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Our God, make America into a great friend to Israel. Stop our leaders from seeking to high-handedly control Israel's future!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Even as Israel sees victories in Gaza, it now faces unjust pushback from some of America’s leaders.

From CBN. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says the Israel Defense Forces reached a major military milestone: the defeat of Hamas in Khan Younis, the second largest city in the Gaza Strip, and home to many in the Hamas top leadership. …

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He declared, “The (Hamas) Khan Younis Brigade boasted that it would stand strong against the IDF. Today it is dismantled. And I’m telling you that we are completing the mission in Khan Younis, and we will also reach Rafah (at the Egyptian border) and we will eliminate anyone who’s there, who is a terrorist, who is trying to attack us.“

On the diplomatic battlefield, the U.S. State Department kept up its push for a Palestinian state and the implementation of a two-state solution.

In an unprecedented move Thursday, President Joe Biden issued an executive order that targets Israelis in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) who have been accused of attacking Palestinians there.

State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller announced, “We will also take action on behalf of the United States, both against those who engage in settler violence and extremist settler violence that have been prosecuted by governors, and others who have not.”

In a statement, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted that “the vast majority of residents of Judea and Samaria are law-abiding citizens, many of whom are fighting right now in active and reserve duty to protect Israel. Israel acts against all violators of the law in all places and therefore there is no place for drastic steps on this matter.” …

Share your fervent prayers below for the nation of Israel.

(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Joe Biden, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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February 7, 2024

Let Israel look to you and only to you, O Lord, for their marching orders and for deliverance. Open their eyes to their true Deliverer, Redeemer and Messiah.

William Powell
February 6, 2024

Be very careful U.S. State Dept. & President Joe Biden. God will bless those who bless Israel, and will curse those who curse Israel. Father, Lord please speak to the hearts of these leaders of our country. may Your will be done. in the name of Yeshua .

February 6, 2024

From Intercessors For Israel:

Lord, prepare Israel for the results of this year’s US elections by looking more to You and less to America – or to any other nation (Psa. 118:8-9; Isa. 31:1).

Empower all Israeli diplomats to declare truth regardless of whether other nations will pay heed or reject what they say (Psa. 12:1-3; Isa. 54:17; 59:19; Ezek. 33:9; Gal. 4:16).

Expose to the world how the UN’s agency for Palestinians refugees [UNRWA] is under the thumb of Hamas and is a channel which feeds the Palestinian hatred for Jews and Israel (Prov. 10:18; 26:26).

Protect Israel from Qatar which comes across as neutral yet totally supports Hamas (Num. 23:23).

God Almighty, confront the hypocrisy of most of the nations who love to honor dead Jews at various events, but then constantly condemn living Jews in Israel for defending themselves (Job 27:8-9)!

Linda Rice
February 6, 2024

I stand against the anti Messiah spirit controlling Resident Joe and the federal bureaucracy.

Teresa Harris
February 6, 2024

In the Abrahamic Covenant, God gave the land, including Gaza and the West Bank to Israel. God’s word stands. The Israelis will have their land back according to the Word of God! In Jesus mighty name!

February 6, 2024

Manifest your displeasure with the demonic two-State plan being pushed by Greek humanists in our Government. May the fear of God visit Biden and others in the US Government. I curse the two-State plan in the Name of Jesus. Israel is God’s Land. Zechariah 9.13.

    R M
    February 6, 2024

    Biden is a heathen. Pay no attention to anything Biden or his staff has to say; do the right thing and vote all of them out this coming November.

      N B
      February 6, 2024

      Agreeing with RM that Biden is a heathen. It is the whole power structure of the modern Democrat party to hate Israel and everything Godly. There is a satanic move behind Biden, he is a puppet.
      I pray for the revelation of God to come to all of those deceived or willing tools of demonic powers. WHATEVER their political affiliation, or “religion”, may they have the scales fall from their eyes and receive the opportunity to Repent! But if they refuse, Lord remove them from power.
      Lord, remind Your people that the Bible is filled with Godly examples of Prophets and leaders who confronted the Power structures of the day ; and those like Daniel who counseled “behind the scenes”, and even heathens who heard the Word of God (like Cyrus) and changed nations.
      Therefore we will continue to pray for our nation, and confront the ungodly culture that has flourished partly because God’s Church has not obeyed Him. We repent of our foolishness and ask You to empower us to fulfill Your will. In the name of Jesus/Yeshua, Christ and Messiah: AMEN

Chuck Herpolsheimer
February 6, 2024

So grateful for how CBN is covering the Israel War. Praying for their amazing staff.

Marsha Bashor
February 6, 2024

Dear Lord of above, I do fervently pray for Israel and for Benjamin Netanyahu. I ask that in the eyes of the US, Benjamin Netanyahu would have the freedom to conduct the war in Israel as you lead him, not as to what Joe Biden says or does. I ask that in the midst of this horrible war, the Jewish people would have their eyes open to you, to their Messiah, so that they may be saved. You are the God of Israel, dear Lord, and they shall have no other gods. I ask that Israel win this terrible war upon them. And that the hostages’ lives be spared and I ask for them to be released miraculously. In Jesus’ mighty name I ask these requests. 🙏🙏

    February 6, 2024

    Thank you, Marsha for your powerful prayer! I pray for “BiBi” often as you do here. I believe that the LORD raised him up for such a time as this! LORD, please place your mighty shield of protection around PM Netanyahu, even now. Give him victory over all enemies of Israel!

Allena Jordan
February 6, 2024

Father, I ask that this Executive Order would somehow be dissolved, dead, meaningless. God, President Biden is only a man who thinks what he is doing is right. You think differently. Lord, I call upon You to stop this executive order in its tracks. Change the President’s advisors. Cause a communications problem. Dismantle this, Lord. Oh protector and sustainer of the state of Israel, arise and ward off these words of attack against our ally, Israel. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    R M
    February 6, 2024

    Biden is an incorrigible heathen. Nothing short of impeachment or a good heart attack will change his mind. Biden is nothing more than a modern day King Herod.

RJ White
February 6, 2024

Let Your protect Hand be on Israel as they defeat the enemy. Let Israel be able to govern itself and free from foreign interference I ask in Jesus Namev

Linda C. Safir
February 6, 2024

Father, thank you for being with the Israeli army and giving them success against their enemies. Continue to have your angel armies go before them
revealing where the enemy is. Reveal to the Israeli army where the hostages are and give the army your strategies to rescue them without any of your chosen people being hurt. May the hostages know your Presence, Jesus, in the midst of this darkness. We ask for the peace of Jerusalem and all of Israel and protection over the Jewish people all over the world. And bless millions of Jewish people and Muslims to come to Christ by the outpouring of your Holy Spirit upon the whole earth. We love your Lord. You are our hope and peace.
In Jesus powerful name, I pray. love, linda

Lisa Foti
February 6, 2024

It is a complete farce to accuse Israelis of settler violence in Judea and Samaria. If you want to know what’s really going on, watch The Israel Guys. They live there, pray there, and produce daily media to provide truth from the Land to battle against the kind of propaganda that President Biden’s narrative promotes. We know that Jerusalem is the city of truth and belongs to God! Israel is the most lied about country in the world because the father of lies seeks to dethrone the legitimate King of Kings! Father, we praise You for Your word that guides us when we hear such things in media. The land is Yours. You are a covenantal Father, a promise keeper, the Light of the World, and Protector of ALL who seek You! For the sake of Your great name, we denounce these lies against Your sons and daughters in Judea and Samaria who are surrounded by their enemies on every side. We declare that YOU are their strong tower, the righteous run in, and they are safe! Save Your people from physical enemies, media enemies, political enemies and spiritual forces of darkness. Lift their heads! Give victory! Show Yourself true and strong, for YOUR GREAT NAME! We love, bless, honor and serve You, King of our hearts! Please deliver our government and political leaders from lies, delusions, propaganda, and certain death for eternity should they be lured by Satan to stand against the Apple of Your Eye.

February 6, 2024

They have tried a 2 state solution many times
.it never works because the Palestinians want hamas terrorists as their leadership.
They are also taught from childhood to hate jews & to kill them.the Palestinians are praising the killing of the jews!
They are getting what they asked for !
I have only seen 1 Palestinians who was for israel@


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