Carl Trueman is a distinguished scholar, bestselling author and ordained Presbyterian minister. On Aug. 7 he gave a series of talks to the Sacramento Gospel Conference, live-streamed on the YouTube channel of Immanuel Baptist Church. Twice during the event, the live broadcast was booted off the air. Viewers were informed that the first interruption was due to a copyright violation…But in the second, more mysterious instance, Mr. Trueman’s presentation went dark because of a “content violation.”…
Today’s sexual politics function as a new kind of fundamentalism, one that presents a deep problem to a diverse and democratic society. Instead of encouraging the dialogue of democratic process, the fundamentalists seek to impose their own rigid certitude unilaterally…
Are you concerned about today’s “sexual politics” and censoring of traditional opinions and information? Share your prayers in the comments below!
(Excerpted from The Wall Street Journal. Article by and
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I don’t understand why Christians act so surprised about losing our freedom of speech. It is the Church of Christ that for many generations has been allowing it by compromising and compromising with the World. God Almighty gave us Laws and Statutes to exercise and obey Deuteronomy 6:7. We must recognize that we allowed it and repent! 2nd Chronicles 7:14. May we fill our hearts with the Word of God daily, desire to be in His presence daily and as Mathew 22:37 says “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” We must raise up as the Army of God and push back Wokeness, Abortion, CRT, LGBT, Human Trafficking and all the evil around us. Let our voices be heard 2nd Timothy 1:7
Lord, empower us with a spirit of courage and perseverance, I pray in Jesus Holy Name! Amen!
This article reminded me of a time when I was playing worship music on You-Tube. At one point, a little cartoon-type character came on the screen and said in a bubble, “I hate your music.” Just who was operating behind this character?
My question is what are we going to do about it? Every Christian could get off all social media and not support the products advertised on them. We need to pull our children out of public schools before the government thinks it has the right to stop you. Stand up to the bullies. Long before social media there was free conference calls. Do your talks via conference calls! Ask GOD what to do AND THEN DO IT! If we don’t back these evil people down now it will be harder later! I claim Victory in JESUS for all of us here on earth. In JESUS MIGHTY Name! Amen!
We overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and our testimony!
God laughs at the wicked. He knows how it will end.
Stand in awe of Him and His mighty power displayed
throughout the universe!
Religious speech, conservative speech IS being censored by Big tech, make no mistake about it! I’m surprised that everyone doesn’t know that! Watch what you allow to be brought in to your home! Cultural attitudes about many things are changing, but people still need to know the truth. We must figure out a way to go around the roadblocks! We must reach out to like minded people and get them “on board.” Tucker Carlson has some fine, very concerned men and women who are standing up. We should ALL stand together. Numbers make a difference!
I still wonder, are there no strong conservatives with enough money to build our own conservative platform or has everyone given up or sold out?? There’s a lot of us who refuse to adapt to this truly ignorant “woke” nonsense!! We are not Socialist/Marxist, but this administration is! So let’s get a plan, just like they have, to stop this insanity!!
Lord, let those who seek to destroy our freedoms, our country, be destroyed by their own devious plans. Let their plots and plans boomerang on them! Raise up godly, faithful, warriors for such a time as this! Father, defeat this enemy, that is within our government, media, Big tech and everywhere. Lord, protect the children, families and freedom, in Jesus name!
I agree! Lord, show us, Your followers what we need to do in order to stop this attack on our Christian freedom’s. Show us the next best step. We are already praying, we are already discussing, but we know we need to do more.
Pauline absolutely I stand with you! Amen and Amen!
Let’s keep praying. We can also have boots on the ground.
Perhaps some of us may feel led by God to run for local office or school board. As someone who used to be a GOP delegate, I recommend this avenue of commitment if you want to make connections as well as to allow your voice to be heard.
Father God – you know our hearts and minds, we see the destruction of our families and our children. Father we pray for your wisdom, strength and peace to ‘pray without ceasing’ so we can bring our nation back to you.
Lord, I pray that you would protect the minds and hearts of our children from this doctrine of confusion.
Your Word says that you have not given a spirit of fear but rather a spirit of love and a sound mind. Cause a blackout of this insidious and evil teaching “ for content violation” and replace it with your truth. Thank you for your love and your care for your children.
In the precious name of Jesus