope for a true revival in America that transforms the culture and brings the nation’s people to a knowledge of … Continued

Feed Your Soul With Prayer

The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional Fellowship with the Father, written by IFA contributing writer Remco Brommet. The constant chorus of voices calling upon the people of God to pray like never before can wear you out. The barrage of crises, unrest, sociopolitical trends and challenges for the Church that we are … Continued

State Supreme Court to Hear Christian Baker

Jack Phillips is no stranger to persecution. Now activists are coming after him again, this time over his stance on transgenderism. From CBN. Colorado’s highest state court said Tuesday it will hear the case of a Christian baker who declined to make a cake celebrating a gender transition. Post a prayer for your state!   … Continued

Pray for Artsakh!

Artsakh, the picturesque Christian Armenian republic within Muslim Azerbaijan, has been vacated as residents fled after a sudden assault September 19–20 by Azerbaijan’s military. Over 100,000 of about 120,000 inhabitants have escaped what has been called an “ethnic cleansing.” With the area “almost completely depopulated,” the United Nations finally sent a mission there on Oct. … Continued


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