I Prayed have prayed
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In the wake of more mass shootings in cities across the nation, there is a rising anxiety and uncertainty among many, wondering if anyone is truly safe. Big city violence is now coming to small rural towns and fears are mounting. Whether these attacks come from terrorists, home-grown criminals, or desperate prodigals with a point to prove, violence is on the rise. But, now is the not the time to give in to this fear! Rather, we must press into prayer and raise up even more local prayer watches to blanket our cities with intercession.

The powers of the air recognize that the prayers of the saints have been getting through to the throne! Our intercession has been filling the bowls and stirring heaven to come to the earth and the enemy knows it. The reality is that God is about to pour out His glory across the earth, bringing the true FEAR OF THE LORD upon this land and Hell is running scared. All the powers of darkness are about to be exposed for what they truly are. They are making a last ditch effort to release a demonic TERROR in hopes that we will be distracted and give in to a fear that is not of God. Where the Fear of Lord is heaven-sent to awaken our spirits to the majesty and holiness of God, the Terror of Hell seeks to destroy our faith and kill our purpose and destiny. What we see happening in many of these horrific attacks is the devil’s preemptive attack to the Fear of the Lord that is coming. But, we can do something about it.

We must stand by those who are suffering from these attacks with our love, support, and prayers. But, we must also take our positions in the watch towers of our own communities for the days ahead. We must take the offense in securing our cities for the Kingdom by praying with others in agreement for the spiritual and natural protection of the Lord. Our corporate alignment is key if we are to secure our cities and establish spiritual walls of protection that the enemy can’t penetrate. We must pray for God’s presence to become a wall of fire around our communities and for the fear of the Lord to permeate every street in our neighborhood.

“And I will be to her a wall of fire all around, declares the Lord, and I will be the glory in her midst.ā€™ā€ (Zechariah 2:5 ESV)

No government can adequately protect us. No legislation can guarantee our safety. Not even a President can provide the protection that is truly needed from heaven’s perspective. When we humble ourselves together before the throne of grace and lift up His banner over our communities in oneness of heart and mind, our boundaries will be secure from the demonic forces that seek to steal, kill, and destroy. I urge you to join with other believers around you and BUILD THAT WALL OF FIRE AROUND YOUR CITY!

We have prepared a detailed PRAYER GUIDE, Spiritual Protection over Cities, that you can use for your own community as you stand with others on the wall of intercession.

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Ken Budz
August 7, 2019

Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. Thank You for prayer. Lord I humbly ask that You be with Your faithful who come to You. Those who seek You daily please be with them. Lord please protect us because we need You and Your help. This is a very dark and sinful world. Please Lord bring Your Light I ask this in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Jeanette Mcmahon
August 6, 2019

Fire $ brinestone has just begun to reign down. Instead of blaming the President let them look inward and see their own corrupt minds. God has had enough of their wicked ways and president Trump was chosen to make it known for bro them blaming will not win out but to turn from their wicked ways and acknowledge the God of the universe. Open their blind eyes Lord

Felicia Penner
August 6, 2019

Ray, your payer really resonated with me. “turn from their wicked ways” is part of our mission statement, Our Lord God, let all deception fall from thy people, if we are naked and destitute because we are carnal, cause us to know our condition and repent before you. May the fear of the Lord fall on your people, Lord God. May all worldliness be exposed and shown for what it is. May we be a people pure of heart before you Lord. And may we stand in the gap as watchers on the wall, interceeding for our cities. The Shofar has sounded, may your people hear it, oh Lord. May we be obedient to You. In Jesus name, Amen

Karen Bixby
August 6, 2019

HE is using this time to reveal the evil that has been hidden far too long, giving us another opportunity to bless those who are waking & gather them into HIS Kingdom! Praising YHVH for HIS mercy, loving-kindness & long-suffering. This is the season for revival!

Ray Clark
August 6, 2019

In reality…America is under a curse for abandoning God. Our government took prayer out of our schools in 1962. In 1963 the Bible (including the 10 Commandments that teaches us to love God and our fellowman) was removed from our schools and children began to be educated in everything except God. Today in America, every moral standard of what has been traditionally right has become wrong, and what has been traditionally wrong has become right. Our government has legalized alcohol, drugs, sexual perversion, gambling, etc, and we wonder why violence is prevalent in our land? God promises in Psalm 9:17 “The wicked = (wrong) shall be turned into Hell, and “all” nations that forget God.” We are seeing the results of these bad decisions.
The solution is found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 ” If my people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    Kathy S R Heppner
    August 6, 2019

    Dear Ray; You are correct. But remember there are those, a “remnant” who have not bought into the lies, as well as those who have repented. Regardless, we must continue in prayer which is sometimes difficult for yours truly. I am American living in Canada having married Canadian. Sometimes yours truly feels isolated but she needs to remember that in reality she is not. She like many others has Jesus in her heart. Let us pray not only for America, her citizens, her governmental leaders, but remember your neighbor to the north, Canada has much of the same happening as well. Let us all unite in prayer, repenting of anything we need to repent of and continually petition our Heavenly Father for His assistance, protection of our cities, towns and people. Let us also stand against the evil which is attempting to further penetrate our public places but remember to do so in love. Yours truly chooses to KNOW that God hears us. With all this in mind, precious Heavenly Father, you know our hearts and hear all petitions, please undertake to raise a wall to stop the evil in its tracks & help us your people to not become weary in seeking you and doing those things that are right in your eyes, in Jesus name, amen.

Dian Sims
August 6, 2019

I feel led to find the highest point in my city and go there and pray extending my hand up to God

August 6, 2019

Glory Be To God! Lord we praise you for releasing your Holy Fire.šŸ”„

Dorothy Ter Horst
August 6, 2019

Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm attacking our people. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground, in Jesus name. Amen

    August 7, 2019

    Father I stand in agreement with Dorothy.
    Help Your remnant to remain and abide in You.
    And confuse the agenda and the communication of the enemy whether it be human or fallen angelic.
    In the name of Yeshua.

Jane Schoonover
August 6, 2019

Amen! We pray for a Daniel 7:22 turnaround in America and the nations of the world! We agree and declare a fiery wall of protection around our cities, towns, our schools and places of worship. Thank you, Lord!

Germaine Copeland
August 6, 2019

I pray that the hope of Godā€™s Kingdom will spread and multiply throughout our cities.

John Rivera
August 6, 2019

Glory to ADONAI, praise ELOHIM!.

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