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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we release a wave of truth over the internet. We ask for the veil of censorship
Reading Time: 2 minutes

U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) shared a lengthy thread to his Twitter audience Thursday with what he titled “The Facebook Files, Part 1: Smoking-gun documents prove Facebook censored Americans because of Biden White House pressure.” [Read to the end: A judge has recently ruled BIG on this issue.]

There are some wins here! Find out more answers to prayer in this latest Special Report.

Jordan said the evidence was never-before-shared internal Meta documents that were subpoenaed by the Judiciary Committee. The Ohio congressman argues the documents prove Facebook and Instagram censored posts and also changed their content moderation policies, because they were being pressured by the White House.

The Ohio congressman said during the first half of 2021, social media companies faced extreme pressure from the White House, both publicly and privately to crack down on alleged “misinformation.”

“In April 2021, a Facebook employee circulated an email for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg, writing: ‘We are facing continued pressure from external stakeholders, including the {Biden} White House’ to remove posts,” Jordan wrote, attaching the document. . . .

“What did the Biden White House want removed?” Jordan asked. “A meme. That’s right, even memes weren’t spared from the Biden White House’s censorship efforts.” . . . [see below]


“This wasn’t the first time that the Biden White House was angry that Facebook didn’t censor more,” the Ohio Republican continued. ” According to these documents, the Biden White House demanded to know why Facebook had not censored a video from @TuckerCarlson. So, Facebook prepped its response.” . . .

“But it wasn’t just the White House,” Jordan explained. “Facebook also changed its policies in direct response to pressure from Biden’s Surgeon General, censoring members of the ‘disinformation dozen.'” . . .

U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty issued a 155-page preliminary injunction forbidding several officials of the Biden administration and federal agencies from communicating with social media companies over what people can say online.

Doughty said the Biden administration likely violated the First Amendment by censoring some viewpoints in online posts.

The Trump-appointed judge issued the decision in the lawsuit brought in 2022 by Republican attorneys general in Missouri and Louisiana, arguing the administration and social media companies had worked together to censor speech mainly during the pandemic involving vaccines, elections, criticizing the government, and other subjects.

From CBN News. Photo by Canva.

Pray for this brave judge, U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty, who issued this injunction. Pray for Rep. Jim Jordan, and Rep. Jim Comer who are leading investigations into this censorship collusion. Pray for JUSTICE on this issue. Release TRUTH on our communication platforms, and bind censorship on all social media and news. SHARE your prayer and insights from the Holy Spirit below…



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Victoria Z
August 4, 2023

Father, in the name of Jesus, corruption has been all around us, in every level of Government protecting Joe Biden, including the FBI, Justice System, news media, and social media. Father we are outraged, in the spirit as well as in our flesh as we see how much harm he has caused our nation on a security level with the border crisis, our nation and our families financially, our schools morally, and the havoc this administration has contributed to not only in the USA but the world as well not favoring Israel, and risking WWIII over supplying $ billions in weapons to Ukraine, as well as drug trafficking, and more human trafficking of Mexican and Ukrainian children. We are grieved that we were on an upswing in many areas spiritually, financially and globally under Donald Trump, and most of these things would not have happened under another Trump administration. Father we are looking to you expectantly and thankfully for revealing the levels of corruption Biden has been involved with, and we continue to implore you to finish the job…Bring forth the truth on the election corruption, and see these whistleblower revelations through with all the necessary proof, witnesses, and judges, juries and impeachment proceedings that will remove Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from office QUICKLY and permanently, and bring on the righteous justice and judgments Biden deserves for putting his global $ business above the welfare of America. Father we know all sin is sin, but as we compare the sins of Donald Trump with the a sins of Joe Biden it’s a no brainer…Donald Trump respected our nation and SERVED America and our best interests the way every president should. He honored you publicly, Israel, and your church and spiritual concerns such as abortion, rights of tge church, human trafficking, national security, and wanted to drain the DC swamp. Father we know sometimes in life a few steps backward come before moving forward, and we pray this is one of those times, that you will work the steps backward and the harm done to our nation for good and pmease identify the entire web of corruption in DC, the newsmedia, docial media, FBI, Justice system, etc. And uproot all of it.

FATHER FINISH THIS WORK, please. Put your judgments in every area of influence and clean house. Replace the do nothing compromised career politicians with good public servants who are zealous for America and our best interests, and restoring us to the great nation we used to be, we thank you and praise you, for hearing and answering our prayers In Jesus name.

Marsha Bashor
August 1, 2023

Dear Lord it makes one wonder why time is being spent on watching what is being posted on the social media websites, instead of time being spent on doing the right things for our country, by this administration that wants to take our freedoms away from us, and force us into totalitarian ways. This sounds like what China and North Korea would do. I ask you mighty and loving and faithful God to save our country and turn it to your ways. And remove the evil in our government, and protect the people like Jim Jordan, James Comer and Terry Daugherty who are fighting against the evil and wrongdoing of the Biden Administration. I also pray for a turning in the heart of Joe Biden, a Damascus Road moment for him to wake up to see you and to know you. I pray for his wife the same, and his son the same.

Leesa Hamilton
August 1, 2023

Psalm 89:14
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; Mercy and truth go before Your face.

Father thank you that nothing is hidden from Your sight and that when your people pray – you hear and answer! We pray for truth and for justice and righteousness to rule and reign in the United States again.

Expose every hidden evil work of satan through people who do his bidding and turn this nation around!

August 1, 2023

I appreciate this article!The whole world realizes that we have such a terrible president, so this gives me hope that with fervent prayer and brave honest people the swamp can be cleaned up. I remember our good God-fearing presidents. We need true repentance.

Joseph Blanton
August 1, 2023

Someone missed proof reading the posted prayer.

Gregorio Calvo
July 31, 2023

I am a resident of the U.S. Territory of Guam, out here in the Western Pacific, and as such, a United States Citizen by virtue of the Organic Act of Guam of 1950. I am also an avid life-time student of history. I have never in my life would think that this subject of continual violation of the civil rights of American citizens would be blatantly disregarded by the news and social media at the direction and perpetrated of the most unrighteous president of our Nation. May God have mercy on us.


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