Jews Blocked from Pro-Israel Rally

Jewish people were forcibly stranded and left unable to attend the rally in Washington. From New York Post. Hundreds of Jewish people headed to Tuesday’s pro-Israel rally in DC were left stranded when bus drivers staged “a deliberate and malicious walk-off,’’ a major Jewish organization said. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   The “anti-protest” … Continued

Social Media Is Teaching Youth to Hate Israel

Why have so many young people come out against Israel? Social media is influencing this trend. From New York Post. Young people tearing down posters of Israeli hostages and launching waves of anti-Israel demonstrations say they’re being fueled by thousands of pro-Palestinian videos, mainly on TikTok and Instagram. Do you want state prayer alerts?   … Continued

Do You Long for Community?

Intercessor, do you long for a community? Would you like to be able to discuss the news, current events, and spiritual battles with like-minded believers? Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   IFA has launched a forum for intercessors to discuss all these topics and more. The Community is the new IFA discussion … Continued

Peace — Only After War

It has been said, “Some peace only comes after war.” This statement came to mind as I listened to a riveting story from a marine who had been given an assignment from his command during a time of war. His instruction was to visit front-line soldiers. The number of casualties was growing daily; his commander … Continued

Anti-Semitic Graffiti Found in Cemetery

The Bible is clear: Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, And whoever curses Israel will be cursed (Numbers 24:9). We received information about a disturbing anti-Semitic incident from one of our writers. According to Jewish Breaking News, anti-Semites recently struck in Ohio, painting swastikas on Jewish graves. You can see this despicable graffiti below: As … Continued

House Passes Stopgap

This bill does not cut any meaningful spending, but it doesn’t increase anything either. Intercessor, what do you think? From National Review. As Friday’s shutdown deadline looms over Congress, the House overwhelmingly passed a two-step temporary-funding bill on Tuesday that can partially fund the federal government through the beginning months of 2024. This content is … Continued

Will Merrick Garland’s Justice Department Adequately Protect Jews?

Jews around the world are facing increasing amounts of hate. Will our leaders do what’s needed to protect God’s people? From The Daily Signal. Kristen Clarke, who leads the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department, is responsible for prosecuting hate crimes and making sure that school officials don’t discriminate because of ethnicity or religion. … Continued

Intercessor, You Are Hidden, Yet Indispensable

There is something from my life that I would like to share with you. Most of my ministry has been dedicated to mobilizing prayer for revival and spiritual awakening. During the late 1980s and the 1990s, while powerful prayer movements were sweeping through the U.S., prayer mobilization was a very public ministry. At the height … Continued

Democrats Are Divided Over Israel

As Israel wars against Hamas, many on America’s political left are arguing over how our nation should respond. From CBN. The House of Representatives passed a measure on aid for Israel Thursday night. The vote came amid a growing split among Democratic politicians, and voters, over support for Israel. Get involved in state level prayer … Continued

Speaker Johnson and the ‘Separation of Church and State’

Our new speaker has some controversial views about God and government. Is “separation of church and state” really in the first amendment? From The Christian Post. Since Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) unexpected election to lead the House of Representatives, progressives have busied themselves levying an array of brutal and sometimes slanderous attacks against Johnson. One … Continued

Eric Metaxas: Bolstering the Saints

We are in an epochal crisis in America and around the world.  Prayer has never mattered more than it does right now. ~ Eric Metaxas In advance of Intercessors for America’s 50th Anniversary Celebration and Gala, we had the pleasure to sit down with one of our keynote speakers, bestselling author and syndicated radio host, … Continued

Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright: The Power of Prayer and the Word

This interview with IFA 50th Anniversary event speaker Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright touches on all the essentials of intercession. This woman has lived a life of intercession and is gifted in her ability to communicate about it. IFA: What kind of encouragement can you offer to the faithful and engaged intercessors who, like the men of … Continued


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