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Father, thank You for gains recently made to protect the preborn. We ask that any attempts to circumvent those gains would fail. We ask that abortion would become widely recognized for what it really is, and that our hearts would be turned to You.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) announced several actions it plans to take to protect patients and abortion providers in Texas following a recently enacted abortion law…

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court declined to block a Texas abortion law, which allows abortions to be banned once a “fetal heartbeat” has been detected…

Among the initiatives announced by HHS SecretaryĀ Xavier Becerra is additional funding for Every Body Texas, a nonprofit that distributes money to sexual and reproductive health care clinics…

Up to $10 million would also be given in grants to clinics that have seen a higher number of clients following the recently enacted Texas law in addition to other clinics…

HHS also noted that a memorandum was issued…reinforcing federal protections, saying that health care professionals are obligated to treat a patient ā€œwho presents to the emergency department and is found to have an emergency medical condition preempts any directly conflicting state law or mandate…,ā€ …

“Now, in response toĀ President Bidenā€™s directive, HHS is taking actions to support and protect both patients and providers from this dangerous attack on Texansā€™ health care…”…

Earlier this week, the Department of Justice filed a motionĀ asking for either a preliminary injunction or temporary restraining order that would halt the ban from going into effect.

ā€œThis relief is necessary to protect the constitutional rights of women in Texas and the sovereign interest of the United States…,ā€ the department wrote in its motion…

ā€œ…Texas passed a law that ensures that the life of every child with a heartbeat will be spared…,ā€ [Gov. Abbott’s press secretary Renae] Eze said in her statement…ā€œ…President Biden…[is] more interested in changing the national narrative from their disastrous Afghanistan evacuation and reckless open border policies instead of protecting the innocent unborn.ā€…

Editor’s note: Many Christians voted for President Biden with the false belief that a Biden presidency would result in fewer abortions. That was a lie. The Biden Administration is doing everything they can to make sure that abortion is available to every girl and woman everywhere. That inevitably increases the number of abortions. Let’s thank God for the people of Texas who are protecting life.

Share a prayer in the comments below, that more states will pass laws to protect the preborn!

(Excerpt from The Hill. Article by Caroline Vakil. Photo Credit: White House Flickr.)

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Carole Ann Neve
September 23, 2021

This is not the same Biden that was in the debate against President Donald J. Trump before the election of 2020. I want to say faith words but am finding it hard with such lies and disinformation about Biden. Please people fight for Pro-Life. And pray for the exposing of what is exactly in certain medicines using the aborted fetal matter and in the jabs. There most probably was someone in your own family who has taken any and all of these products before.

Marsha Bashor
September 23, 2021

I do thank you God for Greg Abbott and the Texas Heartbeat bill. I pray for Governor Abbott for him to be given strength to keep on standing against the enemy that wants to destroy this bill. I also ask you Lord God for physical strength in his body to keep on doing the good work he is doing, and ask for blessing upon his administration, the people around him to keep on going in the right direction, to support one another in their efforts, and to never give up.
Please Father, put protection around that Heartbeat bill. Thank you.šŸ™šŸ’“

Rose Marie Distefano
September 23, 2021

My fellow prayer warriors, tomorrow in Georgia, a heart beat bill that was passed in 2019, and was challenged, will be heard in court. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE UNBORN TO BE VINDICATED WITH THE CHALLENGES TO THIS BILL THROWN OUT. THE MORE STATES THAT PASS LEGISLATION TO PROTECT THE UNBORN, THE MORE OUR NATION WILL BE BLESSED.

September 23, 2021

When did having a abortion fall under a emergency? Don’t think that cuts as Biden puts it the Muster. Nice try.

    Carole Ann Neve
    September 23, 2021

    It was deemed essential in Michigan during the pandemic. That was a sick and wrong decision made.

Vickie Skelley
September 23, 2021

I’m not Catholic. Never have been. I’m a bible believing born again Christian of 37 years. This man, Biden, is a fraudulent president. This man Biden is being used by very very extremely evil people. Demonic. This man Biden has Dementia and it’s getting harder and harder to hide it. It’s so obvious now only the blindest of blind can’t see it. Essentially, America has no president in office but is being controlled by globalists behind the scenes for the destruction of America. Biden is their tool who they places there by thievery. Where are the republicans save Marjorie Taylor Green and a handful of others. The rest are silent. Shameful! I read that the white house press are now filing a complaint against him for never answering their questions. He can’t answer them. His mind is gone. The sad fact is Biden is a puppet and the people using him are very evil. Where is his family? Shame on them for allowing this. This man needs to be in an Alzheimers home or a nursing home. He has severe illness and they are using him to do their evil deeds to destroy our nation. I’ve heard priests on Youtube, which I hardly ever go to now because of so many wonderful free speech sites, but I pop in from time to time for certain channels I like. I came across this priest who I believe now is being chastised for speaking out. He is exposing the church’s corruptions and evils and Biden. Others are coming on on media as well. They don’t agree with their pope which I believe is ANtiChrist! Some of these priests are allowing these politicians to take communion who vehemently oppose prolife rulings and support the slaughtering of innocent children up to birth. You can’t get more demonic than that folks. If the Catholic church still allows this man and the other vowed Catholics to take communion who support child sacrifice, they are exposing their true evil selves and they will answer to Lord Jesus Almighty for leading so many astray in many ways but allowing this man to take communion or Nancy Pelosi or any other Catholic for that matter, shows they have become a political arm of the Democrats. They are AntiChrists in the worst of ways, in my humble opinion. Not so much the inidivudal Catholic people, but the organization. I imagine the Catholic church congregants are split on this issue as they are in the apostate Protestant churches.

    Rose Marie Distefano
    September 23, 2021

    Dear Vickie,
    You are so right; I am Catholic, and I am appalled by the members of my faith, who have not followed the laws I was brought up with. I have come to believe only in my savior, JESUS CHRIST; Thanks for your comments; I hope many eyes are opened.

      Vickie Skelley
      September 23, 2021

      RoseMarie. I’m glad you put trust in our Savior Jesus alone. John 14:6. Listen, it’s the same over here in the protestant church. Not the one I attend and I have a sister one I attend as well. They are both very prolife. But I imagine there are in these churches proAbortion Prochild sacrifice supporters…smh. I remember one time my pastor had a Alpha Pregnancy support leader speak. Some folks walked out when he spoke out against legalized abortion and was speaking specifically about the 2019 or 20 NYS ruling legalizing partial birth abortion. Satan has his weeds planted everywhere. I’m in NYS. It breaks my heart how few churches come out to the “March for Life” protests.

      It’s heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time.

      Peace of Christ.

        Carole Ann Neve
        September 23, 2021

        WOW wake up all Alpha male and female and beta male and female Christian church members.

September 23, 2021


Oh that we would work so hard to save babies rather then kill them. Please forgive us. Turn hearts to You. Speak to these moms and give them hope. Lord, there are so many options open to them. Guide and direct them to the best outcome. Lord, please dry up all the plans of the enemy to destroy lives and block all measures to defeat this live saving effort. We ask in Jesus Name

September 23, 2021

Thank God for a Nation of Godly people (Believers )taking a stand to reverse this demonic curse on this Nation. Father, we continue to repent for those who are in leadership positions that continue to spiritually keep this Nation down. We curse that curse and declare that we are a Nation under One God. And in God we trust. We further declare and decree that this war is over and the battle has been won. We turn to You, Father. Thank You for all of Your promises that are Yes and Amen. Thank You for fighting all of our battles. You are our deliverer and we put all of our trust in You. Amen! We love You, Lord!
Let our petition flow in Jesus Mighty Name!!!


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