Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders have a plan for America–they want to go “beyond the clinic and hospital walls in the spaces in which Americans live, learn, work, pray, and play.” What does this mean? Read more . . .
Two names will be prominent on your ballot this fall. Those individuals have teams with different beliefs, visions, and records.
The Trump administration’s activities are readily before us. But what do we know about the Biden team’s plans?
Well, an extensive set of recommendations just came out from the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force. After all that has happened in recent months, it could be easy to forget the brutal Democratic primary that eventually became a Biden vs. Sanders boxing match. Senator Sanders, who rallied the socialist Left of the party, eventually bowed out, but Biden’s team doesn’t want to lose Sanders’ supporters in November.
We don’t know exactly what a President Biden would do, but he did commend the “unity” effort to help “build a bold, transformative platform for our party and for our country.” So, over the next few weeks, I’ll explore some pieces of it and hope that you’ll pray through it.
Let’s start with health. After all, that task force said, “The difference in values between the two parties on this life-or-death issue could not be more stark.”
I think that’s true. But in a way different than I suspect the task force means. More on that in a moment.
First, let’s remember healthcare policy is very complicated. I cherish those health professionals — researchers, caregivers, and more — who go above and beyond to give selflessly for the good of others. Also, probably like you, I’ve had the “joy” of personal interaction with government and insurance company bureaucracies. It’s hard to pick out groups representing good guys and bad guys here.
But there are different general strategies. Republicans like to look more to the private sector for efficient and effective leadership, while Democrats tend to rely more on government involvement. It is notable that the task force does not embrace a Sanders-style “Medicare-for-All” socialized medical system. However, in pursuit of universal coverage, it does recommend a robust public insurance option — one low-income Americans will automatically be enrolled in.
There is a lot more in the recommendations. It’s a wish list with harsh words about Republicans that will be unpalatable to many. But could it be a conversation starter? Sure. Despite the “stark” dividing line the task force insists on, both parties think healthcare needs repairing in America. There could be a lot of negotiating room between them here — if they were really open to it.
Where I find the real seemingly insurmountable “difference in values” is in a matter that destroys the lives of hundreds of thousands in America every year.
The intransigence of the Left on abortion and the lockstep with Planned Parenthood appears horrifically ironclad. Not only does the task force want to open the federal spigot again to that abortion industry behemoth, but they want to codify Roe and have our tax dollars directly fund abortion.
They also laud their ACA contraceptive mandate. Combine that with obstinate statements from leaders like Sanders, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Biden himself after 7 of 9 Supreme Court justices handed yet another victory to nuns who could not in good conscience comply with that Obama administration requirement, and it sure seems like leaders on the Left are unrepentant about that incident of coercion.
With that in mind, let me highlight just one more section tucked away in the Biden-Sanders task force plan. The team wants to remove “health inequities and other disparities based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, wealth, and geography.” To do that they want to get involved “beyond the clinic and hospital walls in the spaces in which Americans live, learn, work, pray, and play” (emphasis mine).
What does that mean?
I don’t know, but I think we better pay attention and pray about it. Especially because the very next sentence (in the same paragraph on page 97) says, “The work of ending health inequities in America will require a whole-of-government approach to embed health in all policy areas that must be coordinated from the White House and the Oval Office itself.”
Now I try very hard not jump to conclusions and to give people I don’t see eye-to-eye with the benefit of the doubt. But this language does raise my eyebrows. At the very least, I think the Biden campaign should give further explanation about what they are trying to say.
Oh, and they should also apologize for suing the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Those would be good starting points for a productive conversation about the rest of their priorities.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
Aaron Mercer is a Contributing Writer with two decades of experience in Washington, D.C.’s public policy arena and Christian associations. A seasoned strategist, he aids organizations with research, analysis, and writing services, and he reflects on faith, technology, and the public square at
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In the name of Jesus, I say, It is not against flesh and blood we are struggling with and in this time I come, united with whole of the true body of Christ, rebuking and binding every principality, against demonic powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, with the old perverse attempt of that old serpent to destroy and bring shame, destruction to the creation of the Lord. I bind the strong man coming against america now, in the authority of the death of Christ on the Cross, I cover our nation with the blood of Christ in prayer and supplication, in brokenness and repentance for our sins, and that of our ancestors, I stand in the gap as an intercessor in Christ before the father, in obedience to the word of God, I cancel and destroy all works of evil, witches, warlocks, satanists, and all other deceived created being now following the works of darkness and allowing the dark forces of the destroyer to work through them. I bind the demonic powers behind curses spoken or written. I pray the lord changes hearts and touches lives resurrecting them from the death of their sins, I pray the lord sends angels to our land and the world with orders of destruction over all those who refuse to walk in the light and line up with the army of darkness with treason to the creation of the Lord. I pray the church marches on forward, militant, loving and firm with out calling from the Lord to preach the gospel to every creature, cast out demons, heal the sick and raise the dead, I pray for an anointing that we, the church of Jesus Christ will not love our lives until death, and stand up for what is right and true according to the holy word of God. I pray our Lord find his church occupying in love with unshakable firmness. We are not hopeless or unarmed. I pray we do not allow evil or advance one more step, enough vacations and playing gold and negotiating stocks and piling up, lets take time to be alone with God, cry out and bring true sacrifice of worship and adoration to our Lord, and he will, and he has done in the past, pour out his spirit and empower us for battle. No stepping back, no peace with evil, only truth, the double edge sword, always ready to pierce through evil. In Jesus name; AMEN.
In the Name of Jesus, I say “Amen” to Pastor Karen Lester’s prayer.
Communism and Socialism do not allow you to have individual freedom or thought.
I pray that all the brainwashed generations of voters would have their eyes opened and their minds changed by the Holy Spirit
and have a desire to learn and gain wisdom and knowledge about the things they have never been taught or learned in school.
Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the best revealers of this, and we Pray that Revival will sweep this country before the election
and turn people around. They know not what they do. Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
The Biden/Sanders team wants to remove “health inequities and other disparities based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, wealth, and geography.” To do that they want to get involved “beyond the clinic and hospital walls in the spaces in which Americans live, learn, work, pray, and play” (emphasis mine).
What does that mean?
As voters, we better pay attention and pray and vote about this emphasis for sure. Especially because in the very next sentence (in the same paragraph on page 97) says, “The work of ending health inequities in America will require a whole-of-government approach to embed health in all policy areas that must be coordinated from the White House and the Oval Office itself.”
Truly, we need further explanation(s) about this statement.
Thanks for standing in the gap,
Joe and Gina Turner
Thank you!
Hear our cry, O Lord, and attend unto our prayers as we pray for turnaround in America. Let Biden step down from nomination due to your conviction in his heart of why he is not suitable. Let all the other democratic nominees like Sanders Warren etc. be convicted to receive the amazing Grace of Jesus Christ … in Jesus Name we Thank you God.
Father expose the root intentions of this unity plan to all of America so that no one is deceived, Father even open the eyes of the unbelievers on it, the sleepers and the wicked. Father let these would-be leaders not be able hide their plans in the dark under a sugar coated title of unity! Father expose each and every point line by line for the public and blare it all across the news and social media of EXACTLY what the ramifications would be, the open doors and open arms to all foreigners who want to live here being offered free food and education at taxpayer expense! Father these plans are ridiculous for a nation that is already trillions of dollars in debt and our own families are already so tax burdened struggling to take care of our own families! so many of these plans intend to further tax us to death so that the only unity is that we would ALL be poor and then these leaders would roll out socialism as the savior! Father expose expose expose!! Raise up intercessors with great authority to pray the full exposure and destruction of the plans of these quacks, and never let them succeed! Father raise up a steady stream of truly God-fearing wise and moral men and women and lead the way for them into politics so that we will be a nation with Godly leaders making wise decisions that will protect our sovereignty and our spiritual and financial health as a people and a nation. Thank you that you hear our prayers and promise to answer, in Jesus name
I agree. God has been answering our many prayers to expose evil. Let us cry out for Him to bring justice for what has already been done, and plead that He will destroy the plots, schemes, ambitions, tricks, strategies, and attacks of the enemy against our souls and our nation.
Father God, please send the overpowering conviction of the fear of the LORD. You are not a God to be trifled with, but everyone will be required to give an account to You for what they have done. Remove the veil of darkness and let Your light of Truth shine into each person’s heart and mind. Remove all the ways people have been deceived.
Because of Jesus we are trusting in Your ferocious mercy and grace, and ask that You answer these prayers in His holy Name.
The single family home zoning will be replaced. An Obama plam, not implemented, is to transform suburban communities by requiring multi-family residences, and many transportation, & school related mandates.
Terrifying to think that anyone could vote for Biden.
The devil has to be ousted from our lives and only praying and asking God’s help will do it.
Thank you for making this known.
I’m copying it and will share.
As I have read through this all what comes to mind is, this is a huge venous fly trap. The nector is sweet but deadly
They could regulate the ways in which we are allowed to spend out free time, our hobbies, pursuits, and travels. They might dictate what we can and cannot eat. They will censor the information we have access to and use for educating our children.