I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would protect our rights. Keep the FBI and the federal government from obstructing our rights and tracking our location!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In an increasingly digital age, Representative Jordan is fighting to keep our rights understood and protected.

From Just the News. The House Judiciary Committee on Thursday launched a broad inquiry into the FBI’s use of “geofence warrants” to sweep up large buckets of Americans cell phone location data, a relatively new tool that is raising questions about search and seizure powers that date all the way back to the country’s founding.

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The tactic came to prominence during the Jan. 6 riot investigation when it was revealed more than 5,000 American phone devices had location data gathered by the FBI in a digital dragnet designed to identify anyone who was in or near the U.S. Capitol that fateful day.

That geofence warrant plus revelations that the FBI accepted bank records volunteered by a major bank without seeking a warrant or subpoena have trigged concerns of both liberals and conservatives of a modern-day end run around the 4th Amendment.

“The use of geofence warrants raises serious Constitutional concerns,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Jordan wrote Attorney General Merrick Garland in a letter Thursday announcing the congressional inquiry. …

In an interview with Just the News, Jordan said the geofence warrant inquiry was part of a larger effort to help Congress modernize civil liberty protections in an era of unprecedented digital surveillance and technological data gathering that also includes bank records and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that was abused during the Russia collusion scandal. …

Jordan’s letter raised a second concern that geo-fence warrants may have been “weaponized for political ends” by the Justice Department, approved against conservatives and Trump protesters but not against liberal activists from the 2020 George Floyd riots.

“Federal law enforcement’s interest in geofenced data appears selective,” he wrote. “For example, in 2020, Minnesota police sought a geofence warrant to investigate violent rioting in Minneapolis and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) used geofence warrants to investigate arson throughout Kenosha, Wisconsin. However, it seems that the FBI did not pursue geofenced data to investigate the violent crime occurring at federal facilities during a similar time frame. …

Jordan is hardly alone, as civil libertarians on both sides of the political spectrum have raised opposition in recent months to the growing use of geofence warrants. …

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(Excerpt from Just the News. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Darlene Estlow
August 14, 2023

Father, we look to you. Draw us close to you that you may cleanse our nation and protect us. May we as your church look to you as the only Lord God and not to things that have become our idols. We praise your name and thank you for the good things you are doing in our nation.

Karen Secrestu
August 14, 2023

Those who have children know an app that tracks so moms can be at the right place at the right time to pick up children. Since this app has been available fo r years, we now know how much weaponization can be employed by those intent on control.
We stand on the Promise of the Father: this enemy Will be defeated. We remain One Nation Under God..


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