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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, a nation without borders ceases to be a nation. Protect us, and give insight to our leaders in contending with this crisis!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The million-dollar (if not multibillion-dollar) question regarding America’s border crisis is this: How will God work this together for the good of those who are called according to His purposes? Following that, what must the Church do to partner with God for His plans and purposes?

Have you taken your place on the wall?


Texas has been taking matters into its owns hands on the influx of illegal immigrants at our southern border. Since 2021, that state has launched large-scale efforts to secure its portion of the U.S.-Mexico line. Operation Lone Star, headed by Gov. Greg Abbott, has deployed personnel from both the Texas National Guard and the Texas Department of Public Safety to contend with the illegal influx. According to the official website: “Operation Lone Star personnel work around-the-clock to detect and repel illegal crossings, arrest human smugglers and cartel gang members, and stop the flow of deadly drugs like fentanyl into our nation. While the federal government ignores this crisis, Texas is holding the line.” (Read the material here.)

This campaign has not been put into action without conflict and controversy, especially pushback from the Biden administration. According to CNN: “Eagle Pass, Texas, has turned into the epicenter of a growing feud between Texas and federal authorities over how to tackle the migrant crisis and who has jurisdiction over that part of the US-Mexico border. The dispute intensified on January 10, when Texas authorities effectively blocked US Border Patrol agents from a 2.5-mile area in Eagle Pass, which had seen a surge of migrant crossings. This area includes Shelby Park, a city park on the Rio Grande that is now fenced off with gates and razor wire — impeding the Border Patrol’s access.” (Read the material here.)

That article then recounts that a woman and two children drowned while trying to cross the Rio Grande on Jan. 12. Two more migrants were said to be in distress on the U.S. side of the border at that time. CNN sources say that Texas officials blocked federal personnel from entering Shelby Park and instead investigated the emergency themselves. The journalists at CNN have been painting Texas lawmakers as irrational, saying that they are impeding federal emergency aid, but their campaign is not irrational or disruptive at all. Right after President Biden’s inauguration, many of President Trump’s successful border policies were rescinded. This led to an immediate swelling of illegal border crossings.

Imprimis, a Hillsdale College publication, recently released an adapted lecture given by national security expert Todd Bensman.

In that lecture article, Bensman details the effects of Biden’s policies on the border and how they’ve led to the current security disaster America — and especially Texas — must now face. Says Bensman: “Even with a surge in illegal crossings in 2019—this was due to a legal loop-hole that encouraged illegals to cross with minors—the Trump administration had brought apprehensions down to between 800 and 1,500 a day in his final year in office, the lowest numbers in 45 years. Four months into the Biden administration, apprehensions spiked to about 6,000 per day. There were 2.4 million apprehensions in 2022, a daily average of 6,575. In 2023 there were three million apprehensions, a daily average of 8,219. Entering 2024, apprehensions were up to 12,000 to 15,000 per day.”

Given that Texas dominates most of the border with Mexico, one can easily see that much of the damage inflicted by the massive influx of illegal immigrants is being felt by the Lone Star State. According to Bensman, the steps needed to solve the problem are simple and straightforward. They basically amount to reinstating the enforcement of immigration law and restoring Trump’s ultimatum with trade tariffs on Mexican goods. However, whether the necessary steps will be taken at all is a question for the politicians who seem to be choosing to ignore the problem.

In Bensman’s words: “Our politicians know these actions are the ones needed. The problem is not a lack of knowledge but a lack of political will. Too many of our elected leaders have selfish reasons to let the border crisis continue, no matter what their constituents demand. Whether they will be able to continue in their inaction is in the hands of the American people.”

We must pray:

Lord, please guide us with Your righteous hand. Give us the wisdom, discernment, and courage to stand with the good-hearted leaders of Texas who are taking a stand, and also to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in love.

Your prayers for our borders and nation are always urgently needed. Please share below.

Photo credit: Getty Images.

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Grant Windholz
March 23, 2024

Yes Lord God Almighty, a nation without boarders is certainly a nation that does not exist! I pray for the wisdom and strength of Texas fighting this spiritual warfare against demonic Biden and his evil plans to destroy America!! Praying for Jesus is everything 🙏!!

Don Johnson
March 19, 2024

All forms of government are destined to collapse until Jesus returns and sets up His rulership. There will actually still be secret rebellion as outlined in Micah 4: 1-5 until satan is thrown into his eternal home, the Lake of Fire, and the Father brings the New Jerusalem to earth. So it is no surprise that a generation that was handed freedom, for whom very few had to work, would despise it and prefer temporary gratification of the carnal senses, becoming weak, effeminate , perverse and easily set up for destruction by a vile and satanic political system which will soon engulf the planet. We are a weak nation, our enemies are strong and determined and unless God intervenes our political system is doomed. No one with an ounce of sanity would vote for open borders, a huge, unpayable national debt, a breakdown of law and order and a military more concerned with the feelings of perverts than the defense of the nation, never mind the slaughter of humans before birth. But half the country does vote for those policies and God’s mercy has been taken for granted while His justice has been ignored. Pray for the nation but more importantly, pray to endure to the end as our Lord warns us.

March 19, 2024

My wife and I live in TX but far from the southern border. It doesn’t matter. We have seen the overflow reach up to our town, which is hundreds of miles away. It is sad & it was/is avoidable but only when God fearing, law abiding leaders are in charge. It seems that the vast majority of those who have illegally entered our nation absolutely have no respect for the towns & cities they pass through. Not all but many just do not care. There are many people who have been forced to protect, in new ways, all areas of their property, homes & family members due to the masses who do not respect our laws. The Biden administration, which is an administration bent on lawlessness, is responsible for this situation…yet they still remain unaccountable. Sadly, too many of our “lawmakers” are still playing political games – they remain afraid to take on Goliath. If we think that this will change, in the future, through easy decisions & nice, easy going policies or politics, we are sorely mistaken. The Biden administration, along with some evil players outside of them (making the decisions, pulling their strings) has no intention, other than public lip service, to change matters. They will through some placebo type policies out during election year, then tear them away if elected again (whether they are elected legally or fraudulently).
I continue to pray, hope & vote for a different administration. While I pray for a change of heart to take place, I never cease praying for their removal from power. Honestly, I never thought I’d live to see the day that corruption like this would be so pervasive in an administration & it’s various branches. But nonetheless, I pray for God’s mercy on our nation, revival & repentance, and that actual justice will be brought upon those who have purposely tried to destroy our nation, our churches & our legal system.

Lavigne Kirkpatrick
March 19, 2024

We must pray that the laws we have on the books be enforced. Also concern that the Constitutional rights are for citizens. We hedges of protection and wisdom for our state leaders.

Marta Knox
March 19, 2024

God of creation, You alone know the hearts of men. You place those in authority to fulfill your plan. Lord, we ask you to give us leaders who will be faithful to you. Men and women that will lead with knowledge and understanding. Through our forefathers You made America great. Draw men and women who love America into leadership that will trust You to make American great again, for a time such as this, that we will stand with Israel.

Mary Ann Canfijn
March 19, 2024

Heavenly Father, help Governor Abbott and his team. Strengthen them, give them fortitude and moral courage to keep holding the line on our southern border. As they face the daily threat and ongoing invasion, please protect the protectors. We need You in this critical, long hour!

Allena Jordan
March 19, 2024

This old hymn came to mind. It is my prayer.
1 God of grace and God of glory,
on your people pour your pow’r;
crown your ancient Church’s story,
bring its bud to glorious flow’r.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage
for the facing of this hour,
for the facing of this hour.
2 Lo, the hosts of evil round us
scorn the Christ, assail his ways.
From the fears that long have bound us
free our hearts to faith and praise.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage
for the living of these days,
for the living of these days.
3 Cure your children’s warring madness;
bend our pride to your control;
shame our wanton, selfish gladness,
rich in things and poor in soul.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage
lest we miss your kingdom’s goal,
lest we miss your kingdom’s goal.
4 Save us from weak resignation
to the evils we deplore;
let the gift of your salvation
be our glory evermore.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage
serving you whom we adore,
serving you whom we adore.

Brian lynch
March 19, 2024

Lord Jesus, we cry out to You about this “crisis” that our federal “government” has allowed to happen. Please, give our national leaders a true wake-up call about this terrible mess. Our nation cannot continue to let this insanity happen. I thank You for the efforts of Gov. Abbot in Texas, and the measures that he has enacted. Lord Jesus, our hope and trust is in You. We trust in Your goodness. Please give our federal leaders, particularly Biden, wisdom about how to deal with this mess. Thank you, Jesus.


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