How One Meeting Changed American Culture

… because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they … Continued

Prayer for Churches to Embrace Intercession

Dear intercessor, is your heart hurting because you don’t fit in at your local church? If so, you are not alone. Get involved in State Level Prayer with IFA.   So many intercessors have told me over the years how they have yearned to find fellowship within the Body of Christ but have been unable … Continued

Is the American Church Prepared for Persecution?

Analysis. Whether American Christians are ready to face persecution is an increasingly relevant question today. Cole Richards, president of Voice of the Martyrs, a ministry dedicated to the support of persecuted believers around the world, recently talked about this issue in a radio broadcast. Who is praying on the wall?   “As we commit daily … Continued

Prophecy: Preparing Hearts for Harvest

The Lord is calling His intercessors to help prepare the hearts of Americans for revival and harvest. Most intercessors have been pleading for revival among God’s people and a harvest among those who will come to Christ in the ensuing spiritual climate. … As Jesus said to His disciples: “The harvest is plentiful but the … Continued

Don’t Stop Praying

With riots going on across our nation once again as well as a new COVID variant, it seems we are in a battle that never ends. People are weary and frustrated. This is a breeding ground for hopelessness. Some are beginning to question their faith and their prayers. Many are asking: “Why even pray? It’s … Continued

Are You Coming to IFA’s 50th Celebration?

We received this letter from an intercessor who has been with us from the start and is very excited to celebrate IFA’s 50th anniversary. What is your IFA story? Please share in the comments. This precious intercessor writes: I am excited about the 50th anniversary of IFA. Just a message to tell you why. Who … Continued

Why We Must Pray About the Ohio Abortion Law

Intercessor, this article features testimonies from post-abortive women and is not for the faint of heart. To prevent more women from being hurt as these below have been, and to prevent a massacre of the unborn, we MUST pray against Issue 1. From Live Action. With the overturn of Roe, the legislative fight is now waged … Continued

Israeli Leaders Urged to Call People to Pray

From All Israel News. JERUSALEM, ISRAEL — Yesterday, ALL ISRAEL NEWS published my column, “It’s time for Israeli leaders to call for a ‘National Day of Prayer’ based on 2 Chronicles 7:14.” Today, a range of Israeli Orthodox Jewish leaders told me they agree. While they believe that individual — and even synagogue prayers — … Continued

White House Launches Focus on Islamophobia

As Jews across America experience waves of hate, the White House is focusing on Islamophobia. Why is the administration doing this? What is the goal? From The Daily Wire. This month has seen the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust. Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   It has also seen the … Continued

Intercessor, Are You Overextending Yourself?

Intercessor, I have a question for you today: Are you overextending yourself? You know what I mean: Work all day, pick up the kids, soccer practice, prayer meeting on Monday night, healing rooms on Tuesday night, choir rehearsal on Wednesday night, second job Thursday night, collapse on Friday night, desperately try to do laundry on … Continued

Encouragement for Intercessors — From Jesus!

The end of the year can be an emotional time for many. What is supposed to be a joyous time of celebration and gathering together can sometimes bring feelings of grief and seasonal depression. We mourn the loss of loved ones who have passed. Some will mourn broken relationships with family members who have stopped … Continued

God at Work in the Speaker Race

God is and has been at work in the battle for choosing a speaker of the House. Don’t miss this testimony from IFA board member Cynthia Dunbar. The Enemy is a defeated foe. He holds no cards. The only way he can hold any sway is to deceive. This has always been his strategy. Even … Continued


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