Plenty has been written about the rock solid political love fest between President Trump and white evangelical Protestants. It’s been a unique match made in heaven that propelled Trump to the presidency. But in 2020, that relationship with his crucial base will be tested. . . .
“The battle for the soul of our nation deeply resonates with evangelicals,” says John McCarthy, deputy national political director for the Biden Campaign. “They would be open to Joe Biden’s message as well.”
Biden’s campaign recognizes that the majority of white evangelical protestants will vote for President Trump this fall, but officials believe they have a good chance to win over certain subsets, including younger millennial evangelicals who have more moderate views than their parents and suburban women who may be tired of President Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric. To that end, they’ve been conducting various listening sessions with evangelical pastors and evangelical women around the country, focusing on a broader set of issues like building a more fair and just society, climate change, racial injustice, and immigration reform. . . .
While surveys consistently show that the majority of white evangelical Protestants see President Trump as someone fighting for their beliefs, they also reveal mixed results when it comes to the president’s personal conduct. . . .
“Joe Biden is able to use empathy and a common sense of morality to connect with voters,” McCarthy says.
Reaching out to conservative white evangelicals was a crucial part of Barack Obama’s strategy when he won the presidency. In 2008 he captured 26% of that vote; in 2012 it was 21%. Conversely, Hillary Clinton decided not to make a play for white evangelical Protestants, and it cost her: She won just a paltry 16% of that same key voting bloc. . . . .
The question this time around is whether Biden can take a page from the Obama playbook rather than the Clinton model and try and win over a percentage or two of Trump’s base. After all, elections are won at the margins.
It’s not just white evangelicals who are in play. Biden campaign officials have a robust outreach program to Latino evangelicals and Catholics. Biden grew up in a middle class Catholic family, and he’s hoping to win back Catholic voters who voted for Trump over Clinton by 7 percentage points in 2016.
The campaign believes white working class Catholic voters in battleground states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin are persuadable. . . .
“When Joe Biden is talking about dignity, these themes are straight from the catechism,” McCarthy says. “That type of verbiage is a touchstone for us. It resonates with faith voters.”
To be sure, there are pitfalls ahead for the Biden campaign. A main one will be that the candidate will have to overcome his pro-choice views on abortion, something the Catholic Church does not approve of. . . .
The Biden campaign acknowledges that for many Catholics, Biden’s position on abortion will be a non-starter, but they’re still hopeful. . . .
Despite the Biden campaign’s efforts to make a broader argument to Catholics and evangelicals beyond the abortion issue, President Trump will draw voters back to this single, but very important moral issue. Recently in a sit-down interview with this journalist, he laid out how Biden will appoint radical leftist judges to the Supreme Court. . . .
Biden is on the record wanting to codify Roe v. Wade into law and says he would get rid of the Hyde Amendment, a law that forbids federal dollars from being used to pay for most abortions.
Biden campaign officials say that despite the candidate’s views on abortion Biden will not be antagonistic to people of faith. While the Democratic Party is made up of more non-faith voters than the Republican Party, the base of the party are black Protestants. . . .
While the Biden campaign is clearly doing more on faith outreach than Hillary Clinton’s campaign did in 2016, there’s still more work to be done. . . .
Meanwhile, the Trump campaign and the president himself will emphasize that actions speak louder than words.
“I’ve done a lot for the evangelicals,” Trump told this journalist. “If Biden gets even 1%, that would be terrible.”
(Excerpt from Just The News. Written by David Brody.)
What are your thoughts regarding Biden’s campaign targeting Evangelical Christians? How will you pray for people to vote biblical values?
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From the scripture, you cannot serve both man and God. He will, as Trump has, play the religious card. His past will be the telling take. Where is Colon Powell when he is needed?
Why isn
t the Truth being said about Global warming.
There is absolutely no Truth that Man is causing the World to Heat up.
Global warming has been going on for eons of time when the Earth was covered with Ice.
What man caused it to melt?
God is absolutely in Control of the elements & He warns us the day will come when that will burn as an oven
And the elements will melt with a fervent Heat.
God made, God sent as a Judgement for man’s rebellion.
If you vote and you are a true believer in the Lord Jesus & His Word, remember that you are not just voting for the man but also his platform! Therefore, how can we as Christians vote for anything other than Republican since it is the closest to the scriptures period?
I have not followed Joe Biden much in the past, but I see him as being a rather weak individual who will become a “puppet”, easily bending to the wishes of Democrats in Congress. I’m betting they see him in this light also and are anxiously waiting to pull his strings. He does not appear strong or self-assured. How, then, shall he lead?
This is hypocrisy at its worse. Is Biden Ok? He’s been in the basement. So how long has Biden been a career politician? 40+ years. Check out his record. He is a Democrat. The demoncratic party are viscous. They booed God off of their platform, so he’s targeting evangelicals? He Support’s planned murderhood & partial birth Abortions aka murder. VP of obama who went against God’s WORD. Endorsed & embraced same-sex marriage which is totally against God’s WORD. He had to be privy to spy 🕵 gate. He’s not fit to be President as for kamala Harris as a VP? With Biden’s current state of being one doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what shenanigans lay with the demoncratic party. Russia collusion illusion hillary, Ukraine Biden and son, impeachment debacle sham HOAX. Now a virus??? If all this doesn’t make sense, then it doesn’t make sense. Lord open the blinded eyes.
Biden’s campaign is hypocritical. Trump has proven by his actions how he stands with the Church and Israel. So he’s a little unpolished in his speech, so what? Obama was a very polished speaker and look what he did to the country. The people of God need to get over being offended. He’s not a pastor, he’s a president. God used many heathen kings to accomplish His purposes and He is clearly using this man. If Christians can’t vote for the man then if nothing else vote PRO LIFE!!!!. We need to bring down the abortion mountain and if Biden is elected we have lost that battle. Think of the babies!
Let us not be persuaded by words! Biden’s actions and the Democratic National Platform are both anti-life. They both are in favor of letting a baby die who was born alive from abortion. This is called MURDER!
I’m praying that God would stir the hearts of the Millenials to choose God over social issues.
I, too, cannot comprehend how someone who calls themselves a Christian and knowing what the Democratic agenda/platform is all about, can go ahead and vote for those candidates who believe it’s OK to murder babies, homosexual marriage, etc…..
My prayer for them/everyone is Ephesians 1:8a May the eyes of your understanding (heart) be enlightened…….
May we all know the truth…. that sets us free….
Thank you Karen for the clarification. Agree with you, I am in California and to have such leadership in my state is troublesome To me
Without due respect : joe biden is a quack. As well the ” folks ” pushing and following him, both men and women. As well the sold out media telling us we MUST vote for him to save our country. Pray people, pray.
And once Trump is gone and we have regained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and endorsed his actions because will be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of the nation. No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out in every corner of this great nation. For it is you who have betrayed us.
Kamala Harris June 18, 2020
On the list for Biden’s VP
That quote was from Kamala Harris who is one of Biden’s VP choices.
And I agree that God is in control. But God also wants us to open our eyes to the evil that presents itself. When the Democrats kicked God out of their Party, Satan entered and took control
Karen, when and where did Ms Harris say this. I have been unable to locate the original statement.
Karen, I am not sure if this is your comment or are you quoting Kamala Harris or if you agree with that statement, if so then I must say that as many people complain about President Trump rhetoric statements the one it said in your comment is much worse, it is hateful and threatening. In any case I will not let my opinions be shaped by any man or political party but by God’s Word and true enough Pr. Trump would do better if he would adjust his words but considering he has been attacked on every turn since he took office that is how he chooses to respond. And Mr. Biden We can see through him very clearly, he only wants votes to be elected and his values are completely against any christian values and also I am sure that he will turn against Israel in a heartbeat IF elected, and that is the worse thing he could do
I don’t agree with Kamala Harris at all and find Biden reprehensible. I put up Harris’s quote for all to see the evil in her and how dangerous the Democrat Party has become. Biden is considering Harris as a VP pick. I hope every Christian is frightened by Harris’s thinking. This is what she says out loud in the public forum. Imagine what she thinks in private!! If the Democrats win, we are all in danger. They are going to come for all of us. First they will get Trump voters and then they will come for all remaining Christians, even the ones who vote Democrat. Look around because they’ve started already
Somehow Christian voters must see that for a practicing Christian to vote for the Democratic platform is a dichotomy. The two are totally incompatible. To do so is to support murder of babies, socialism and same sex marriage! Not a good thing, First we need to pray that their eyes be opened, then attempt to show them whenever possible!
I, too, cannot comprehend how someone who calls themselves a Christian and knowing what the Democratic agenda/platform is all about, can go ahead and vote for those candidates who believe it’s OK to murder babies, homosexual marriage, etc…..
My prayer for them/everyone is Ephesians 1:8a May the eyes of your understanding (heart) be enlightened…….
May we all know the truth….that sets us free….
God exposes the hidden agendas. Out of the heart, the mouth speaks. Biden’s confusion, alignment with corruption and display of impatience during open forums he has been in his campaign is an indicator
I will be voting for Trump, whose Biblical principles and alignment with strong people of integrity are mandated in his legislative actions to protect the USA citizens and nations who support democracy.
I do not understand how we can vote for a man who believes it is alright to take inocent lives that god has created, who believes same sex marriage is ok, don;t he read his bible, if you vote for him it is voteing for the devils ways, god bless the usa.
Good article! A vote for Biden is a vote for a third term for Barak Obama, make no mistake-he is in this up to his neck. He’s got a tarnished reputation he needs to cover up and a country to destroy, and you can chalk that up to the Islamic principles that he holds dear.
It should not go without mention that it appears Joe might be struggling with senility, so a vote for him is a vote for his Vice President to be President, and we can take that and the information you present in this article into consideration so we know the nominee will be more strategic in order to win an election in favor of the deep state, rather than to do what’s best for this country…Satan sure is a sneaky snake. Praying for open eyes, ears, wisdom and discernment for all!
No mention of Joe Biden being a child molester – there are videos of him touching little girls in an inappropriate manner. While President Trump is not perfect (who is, except Jesus?) he has stood for life and against human trafficking. My prayer for President Trump is that he will humble himself under God’s mighty hand, that he will seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:8)
President Trump has accomplished a myriad of historical positive things during this term, but he needs others to be speaking for him more during this campaign. Him touting his own accomplishments can be a turn-off to those who already tend to believe he simply over-states most everything..and so tend to disregard it.
Like during his state of the union speech, when he brought in and showcased the end result of people touched by the blessing his administration has been to many who have been here-to-fore pretty much ignored, it spoke loud and clear!
Biden is bound by a stronghold, in part, caused by what his human dad said to him.
Joe, when growing up, saw two men in a park kissing.
His father said to him then, “Don’t let anyone tell you whom you can love.”
It was a point where the “authority” of his human father usurped the teaching of his church and of the biblical norm.
In the name of Jesus, I now take full authority over that stronghold and break the lie inherent in it.
I break of lying spirits, spirits that seek to usurp the rule and reign of the Ruach Elohim in Biden’s life across the board and relative to abortion.
We claim any baptismal vows made over him and that you will take this man and truly regenerate him and establish him, even in his twilight years, in YOU and your Word.
Come, Holy Spirit, shake him to that He calls on you. We claim that the works of darkness would be nullified in his life. Bring him to repentance, and make him a man of undivided loyalties.
I pray, too, if it is necessary, that you SHOW him the consequences of the lies he he as helped encode in practice if not law. He, like many in public life are two-tier removed from what they have wreaked on society.
How quickly we forget! Doesn’t anyone remember many of the Democrats booing God in 2012?
They are the party of abortion, gay marriage & unlimited government, regardless of what Biden wants people to believe.
God is the only hope for America. May He have mercy on us.
Praying that 61 million will vote for each of those whose chance to vote was snuffed out in the womb!
I have and will conitnue to pray that those who call themselves “Christian” will recognize the TRUTH from the lies during the campaign season. I will continue to pray that the body of Christ will vote not their values, but the values that are clearly lined up with the Word of God.
The Democrat party has become a tool of the anti-Christ agends. Their platform has been that way for some time. The Republican party is hardly perfect, but Pres. Trump has consistently supported the nation of Israel, the constitution of the US and the values that Christians should hold.
I vote biblical values only. Trump’s opponent is an imposter. I do pray he knows the truth that will set him free. Promoting abortion in this country or abroad is an abomination.
My personal view is that if a person want to promiscuous and sleep around they should pay for their own aborting and pay for their birth control pills period. I believe in pro-choice. Even the angels couldn’t change the mind of the people in Sodom and Gomorrah God had to bring judgment He will do the same. We the church will be judge for not teaching Abstinence. We should be concerned for life in the womb until the tombs! That’s the gospel the love of Christ! He hate sin but love the sinners. We have not done a good job of educating God’s people. John 3/17-16
In that order. We need to turned 2 Chronicles 7:14 from our wicked ways So He can heal our land. Repentance is over due! We are too divisive and prejudice God is not Republicans or Democrats or Independence He came to do the Will Of the Father who sent it and we should do the same in Jesus Name Amen 🙏🏼 7/2/2020
For every abortion, a demon is released from hell. No wonder we are in the mess we are in. This is a spiritual battle we face. God help us.
I always vote for LIFE and life abundantly. God has chose Donald J. Trump for such a time as this! He is Pro-Life, pro-family, pro-church and pro-Israel. God is working on all of us. That God he turn away from me in my ugliness. I will always vote God’s way…..For Life!
We need to pray for the evangelical Christians. If they vote for pro-abortion candidates the blood of the aborted babies is on their hands as well. Where is the disconnect with them? God hates the hands of those who shed innocent blood and much judgement is coming because of this.
Pride causes a person to hang on to their political party even though they stand for horrendous sinful choices.
Bring your children to repentance Father and deliver them from the powerful spirit of deception in Yeshua’s name!
Just take a look all around the country where dems have a stronghold and where chaos and looting and burning down businesses have been allowed to occur without any pushback – that is our nation on steroids if Biden wins the election – Biden is evil to the core just look at what he has always stood for and that’s Biden and his family getting rich something like the Clintons and Obama’s
Vote pro-life please. I am sorry that past presidents sold us out to the the devil. NO more! Please vote pro-life 2020 and live!
Biden will Not be antagonistic in his rhetoric before the elections…for sure..after..He will do what They All want..
A Radical Socialist transformation of our country.
No God , No Freedom,
No Rights.
I Only Pray in The Mighty Name of Jesus that God our Father will Open the eyes of The People to See their Lies and deceitfulness and Vote for Righteousness.
When a Christian votes for politicians that supports Abortion , is also guilty of their sin. We should know better , and More will be demanded from us.
Be God inside minded and you Won’t have any trouble in choosing the Right way.
Amen! I agree with everything you wrote 100%
It’s not really about the two candidates, it’s about the platforms of the two parties. Both candidates are morally flawed as are we all. Look behind the curtain at what each party and candidate stands for. Compare that to the word of God. Then the decision will be clear.
I’m not sure how Biden’s stance on giving tax money for abortions is something he thinks children of God will overlook….I call ALL Christians to wake up and come together! No matter our theological view on religion, we need to come together as the children of God and stand up for our beliefs, our country, and the world! Jesus came that we may have life and have it abundantly!
I wish I could say that all Christians would vote for Trump but unfortunately, that is not true. I know church leaders who will not vote for Trump and almost hate him. I pray Lord that you would give discernment to all Christians. Let them see the works of the enemy and come against them them. Let us recognize the Jezebel Spirit and the lying spirits in the media and put up a barrier of prayer against them. I pray in Jesus’ mighty powerful name and I thank you for your answers.
God has provided to us a pro-Christian, pro-life, pro-America President. Now it’s up to us to honor that and keep him another four years. What can we do, what are we willing to do with God’s help, to make that happen?
What does it say when a church leader- a person who supposedly reads and understands the Bible- has so much HATRED towards President Trump? As we all know, and as these church leaders well know, hatred comes from Satan as God is Love. Jesus told us to love one another. He didn’t mean love those who love us because that’s easy. He meant to love our enemies! Satan has entered the hearts of these church leaders who are full of hate. Pray for them.
For any church leader to hate President Trump then Christ is not in him…..wake up church. Someone needs to confront them with that issue!
Israel! Israel! Israel!
President Trump has been moved to obey God (whether he realizes it or not) to honor Israel and because of it, we are blessed.
God hVe mercy on us if our nation returns to the stance of the Obama administration. The end times clock is ticking and we want to redeem the time!
Biden was pro-life many years ago, I remember. I am in Delawarean and grew up praying for the Biden family in Catholic grade school, as well as, to end abortion. He lost his family in a tragic accident when I was in second grade, and God restored him by blessing him with his beautiful wife, Jill, and giving them more children. However, he turned away
by exchanging the truth for a lie; abortion is murder.
Father, we pray the church will ARISE and have eyes to see the wicked schemes of satan in both the Republican and Democratic parties. We pray for the boldness of Joshua during this time in history! We pray for the wisdom of Solomon to be our portion, and for us to be as intimate with You as David, as Esther, as John, the beloved disciple!
We want leaders who love, fear, respect, and honor YOU!
Lord, you were promised the nations as part of your inheritance and globalism is not part of your plan now as it wasnt with the Tower of Babel. Trump has been reversing non christian laws and pronouncing a national day of prayer and recognising Jerusalem. He loves America and is against corruption and perversion at the highest level so please bless his efforts to prosecute it and remove it from every level of government and business. We know if we bless Israel we get blessed in turn. Let us co labour with you. We would ask that the level of prayer increases so people turn their hearts back to you and allow this nation like Ninevah to lead the world back to you and away from the iniquitous spiral that is bescourging the world.
Hilarious that Biden’s campaign shares that he would not be “antagonistic “ towards Christians in North America 😂!
Scripture alludes to those who look in the mirror and are unable to see who they are as they have no identity. The former Vice President is mentally unstable. His fear in being “discovered “ in his lack of identity scares him to the core. President Trump has a lot of baggage as has other historically character challenging Presidents.
Sadly , we could see God discipline His people in bringing a Democrat back in to power to strip us of our religious freedom to help us remember why our ancestors fought & died for what we had. Ben Franklin said we have a republic, if we can keep it! Professing believers are far to easily pleased….
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I bind the party platform of death, Joe Biden, his campaign, and loose the hearts of Evangelicals to seek the LORD’s “party platform” of pro-life, righteousness, and justice! Hallelujah! Nothing is impossible with our God! AMEN. AMEN. AMEN!🙌🙌🙌🙌🙏🙏🙏🙏