In 2012, Jim Turley, current president of the Boy Scouts of America, was the first member of the Executive Board to call for inviting boys struggling or identifying as homosexuals to become part of the program. Shortly thereafter, Boy Scouts executives caved to LGBTQ persistent pressure to be “gay affirming” and overhauled the over 100-year-old organization’s mission to include anyone endorsing and celebrating a lifestyle sacred scripture calls “moral impurity, degrading, shameless, indecent and unnatural” (Romans 1:24–27).
This is not bigotry – it is Bible. It may not be politically correct but it is fidelity to God’s design for men and women, marriage and family. For those struggling with and confused with same-sex temptation, God’s remedy is available to all and His grace sets those ensnared free!
As predicted, once the floodgates opened to boys wrestling with homosexual urges and openly gay troop leaders, multitudes grieved and began departing. Now the lid is off as over 800 clients have identified 350 abusers and the Scouts confidential records, known internally as “the perversion files” are being examined. Bankruptcy is under consideration.
USA Today stated the complaint in a front page article: “It’s apparent that the Boy Scouts Defendants continue to hide the true nature of the cover-up and the extent of the pedophilia epidemic within their organizations because the vast majority of new victims coming forward involve claims of abuse at the hands of pedophiles who are not yet identified by the Boy Scouts of America” (8/7/19).
Compromise and Collapse
Since the overwhelming majority of these cases preceded the new “progressive” liberal acceptance of the LGBTQ agenda, what lies ahead with the new “open door” policy? Bowing before the “gay affirming, all-inclusive, tolerant” Golden Calf instead of upholding the Golden Rule respecting others and their beliefs without compromising unscriptural behavior surfaces inevitable, tragic results.
As author Joe Battaglia warns: “As America has drifted away from our Biblical roots and pursued gods that fit our lifestyles and cravings, we’ve replaced the Golden Rule with the Golden Calf. Increasingly as moral consequences and little concern for others escalate, moral chaos ensues and our society crumbles under the weight of the sin engendered by the all-consuming worship of the Golden Calf.”
The Elephant in the Room
Media coverage of the lawsuits is careful to avoid any connection of pedophilia and homosexuality but we cannot ignore “the elephant in the room.” To this day I thank God for rescuing me at the age of 12 from a homosexual man who picked me up hitchhiking and offered me money in a seduction attempt, but I prudently jumped out of his car.
In a study published by the Archives of Sexual Behavior (not a Christian organization or a conservative research group), their research revealed that “86 percent of offenders against males describe themselves as homosexual or bisexual.” Likewise, the Family Research Council states unequivocally that “since almost 30 percent of child sexual abuse is committed by homosexual or bisexual men but less than 3% of American men identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual, we can infer that homosexual or bisexual men are approximately 10 times more likely to molest children than heterosexual men.” (See Family Research Council resources.)
USA Today Report (August 7 & 9, 2019)
Reading statements from individuals abused while in the Boy Scouts was chilling and heartbreaking. Leaders preyed upon vulnerable boys in tents, cars and on campgrounds. One former Scout admitted he experienced “gross sexual imposition” at least 100 times on camping trips. Because this commentary appears in a family news service, readers interested in pursuing further information on these horrific revelations can go to
One of the accusers who came forward was quoted in the lawsuit saying, “You hide it, you don’t want to talk about it. But it needs to be talked about now. The public needs to know about it.”
Feeling the heat intensifying, the Boy Scouts of America said in a statement that it “cares about all victims of abuse and apologizes to anyone harmed during their time in Scouting.”
More than apologies are obviously going to be required.
One of the persons sexually abused who came forth told of his experience at a Scout ranch by a Scout leader who had been arrested eight years earlier for allegedly abusing a child according to Scout records. Scouts learned of this later from a tip. That case was reportedly resolved, the records say, with “voluntary counseling.”
Subsequently, after a parent complained about new inappropriate behavior, the Scout ranch fired the man who appealed his dismissal from the Boy Scouts but lost.
From the 2 day series reported in USA Today, the sexual abusers and pedophiles were males preying upon vulnerable younger boys.
Awoke Moment for America
The Bible warns us of catastrophic consequences that come to those rejecting unchanging truth revealed in the Bible. Rome declined and was destroyed because it failed to heed the counsel scripture makes clear.
“The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth… although they knew God, they did not glorify Him or give thanks to Him as God, but became futile in their imaginations, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools… God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural function for what is against nature. Likewise, the men, leaving the natural function of the woman, burned in their lust towards one another, men with men doing that which is shameful and receiving in themselves the due penalty of their error” (Romans 1:18, 21-22, 26-27).
For those dismissing the scriptural “red alert,” simply study the catastrophic rates of STDs among homosexuals. Isn’t something terribly amiss in America when multitudes celebrate “Pride” events?
The colossal error made by recent leaders of the Boy Scouts can be remedied but it will take moral courage against the backlash of LGBTQ proponents. Longstanding policies of companies that are changed are oftentimes rescinded after a period of time when negative results become evident. The time has come for executives of the Boy Scouts to pivot and trust that by returning to their original values and ideals, respect and a terribly tarnished reputation can and must be restored.
The Boy Scout Oath recited and adhered to for a century states:
“On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and MORALLY STRAIGHT” [emphasis mine].
Here’s the deal: Honoring God; upholding moral purity; avoiding physically, emotionally and mentally harmful homosexuality; honoring parents, the opposite sex and country; and, steering clear of pornography are all encompassed in the commitment to remain morally straight, along with one’s commitment to patriotism, courage, loyalty, integrity and service. It’s time to rededicate ourselves to the original vision upon which the Boy Scouts began.
In the meantime, may we pray for the boys and men traumatized by their abusers in this once esteemed organization and may parents discover the “safe harbor” of the Trail Life USA alternative now serving so many throughout America.
Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 yrs, Intercessors for America board member, best-selling author and a public policy advisor with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see Hear his weekly podcast here.
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Father- How the mighty have fallen! Seeing the emphasis on sexual freedom in society then seeing the actual bondage and perversion that comes as a result is overwhelming! We cry out for justice! We cry out to you for truth in the media regarding these issues. May the situation force them to see the truth. Don’t let them bend the meaning of words or hide the connection between decisions that have been embraced and behaviors that have followed. There are so many voices talking today. In the midst of it may there be a voice of truth that cannot be dismissed. May our nation hear the call to repentance. May we see what we have done and change course before it is too late. As you have been calling people who work in abortion to yourself and to change – may there begin to be a move of journalists who can no longer pretend to be reporting news. May there be a revival in the hearts of people in the media industry. father- you are able to get the attention of people. Please speak in ways that they can no longer ignore you. Please speak truth to them through your people who know them.
And Father- please bring healing and support to the victims of this awful abuse within a system that is supposed to be forming them into good citizens. Grant mercy and grace and help in time of need. Help them to turn to you as you are the Healer.
Restore morals and the original purpose of the Boy Scouts. Root out crime so that the organization can
be trusted. Renew the mission or loose a once great organization.