I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask that the United Kingdom's governmental leaders would be God-fearing and recognize that they are accountable to Him for each decision and act.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the end of COVID-19 measures introduced to curb the rapid spread of the Omicron variant in Britain as he looks to live with the virus after a peak in cases.

Britain was the first country to limit international travel over the Omicron variant, raising alarm bells about its mutations, and in December introduced work-at-home advice, more mask-wearing and vaccine passes to slow its spread.

But while cases soared to record highs, hospitalisations and deaths have not risen by the same extent, in part due to Britain’s booster rollout and the variant’s lesser severity.

Johnson’s approach to avoid lockdowns and live with the virus contrasts with a zero tolerance approach to COVID-19 in China and Hong Kong, and tougher restrictions in many other European countries.

“Many nations across Europe have endured further winter lockdowns… but this government took a different path,” Johnson told lawmakers, saying the government had got the toughest decisions right and that numbers going into intensive care were falling.

“Our scientists believe it is likely that the Omicron wave has now peaked nationally… because of the extraordinary booster campaign, together with the way the public have responded to the Plan B measures, we can return to Plan A.”

Johnson said that none of the so-called Plan B measures would remain, as face masks would not be legally enforced anywhere, COVID passes would not be mandatory and advice to work from home would end.

Johnson has faced criticism for his handling of the pandemic overall, and Britain has reported 152,513 deaths, the seventh highest total globally. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have followed their own anti-coronavirus measures, generally with tougher restrictions, but have also begun to ease them.

Pandemic ‘Not Over’

Johnson hopes to reset his agenda following furore over the lockdown gatherings at his office, which has some in his party plotting to remove him.

Johnson admitted he attended a party in the garden of his Downing Street office and residence in May 2020 while social mixing was banned.

The lifting of Plan B measures, along with Johnson’s navigation of Omicron without resorting to a stringent lockdown, could help him appease vocal opponents of restrictions in his own caucus amid the party unrest.

He said that if data supported it, he may end the legal requirement for people to self-isolate if they test positive before the regulation lapses in March.

“But to make that possible, we must all remain cautious during these last weeks of winter,” he said, warning of continued pressure on hospitals.

“The pandemic is not over,” Johnson emphasized. . .

“In terms of morbidity and mortality, I think it could be seen as probably the right decision.”

What are your thoughts on Britain releasing this news? Let us know in the comments below!

(Excerpt from Newsmax. Article written by Newsmax Staff. Photo Credit : UnSplash)

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January 27, 2022

The idea of being able to take the masks off seems suspect. Certain shot pushers are broadcasting that smallpox is the next big thing we’re to look out for and with the schedule we’ve been on the past two years of “government makes a suggestion then a couple months later it happens/is enforced” has let us in on what’s coming down the pike if one is paying attention. How is smallpox caught? Easy. Through talking and face to face contact. Now that people’s immune systems are weakened from all the mask wearing we’re now told we can take them off and perhaps just in time for the next disease that is caught through talking? (Lookup smallpox in the Mayo Clinic website for an easy explanation on how it’s transmitted.). Keeping with the schedule the crash this week of the truck carrying diseased monkeys to Texas. Coincidence? Smallpox and monkeypox – be in prayer against both.

Gayle Ablitt
January 20, 2022

Our Heavenly Father I pray that you will touch Boris Johnson’s heart and bring Boris to understand that You only are the ONLY solution to all our problems as we turn to You for this Nation England, I pray that we will see You Back in this Nation again Lord. We cannot solve things on our own, we bring them to You Jesus and You answer us in the way we should go, I Thank You Jesus and Praise You In Your Mighty Name Amen.


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