4 Fundamentals on Israel [for Non-Dummies] 

While it’s true almost 70% of Americans side with Israel at this moment, the savages who invaded Israel are master manipulators who’ll soon post images of a dead Palestinian child to engender sympathy, portray the Muslims as “victims” and turn the tide of support against what Progressives call “Fascist Israel.” Currently, engaging with people on … Continued

U.S. Troops Headed to the Middle East

As Iran-backed groups across the Middle East are attacking American bases, the Pentagon is sending troops to respond. From The Epoch Times. Nine hundred service members are or will be deploying to the Middle East as the United States seeks to respond to attacks on its forces and to prevent the Israel-Hamas War from spiraling … Continued

Judge Blocks Abortion Pill Reversal Ban

Why was a law like this ever passed? Thank God for Judge Daniel D. Domenico for stopping this evil bill from taking effect! From The Christian Post. A federal judge has blocked Colorado from enforcing what is said to be the first law of its kind in the United States banning abortion pill reversal, which … Continued

House Passes Resolution to Support Israel

Now that the House has a speaker again, they passed a resolution to support Israel with strong bipartisan support. Praise God! From The Daily Wire. The GOP-led House got back to business under the new reign of Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) on Wednesday by overwhelmingly approving a resolution in support of Israel in its war on Hamas … Visit your state page … Continued

Will SCOTUS Tackle Trans Surgeries?

Transgender surgeries have become one of the most contentious issues in politics. Will the Supreme Court step in to settle the debate? From Daily Caller. As multiple federal courts have issued various rulings on the legality of child sex bans, legal experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the Supreme Court is likely to … Continued

Israel Demands Resignation of UN Chief

The UN’s Secretary-General has said that Hamas’ attack “did not happen in a vacuum.” What do you think of his words? From The Times of Israel. Israeli officials railed at UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Tuesday after he appeared to suggest the impetus for the Hamas terror group’s devastating October 7 attack on Israel was the … Continued

The Miracle of Our New Speaker

After several failed Republican candidates for speaker, a godly man received 220 votes. Thank You God for this miracle! From The Stream. After 22 days of the American public wondering if the House Republicans would ever come together, they finally became unified around a humble Christian man. This content is supported by your donations. Give … Continued

White House: Iran Is Attacking U.S. Bases

Iran is facilitating attacks on U.S. bases? This only further complicates the war in the Middle East. Will the U.S. be forced to engage Iran? Our leaders need wisdom from God. From Breitbart. White House communications official John Kirby said on Monday that Iran is “actively facilitating” rocket and drone attacks by Shiite militias against … Continued

God Gives His People Prayer Strategies

On Pray With America’s Leaders, Kris Kubal spoke with IFA state prayer leaders Mark Johnson, of South Carolina, and Bill West, of Pennsylvania. They had a powerful time of prayer. Did you view the webcast? If not, read on, and you’ll see remarkable ways the Lord is giving similar promptings and warnings to intercessors everywhere. … Continued

A Reprehensible Statement from Palestinian Christians

As Christians, we should mourn the suffering of the Palestinian people. We should not, however, mourn at the expense of Israel. From The Christian Post. Before Israel launched its attack on Hamas terrorists in response to their barbaric, murderous acts, I put out a call to pray for the people of Gaza, knowing that many … Continued

A Faith Greater Than Rahab’s

The apocalypse. The tribulation. The end times. Prophecies, commentaries, teachings, and debates about the biblical aspects and natural outcomes of these abound. Unfortunately, the divisions in Christ’s Body have only produced nearly as many denominations as there are opinions about all this. So how are we to consider what is evident all around us and … Continued

Mike Johnson Becomes Speaker of the House of Representatives

After weeks of division and arduous voting, House Republicans have finally installed a new speaker. What do you think of Rep. Johnson? From The Daily Signal. The United States House of Representatives has voted in Congressman Mike Johnson of Louisiana as speaker. Pray for your fellow intercessor.   “It is the honor of a lifetime … Continued


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