I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would call back to You. Help him to walk out the faith that he claims to hold, Lord.
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Pres. Biden is Catholic, but his policies contradict Catholic teaching. We pray for salvation for President Biden.

From Fox News. President Biden cited both U.S. Catholic bishops and Pope Francis in defense of federally funded abortions, despite both the bishops’ and the pontiff’s consistent and vocal opposition to the practice.

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Biden, a Catholic, fielded questions from the press outside the White House on Monday, during which a reporter grilled the president on the continued complaints of Catholic leadership regarding abortion funding.

“Catholic bishops are demanding that federal tax dollars not fund abortions,” a reporter said to Biden outside the White House on Monday.


“No, they are not all doing that, nor is the pope doing that,” Biden replied.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) did, in fact, publish a letter Friday to the House of Representatives and the Senate specifically calling for end of taxpayer funding for abortion services. …

Additionally, Pope Francis has been a strict opponent of abortion in all cases. The pontiff has compared abortion to “hiring a hitman” and said humanity should “leave killing to the animals.” …

Biden’s reference to the pope in defense of taxpayer-funded abortion services caused outrage among Catholics, with some demanding a formal correction be issued. …

How are you praying for Biden? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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February 7, 2023

President Biden was asked how he dealt with accusations that he had lied, to which he replied, “Credible denials.” This is the elected leader of the free world representing Americans globally, to whom other governments and peoples turn to place their trust. He represents the abortion position of the entire Democratic Party, who are routinely supported by a significant portion of the church in America. Should this be a subject of prayer and fasting as we plead for the future of our nation and the world?

February 7, 2023

Biden is a liar…all his policies steal, kill and destroy….I hardly think he is just a back slidden Christian who has lost his way. I pray for a life changing , knock down encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ that results in repentance. Have mercy on our country Lord and remove this man and the wickedness he has “executively ordered” since occupying the WH.
Clean the house Lord and bring godly leaders into positions of authority.

Ken Budz
February 6, 2023

Lord please help Joe Biden to realize the errors of his ways and repent for his sins. Help him to realize abortion is a huge sin. We are created in Your image for a reason. Help Mr. Biden to help people and not to be a part of taking innocent lives. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

February 6, 2023

He Biden only says and support what gives him the votes
Abortion is EVIL and murder…
We are living in evil times and we WILL pay dearly for it.
Forgive one another and pray that they turn from their evil unforgiving ways.
“Jesus, forgive them as they know not what they do”


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