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Join us on our prayer call, Friday, December 1 to pray about Masterpiece Cakeshop, a critical Supreme Court case. Dial 605-475-3250, access code 148275. Prayer begins at 1215 ET. Download a free Special Report Prayer Guide about the Masterpiece Cakeshop case and judicial appointments under the Trump Administration.


For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face. (Ps 11:7)

“After five years of battling his way up the U.S. court system, Colorado cake artist Jack Phillips has reached the judiciary’s top tier.

On December 5, the Supreme Court will hear opening arguments in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.

With sweeping implications for religious liberty and freedoms of conscience and speech, the case is regarded as one of the most consequential in years. . . . In September, President Trump’s Department of Justice (DOJ) filed an amicus brief in support of Phillips, advising the court that creating a wedding cake pulls a baker — and his or her inherent rights to free speech and religious practice — into the ceremony itself. . . .”When Phillips designs and creates a custom wedding cake for a specific couple and a specific wedding,” DOJ explained, “he plays an active role in enabling that ritual, and he associates himself with the celebratory message conveyed. Forcing Phillips to create expression for and participate in a ceremony that violates his sincerely held religious beliefs invades his First Amendment rights.”The court’s ruling will impact dozens of similar cases, pending across the United States.

Christian nonprofit Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) spells out what’s at stake in the case, “Jack Phillips doesn’t design cakes for all events — he never has. He has a set of values based on his religious beliefs — a moral code — that guides his life, including his work. When an event conflicts with Jack’s beliefs, he doesn’t participate.”

Though “the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell may have redefined marriage,” ADF notes, “it didn’t redefine freedom.” (Excerpted from Church Militant, reporting by Stephen Wynne.)

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