Please pray for a decision from the Supreme Court that would protect religious freedom and expression.
Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him. (Ps 103:13)
VIDEO: A Mother’s Love Never Dies
First Liberty Counsel Chelsey Youman shares the story of Martha Redman, a Gold Star Mother whose love and devotion to her son made her a driving force in building the Bladensburg WWI Veterans Memorial.
In 1925, a local post of The American Legion, the largest veterans service organization in the country with approximately 2.2 million members, erected the Bladensburg WWI Veterans Memorial, also known as “Peace Cross,” to honor 49 local men who died in WWI combat. The memorial stood for almost 90 years without objection until the American Humanist Association filed a lawsuit in February 2014 alleging the cross-shaped memorial is unconstitutional and demanding it be demolished, altered, or removed.
At the base of the Memorial Cross is a bronze plaque listing the names of the 49 fallen heroes. On the plaque is the inscription: “This Memorial Cross Dedicated To The Heroes of Prince George’s County Who Gave Their Lives In The Great War For The Liberty Of The World.”
Four words are inscribed on the base of the memorial above the plaque, one word on each side: Valor, Endurance, Courage, Devotion. A brightly colored image of the American Legion emblem is emblazoned on the memorial on both sides of the intersection of the cross shape.
Multiple rounds of appeals have taken place, each one inching closer to the destruction of this beautiful tribute to the lives of 49 World War I local heroes.
The U.S. Supreme Court just announced that it accepted the appeal of The American Legion et al. v. American Humanist Association et al. The American Legion is asking the justices to reverse the Fourth Circuit’s decision jeopardizing the Bladensburg memorial.
“There are some who want to erase the memory of the service and sacrifice of these 49 fallen servicemen of Prince George’s County,” said Kelly Shackelford, President and CEO of First Liberty. “If this monument is bulldozed to the ground, it’s only a matter of time before the wrecking ball turns on Arlington National Cemetery and the thousands of memorials like this one across the country.” (Excerpted from First Liberty and Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation.)
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We know who comes to destroy. Lord God, i am still in mourning for all the statues that were torn down by mobs last year , with no charge of vandalism. We know the enemy wants to erase all mention of God from the public square. We petition you, God of Heaven, to protect this monument- for our sakes who live here in America, and also for your great names sake. We pray that the Supreme Court will honor you and the fallen victims, as well as respect their family that still lives. In Jesus name, Amen
Father God, I thank you for answering our prayers, the prayers of Your faithful. The Bladensburg Peace Cross is a symbol of what Jesus’ death and resurrection mean to us. Our hearts, (our spirits) are right with You. We want to represent the salvation we have in Jesus.
Lord Jesus, in Matthew 22:37-39 you said Your greatest commandment to us is this: “to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all thy mind.” And the second greatest comandment is like it, “to love thy neighbor as thyself.”
This cross is one representation of our love for you. Although our love for you is deep within our hearts, this cross is a loving way to remind people of what You did for us, for America, and in what these brave and honorable men did for America in fighting for us. It is a beautiful symbol that represents both Your Love Lord towards all men and women and their love for You and for America.
Further more, our country was founded by men who loved you. Our forefathers believed on You in making America a nation of laws just as you instructed us to do by electing Godly people to run our govts. In those who fought and will fight for America in battle, they fight on your behalf Lord. They fight to protect America, it’s freedom and all the blessings You have so lovingly blessed us with.
These men who died in battle died for all Americans, even for those who don’t believe in You Lord, just as Jesus died once for ALL people. We want the ability to continue to boldly profess Your name and to be able to demonstrate just what Jesus’ death and resurrection means for all. These men and this cross is a bold and loving reminder of You Lord. They fought for the freedom You gave to us.
I pray to You Lord, that in Your name the supreme court justice allow this cross to stand. Although a symbol, it is a mighty symbol. It is a symbol that represents all the freedom and salvation that Jesus offers to anyone who receives Him, even to those that want to tear it down. I pray the Father, that this and any other cross remain standing that represents our Lord Jesus Christ and in those who fought on His behalf (or those that will). I pray for all Your believers Lord, and for those who will one day believe. Shine Your Light on them Lord. And let this cross remain a symbol of Your Light.
Thank you for ansering my prayer Lord God Almighty, in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen
Thank You, Father, for the Supreme Court’s hearing this case. May You bring glory to Yourself through every detail and word in the court’s ruling.
Lord, our only hope for this country is obedience of Your children to Your word. Please show us where we are quenching Your Spirit that we may be holy and righteous in Your sight. You promise to heal our land if we obey Your word, humble ourselves, pray to You with cleansed hearts, turn from anything wicked that displeases You. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
We pray for a great outpouring of Your Spirit to cause unity, help us obey and love You with our whole hearts and others as ourselves. Lord, we cry out for your forgiveness. Help us to forgive others so that You will forgive our sins. We gratefully and humbly praise Your name and worship You as our Lord of lords and King of kings. We will expectantly watch to see You answer our prayers.
In Jesus’ name. Amen
I pray we would begin to unify under the blood-stained banner of the cross and preach the gospel clearly and boldly in every highway and biway of our nation influencing our politics and society. God bless America!
Heavenly Father, El-Olam, You are Almighty and loving, good, long suffering. Have mercy upon our nation for calling good evil and evil good. Impart your righteousness to SCOTUS. This decision will effect memorial crosses elsewhere. I love the cross because I love my Savior who gave His life on it for all.
Lord, may Your kingdom come – here on earth.
Bless ourJustices with Wisdom from on high.
Freedom of speech and Freedom Of religion are constitutional. “Freedom” From religion is NOT constitutional. Liberty is for all includes those who love the God of our forefathers. Shame on those “courts”!
Heavenly Father, we have taken the cross out of our own churches— the symbol of your sacrifice and your victory over sin and death. And now, Satanic forces working through evil men are seeking to remove the cross from the public square — The symbol of sacrifice for men and women who gave their lives in service to our country. Father, I ask that you work through the supreme court to put an end to this insanity. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.