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With the critical mid-term elections coming up later this year, we have been encouraging intercessors to engage in “Intercessory Activism.” What is that? Intercessory Activism is promoting and releasing Kingdom of God values in today’s political process. We do this by adding action to intercession, joining in political campaigns we know are promoting biblical values, and voting in elections for the candidates whose principles reflect our nation’s Constitutional values. 

This kind of activism is not to demonstrate what you are “against” as much as it is “for” the kingdom of God (Proverbs 21:15). We can, in part, be the answers to our own prayers when we become message-bearers of kingdom principles in the public square. Whether it’s going to meetings, volunteering in local events, or building relationships with local leaders, intercessors have ongoing opportunities to make a huge difference right at home.

Consider these biblical examples of how God-fearing servants engaged in the political spheres of their day to bring national impact.

Daniel interceded and spoke to kings concerning national matters (Daniel 1:17-2:45). As an intercessor with a gift of interpreting dreams, Daniel made himself available to the nation’s heathen ruler as a counselor and confidant. By doing so, he won the heart of the king and broke the spirit of Idolatry in the land. Today, thousands of prophetic intercessors are discerning God’s heart for their communities and this nation and boldly sharing these revelations with politicians, both saved and unsaved.

Jeremiah spoke God’s word for the nation to government officials (Jeremiah 36:27-32). Even though the king refused to heed the statutes of the Lord written on sacred scrolls, Jeremiah stood firm and delivered God’s judgment to the rebellious ruler. Likewise, today, prayer warriors are fighting for the Word of God to be upheld through verbal and written declarations, daring to confront leaders and politicians who neglect and oppose God’s Word.

Mordecai mobilized intercessors for national breakthrough (Esther 4:12-17). As a spiritual father to Esther, Mordecai called the nation to prayer and saw deliverance as God’s intervention overturned a deadly decree against the Jews. Esther used her God-given beauty to win favor with the king and change national laws. Today, thousands of prayer mobilizers are calling their communities to prayer realizing the power of corporate agreement to break strongholds and ungodly judgments in the land.

In the New Testament, the disciples prayed for greater boldness in the face of opposition and threats (Acts 4:29). They didn’t let criticism or fake news stop them from spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul reached national leaders with the kingdom message (Acts 26-27). His willingness to suffer for Christ gave him a national platform to share the kingdom of God with rulers across the known world. Even Jesus demonstrated zeal for His Father’s house by disrupting the peddlers and embezzlers of the day, making a public spectacle of their sin (Matthew 21:12-13). All of these are testimonies of intercessors who were willing to put action to their prayers. By their obedience, powerful things happened that brought lasting change to their communities and nation.

What is the Lord calling you to do? Are you a Daniel with wisdom and revelation to share with influential people? Are you a Jeremiah with writing abilities to clearly articulate the ways of God to a lost generation? Are you a Mordecai willing to call others in your community together for corporate prayer?

If you have already stepped into this realm and are experiencing opposition and attacks, can you rejoice and pray for even greater boldness? Are you willing to suffer hardship if it means gaining an audience with powerful leaders? Are you zealous for the Lord’s House and ready to guard and defend the call of intercession in this hour?

Intercessory Activism is not for the faint of heart, but the bold in spirit. Let us take our cues from Scripture and put action behind our prayers to see God’s kingdom come here on the earth as it is in heaven.

This is what the LORD says: “Maintain justice and do what is right, for my salvation is close at hand and my righteousness will soon be revealed.” (Isaiah 56:1 NIV)

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Walter Iluno
October 5, 2023

Thank you for the clarity.

Stella A
March 22, 2018

Isaiah 35:3
Encourage the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble.
Luke 8:17For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be known and illuminated.
The TRUTH will set us FREE;For it is for freedom that Jesus came to set us free)

Josefina Noblezada
March 22, 2018

In my weakness I can fast and pray.God’s mighty power will keep, protect, guide and empower our President and our leaders. They are in the front lines waging war against evil forces who would bring our country down. 1 Samuel 17:47 “for the battle is the Lord’s”.

Andrea Shrum
March 21, 2018

In the book, “The Trump Prophecies” by Mark Taylor & Mary Colbert, he says we need to return our election process to paper ballots, because the voting machines software is produced by companies under the control of George Soros, thus the election results can be manipulated by the left.
How can we as citizens and “watchers” over our Nation intervene and prevent Soros tampering with the votes in the 2018 elections as has happened in our Nation in the past. I see that in other Nations that Soros is trying to control the people are actually protesting against him. What can we do as The Body of Christ to put action behind our prayers for fair and unadulterated elections?

    Yvette Richard
    March 23, 2018

    Yes, Andrea! Instead of investigating our awesome President over alleged collision with Russia, Congress should be investigating George Soros for his manipulating our election results. His hacking into voting machines is a great deal more than just “meddling”; this achieves the results Soros wants, meddling is merely taking a stab at achieving results.

    Soros is an evil man. He is one of Satan’s minions. His organization was blacklisted by Russia in 2015, according to:

    The U.S. should have banned Soros from American soil, which wouldn’t have done much to stop his illegal activities unless he was/is exiled to a very small island without any means of communication at all.

    In the end, however, God has the final word and unless Soros changes his behavior, makes restitution for the damage his behavior has caused, and asks the Lord for forgiveness, God’s final word for him might not be very favorable. Perhaps we should pray for George Soros.

    “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy,’ said Jesus in his famous Sermon on the Mount. “But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:43).

    After all, forgiveness, like the truth, will set you free!

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