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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, protect our Constitution. We ask that it would be upheld and adhered to as our Framers intended. We ask that our government would serve and protect the people, as You have intended.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Senate is set to reconvene this week — one of their top priorities being the so called “For the People Act,” which Democrats claim fights “racism” and “suppression,” but would instead effectively nationalize elections and enable voter fraud.

Republicans previously blocked the bill by using the filibuster and preventing “tyranny of the majority.” Top Democrats are now calling on President Biden to lobby for “filibuster reform” in order to ram through the legislation this time around without the need for Republican votes, Rolling Stone reported Sunday…

Two centrist Democrats, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), have publicly denounced changing or abolishing the filibuster. However, their votes are much needed if any substantial changes are to be made to pass the “For the People Act.”

The report continues:

…Manchin wrote in an op-ed that he would not support tweaking or abolishing the filibuster, which he described as a “critical tool” to protect the interests of small and rural states like his. Sinema…point[ed] out how often Democrats used the filibuster when they were in the minority during Donald Trump’s presidency. The filibuster, she wrote in June, “compels moderation and helps protect the country from wild swings between opposing policy poles.”…

Sources told Rolling Stone both senators will be “likely targets” when the president begins to lobby in favor of changing the filibuster.

The Biden administration has been notoriously unclear about its opinion of the filibuster. In March, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Biden did not support changing the filibuster. Biden told ABC News a few weeks later that he supported bringing back the so-called talking filibuster…

Do you appreciate the filibuster safeguard? Share a prayer in the comments below!

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Katherine Hamilton. Photo Credit: Getty Images).

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September 16, 2021

The Democrats will do any and everything to try to control every outcome of every legislative bill or agenda in Washington. They have no qualms or conscience to do what is right. They are under the control of a demonic spirit that will seek power at any cost. My prayer is that there are enough courageous Republicans and moderate Democrats to recognize the end game and stand up against this takeover. Only You, Lord, Only you.

CM Brown
September 15, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, we need Your divine intervention on these matters – may anything to do with dishonesty or election fraud NOT succeed. May anything with any evil connected to it be totally abolished. God, we as a nation need You.

Thank you, and Amen.

CM Brown
September 15, 2021

Very well said.

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christine stott
September 15, 2021

As of 6 am, September 15, 2021 mountain standard time, only 80 people have prayed….really??????? Please wake up Body Of Christ, Please bring these issues before The Throne Of The Living God, we desperately need His Intervention, His Arm, His Righteousness in our land! Psalm 2:8
“Ask of Me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.” Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:” Matthew 7:9 “Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?” Have you forgotten His Promises…….

September 15, 2021

Father in heaven we beseech you to change the hearts of those who are pushing election fraud. May only taxpaying Americans be the voters. May only legal citizens vote. Open the hearts and minds of the American people to value their own legal right and to use it wisely and stop all future illegal votes. I pray for a repentance of voter fraud in America. Open the hearts of the deceivers to confess their sins in 2020 elections and open the nation to repentance. Amen.


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