Why this Weekend’s Solar Eclipse Gives Hope

On your mark, get set, go! It’s time for the October 14, 2023 annular solar eclipse that will make its way across North, Central and South America, touching down in at least 10 countries. Every person living in the United States will be able to view a partial eclipse (except those in Northwest Alaska) while … Continued

Recognizing Evil in Our Time

The horrific events currently occurring in Israel are a clear example of the reality of evil in the world. The Bible tells us that it is Satan who comes to steal, kill and destroy. Wherever you see theft, murder and destruction you can know what spirit is controlling the hearts and minds of those who … Continued

The Gift God Has Given the People of China

The volley of troubling stories about China can easily fool us into thinking that they are an evil people and that nothing good can come from there, with the exception of the underground Church. While the aggressively expansionist and totalitarian policies of the Chinese Communist Party under Xi Jinping are troubling, considering all Chinese as … Continued

Praise! Home-Schoolers Get a Stay on Deportation

We covered the impending deportation of the Romeike family two weeks ago. Now the Lord has granted them a stay of removal. Praise God! From The Christian Post. A German homeschooling Christian family facing deportation after living in the United States for 15 years has been given a one-year stay of removal, according to the … Continued

Israel War Puts Our Oil Supply at Risk

Biden’s decision to drain our emergency oil supply was bad enough, but now the war in Israel is making the situation even worse. From Fox News. President Biden’s decision to drain the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to its lowest level in decades is back in the spotlight amid the war between Israel and Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, … Continued

Kennedy Announces Independent Run

Citing corruption in the DNC, RFK Jr. has pivoted to an independent run for the presidency. How will this affect 2024? From The Epoch Times. Citing his belief in a path to victory and moved by his claim that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is “rigging” the party’s primary elections, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced … Continued

Anti-Israel Sentiment Festers in America

As Israel suffers in the wake of brutal terrorist attacks, many Americans are voicing support for the attackers — even some of our elected officials. From Breitbart. On Sunday, the Democratic Socialists of America came out to support Palestinian terror against Israelis, which killed hundreds of people this weekend. They were met by a pro-Israel counter-demonstrators … Continued

Court Shuts Down Censorship ‘Linchpin’

After a previous court decision failed to stop the true linchpin of government censorship, a new decision has corrected the error. From The Federalist. In a bombshell ruling, the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has shut down the “nerve center” of federal government-led speech policing, correcting a critical error in its prior jurisprudence and striking a … Continued

Supernatural Divide in D.C.

The battle we are watching in Washington, D.C., is a visual representation of what is happening in the supernatural. At this moment, there are forces attempting to retain control, and forces attempting to gain control. Let me describe what’s happening in the natural. The nation was given an opportunity with this session of Congress to … Continued

What America Can Learn from the War in Israel

Why was nobody able to see Hamas’ attack coming? Could it be that Israel’s intelligence agencies were distracted by domestic affairs? From New York Post. Some people are calling it “Israel’s 9/11.” This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   That makes sense, in that Hamas’ massacre was a totally unexpected massive terrorist … Continued

Blind Watchmen, Mute Dogs, and Prophets

How was Hamas able to surprise Israel? Are cunning tactics to blame, or is there a deeper spiritual reason? From David’s Tent. The surprise invasion by Islamist jihadi group Hamas has so far resulted in over 700 Israelis murdered, over 2,000 wounded, and an unknown number of Israeli citizens kidnapped to the terror enclave of … Continued

When the Wicked ‘Win’

“It’s not fair!” Every parent (God the Father especially) is familiar with that passionate little refrain. Pray for your fellow intercessor.    The desire for “fairness” springs up from every human heart. The expression of that desire is uttered by any child who sees his sister or brother “get away” with misbehavior, while sitting in … Continued


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