I Prayed have prayed
Lord, forgive us for the sin of abortion that our country is so engrossed in. May Your truth and justice rule over our hearts and this land.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Last Thursday, the administration released a presidential action making it crystal clear that the Biden doctrine for women’s health is defined by abortion above health. . . .

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), where I served during the Trump administration, did more to protect life than any previous administration.   . . .

The majority of Americans do not want their tax dollars to fund abortion. And regardless of one’s political party or view on abortion, most do not want their tax dollars used for abortion in other countries.

President Biden has different priorities but I hoped he would focus on urgent health needs of women. Sadly, this memorandum reveals a politically motivated agenda geared more toward rewarding powerful interest groups than helping women. It ties domestic and global women’s health policy to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights — a term that includes abortion and wrongly deems it an “essential health service.”

During the Trump administration we also finalized a common sense rule in 2019 requiring abortion to be separate from family planning and that providers not refer for abortion as family planning. All but one Planned Parenthood affiliate refused and gave up about $60 million annually in federal Title X funding, proving that abortion — not helping poor women with family planning — is their top priority. . . .

Thursday’s memo suggests that the reversal of the Mexico City Policy strengthens women’s health programs, but this ignores the fact that under any administration, the U.S. government is the most generous bilateral donor to global health, including for women’s health. The real issue is access to abortion, and with Biden’s action, American foreign aid dollars can now easily be funneled to overseas abortion providers.

Fighting to protect those unable to speak for themselves is more important now than ever given the Biden administration’s position on abortion. . . .

No country (or person) wants to be accused of violating human rights with the public shaming and loss of foreign aid that can follow. There is a sincere disagreement over abortion policy, but the high pressure tactics disrespect the core values of many nations and infringe on their national sovereignty, straining diplomatic relations. Tragically, it often prevents women from getting the health care they need because the time, resources and leadership diverted to debates over abortion do nothing to advance many women’s health priorities. This was the approach of President Obama, but the Trump administration chose to call out this behavior reminding the world that while there is a universal right to life, there is in fact, no universal right to abortion.

In October 2020, the U.S. and a coalition of 34 other nations — representing every region of the world and more than 1.6 billion people  — signed the historic Geneva Consensus Declaration (GCD), committing to work together to protect women’s health, the family, life at all stages and a nation’s sovereign right to make their own laws on these sensitive issues. Nation after nation stated at the signing of the GCD that aspiring to strengthen women’s health, protecting life and the family and recognizing national sovereignty are inseparable from their national identity and must be respected.  . . .

Like Planned Parenthood’s eye-opening decision to choose abortion over meeting the family planning needs of poor women, Biden appears to be choosing to promote abortion over women’s urgent health needs — domestically and globally.

Principles enshrined in the GCD and embraced by the family of nations over the past 50 years promoting the fundamental rights of all people should not be cavalierly discarded. U.S. rejection of the declaration and criticizing pro-life countries is a diplomatic blunder for an administration that promised to “elevate diplomacy as the premier tool of our global engagement.” Offending nearly one in five nations is not a recipe for strengthening global health security cooperation just when we need to work together to fight COVID-19. . . .

The unalienable right to life is stated in our Declaration of Independence and fundamental to every other right we enjoy. Protecting it is our moral obligation. Americans must hold elected leaders, including this president, accountable to protect all life — born and unborn.

(Excerpt from The Hill. Article by Valerie Huber. Photo Credit: Dreamstime.)

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February 9, 2021

Angels dancing on heavens floor singing of a time death will be no more. Oh father you are our hope You are the holy one help us to see And change this. Open eyes and hearts to the satanic attack on the innocent growing in their safe place. Thank you for hearing our voices call out free our nation of this most horrid sin.

February 8, 2021

God, somehow please forgive the president and his administration for their evil and hideous decision to reverse the anti-abortion policies that we had under President Trump. We know Lord it wasn’t perfect but I sensed our nation was progressing to undo and correct the murderous policies that were in place. God forgive those that have bought into this deception. We pray they would be awakened by your holy spirit and see the truth. We ask that you would use whatever means necessary to remove the deception they are trapped in. We don’t deserve your mercy or forgiveness Lord but we ask for it because of who you are Lord. Forgive our nation for our apathy toward the murder of the innocent. We ask Lord that for those who continue to promote abortion willingly for profit..we ask that you would deal with them harshly but extend your mercy with justice. In Jesus name we pray amen.

February 7, 2021

In America there is a river called Abortion and it flows freely with the blood of the innocent and their mothers.  America has also influenced other nations to do the same, sacrificing future generations to the god of convenience.   Can their Creator bless our nation rather than call us to judgement?
  If we  do not repent and return, America will fall.
  2 Chron. 7:14

Judith Knight
February 7, 2021

God recently gave me a picture of abortion that really scares me but helps me visualize the magnitude of our decisions. Since 1973 we have lost more African American children to abortion than there were people in New York State in our last census. All other races of children who died would be equivalent to the population of California in the last census. How would we react if an outside power took the American lives of those 2 states? Covid-19 hasn’t even taken 1/2 million lives.

I was a supporter of abortion in my college years and I must personally repent of all these deaths. I doubt any of my rebellious peers realized what magnitude of death & evil we were unleashing. I pray God will convict many more of my generation that we were just plainly wrong.

How can we discuss this openly? These scriptures talk to me: Psalm 139:13-16, Jeremiah 1:5,& Exodus 21:22-24 to support life but that’s not enough. How much more could God’s grace change millions of silent women’s lives with forgiveness? How effective would the voices of forgiven men and women be in our country’s faith communities if they felt called to speak out across America? God please raise up more believers to witness and use us to help you change our country’s path. Direct us in your ways and use all of us to witness as we come back to your open arms.

    Susan CC
    February 7, 2021

    I identify with your comment in more ways than I will share Judith. In my mind and heart, your comment struck such truth,”we were just plainly wrong.” My greatest prayer is that NO woman would choose abortion. Amen.

February 7, 2021

The sixth Commandment – Thou shall NOT kill.

Now what part of NOT do you baby killers/murderers not understand?

The Bible is quite clear on the issue of murder which is the killing of any innocent human being. Abortion of a human baby in the womb cannot be described in any other term but murder. Killing is taking a life. Murder is taking a life with no moral justification.

As a baby grows in the womb it is a tiny human person who is developing in God’s image. They are human and every child deserves a chance at life. These tiny innocent babies are murdered just so their fetal tissues can be used in various experiments, tissue transplantation and basic research using baby body parts, cells used in vaccine production, even as far as selling baby body parts for research. If all this is happening with abortions there are probably more wickedness involved in all this. God’s judgment and punishment Is coming.

Father have mercy on our Nation for legalizing abortions, murdering innocent lives.
Forgive us Father, as a Nation we have been silent while this wickedness continues, the destructions of Your beautiful creations, these babies are precious in Your sight. You had already named each one of them when they were yet in their mother’s wombs. You had already called them to be prophets to the nations.

” ….. The LORD has called Me from the womb; From the matrix of My mother He has made mention of My name.” Isaiah 49:1

“I knew you before I formed you in you mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

Father You know the hearts of all involved in the killing and the murdering of innocent babies. Let Your justice fall hard and swiftly like a hammer and bring an end to this evil within our nation.

Let it be so, in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Gayle Kennedy
February 7, 2021

Father, abortion is no longer the desire of “we the people.” We ask for forgiveness for the few at the top of our government, namely Biden and his administration who are pushing an agenda that grieves the majority of America.
We ask that You intervene
In a way that only You know how to do.Give us strength, wisdom and opportunity to speak up for the unborn in our own sphere of influence.Protect these babies, Lord.Protect their mothers, the majority of whom may only needsupport and help to get through a pregnancy.In Jesus name.Amen

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