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During this time of the celebration of our Lord, remember to pray for all those who have not come the revelation of our Savior Jesus Christ!

“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Rom 10:9)

The most stand out statistics of the article describe that:

“Fewer than one-in-three Christians in Britain believe ‘word-for-word’ the biblical story of Jesus rising from the dead, with another 41 percent believing some sections should not be taken literally. But the Palm Sunday poll for the BBC found 23 percent of those calling themselves Christians ‘do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead’ at all.”

When presented with figures like this, what should the reaction be? Outrage at the growing stream of secularism within religion? Excitement that a major British newspaper is talking about Christianity? My first response is puzzlement. If you don’t believe in the resurrection, but still identify as Christian, then what exactly do you believe? And how can those beliefs still be called “Christian”?

A word that’s been around as long as the word “Christian” has had plenty of time to collect lots of baggage. Like a broom running along the floor of history, much has been swept into the flow of “Christian” that really has nothing to do with Jesus, the Bible or Christianity. Christian is a label for something: “Christian Media”, “Christian Clothing”, even “Christian Dieting”. Some of this is marketing. Some is description. Much is vague connotation.

To find out what really makes a “Christian”, we have to go to the one called Christ. It’s not our cultural definitions but his eternal words that can truly mark what Christianity is all about. Jesus himself says, in Luke 9:22 that he must die and be raised on the third day. Paul definitively writes in 1 Corinthians 15:17: “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.” Effectively, without the resurrection of Jesus, we have no hopeā€¦.

Imagine if the headline read “A Quarter of Atheists Believe in God”. We’d be baffled. To be an atheist means to not believe in God. That’s what it means. If an atheist believes in God then he is no longer an atheist! Stating that isn’t judgmental or narrow minded, it’s an acknowledgement of factsā€¦. (Excerpts from Fin Sheridan article on CBNEurope.com)

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Diana emlet
April 11, 2018

If they don’t believe he died and resurrected to life, how could they possibly believe they can be with Him in eternity. Nonsensical.

Dorothy Black
April 2, 2018

Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary lived in this world 33 & one half yrs . He taught preached & healed call twelve deciples to follow him who he later made Apostles he died on Calvary cross was buried on the third day he was raised to life again now seated on the right hand of the father . Thatā€™s what Ressurection Sunday is all about we celebrate a Risen Savior . He is my Lord

Merri Johnson
March 30, 2018

This finding does not surprise me. For many, “Christianity” is a lifestyle, or a philosophy of brotherly love, more than an actual spiritual or religious belief. I have had friends who thought of themselves as Christian, but had pretty minimal Biblical knowledge. The rise of “Scripture-light” televangelism may be partly to blame.

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