A Vehicle ‘Kill Switch’?

In a bid to stop drunk driving, the federal government is planning to force manufacturers to install a “kill switch” in cars. From American Institute for Economic Research. In November 2021, former US Representative from Georgia Bob Barr wrote a little-noticed political column claiming that buried inside President Joe Biden’s $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure legislation … Continued

A Gift for You on Giving Tuesday

Today is Giving Tuesday and we want to give you a gift! IFA endeavors to be a generous organization and to cultivate a culture of generosity. So, this Giving Tuesday, we are giving you a gift. We just published a brand-new book, Inspired Stories. This volume contains 28 answered prayer stories from the last 50 … Continued

The Rescue of Israel’s Bread Basket

IFA is joining a coalition of groups working to support and restore Ein Habesor, known as Israel’s breadbasket. From CBN. A coalition of faith-based organizations has announced it is adopting an Israeli community as its sister city in a bid to rescue and restore “Israel’s breadbasket” — a vital agricultural region between Gaza and the … Continued

Urgent! Congress to Vote on Defunding the WHO

The WHO poses a major threat to our sovereignty, acting out the will of hostile nations like China and bringing us one step closer to globalist control. Is this really the kind of organization our taxpayer funds should be going to? From Liberty Counsel Action. A vote is scheduled this week on language that would … Continued

Global Climate Conference This Week

One year ago, at Mount Sinai in Egypt, a strange mixture of world leaders participated in a climate conference called COP27 (UN Climate Change Conference). There, activists claiming to act for God “broke” the Ten Commandments as a symbol of protest and a sign of their disappointment with inaction on addressing climate change. “God, I … Continued

Shoplifting Costs State Retailers Billions

Shoplifting in on the rise across the nation. Last year, retailers in New York alone lost over $4 billion to retail theft. What’s being done, and what can be done? From New York Post. Retailers across New York state say there’s no end in sight to the rising epidemic of organized shoplifting rings — and warn it could lead … Continued

Praying for Unity, Contending for Truth

Can there truly be godly unity without absolute truth? If your answer is no, that raises the following questions: Why have we settled? And what can believers, specifically, the Bride of Christ, do to ready ourselves for the return of Yeshua? Have you taken your place on the wall?   Scriptural and experiential evidence suggests … Continued

Army Sends Letter to Soldiers Over COVID Mandates

The Army is offering to correct the military records and rehire those who were discharged or left over the COVID vaccine mandates. Intercessor, what do you think of this effort to seemingly make ammends? From The Daily Wire. The Army sent letters earlier this month to nearly 2,000 former service members fired under the Biden administration’s COVID vaccine … Continued

The Danger of ‘Abortion Trafficking’

As states differ on abortion access, abortion trafficking has become a terrible issue in our nation. Intervene, God! From The Christian Post. After an Idaho mother and her adult son were charged with kidnapping for taking his 15-year-old girlfriend out of the state against her will to obtain an abortion, a pro-life advocacy group is … Continued

Slow Down

The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional Fellowship With the Father, written by IFA contributing writer Remco Brommet. The microscopic menace labeled COVID-19, which very much resembles the types of plague frequently mentioned in Bible prophecies as one of the sudden and unexpected “shakings” God brings to get mankind’s attention, caused just about the … Continued

Denomination Votes to Bless Same-Sex Couples

Through controversy and contrary calls, the Church of England has voted to begin blessing same-sex couples. From The Christian Post. The Church of England has decided to proceed with trial blessing services for same-sex couples. This decision, made during the General Synod, marks a significant shift in the denomination’s stance on same-sex relationships. Get prayer … Continued

Prayer-Walking Miracle

(This article is the historical account of a miraculous prayer walk that preceded one of the greatest spiritual and geopolitical victories of the past century. Be encouraged that our God who did that then can do it again now.) “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” That iconic line, delivered on June 12, 1987, by the … Continued


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