I Prayed have prayed
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Ask the Lord to help us discern rightly the news that is being brought forth. Pray that truth in news reports will be the norm and not the exception. “Use the discernment that comes with the Spirit of Truth given to believers.”

“… if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.” (1 Tim. 3:15)

One of the hottest topics in our culture is fake news. I’ve written about it, and others have as well. Obviously, not all news is fake. At the same time, not everything that calls itself news is real news. When one of the leading stories in USA Today is about someone wearing a thong, we are reminded how far the media have fallen. But fake news is not just an industry issue or a cultural issue. It becomes a discipleship issue because we are people of truth in a world that has been dealing with alternative facts since the Garden of Eden.

The growing problem of fake news gives pastors and church leaders a great opportunity to teach and challenge Christians to be more discerning about the stories they consume. What we are talking about is helping people think more critically about the world in which we live.

Nothing is true simply because it is believable, or because it fits our worldview or preference. Nothing is untrue simply because it is unbelievable, or doesn’t fit our worldview or preference. As Christians, we believe some things that would qualify as unlikely, or straight up unbelievable. The gospel has changed us. That gospel is ‘good news’.

We need to remember that what we call good news (God became flesh, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died, rose from the dead, and is coming back on a white horse to receive His people into eternal life), the world calls fake news….

In a rising tide of fake news, what can we do to not become part of the destructive flood that is washing away decency and sensibility in our culture? How can we live out Paul’s exhortation in Philippians 4:8?

Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise—dwell on these things.

Here are some things we all can do:

Never share what you cannot verify….

Make sure what you share would be recognizable by the people you are talking about….

Guard your integrity….

Apologize if you are part of the problem….

How can we avoid getting caught up in fake news?

First, start by using the common sense God gave us.

Second, take it to another level and use the discernment that comes with the Spirit of Truth given to believers.

Finally, ask yourself some accountability questions… Does this story make sense? Is the headline so sensational that it deserves to be on a gossip rag at the grocery store, or is it within the realm of possibility? Does this claim seem reasonable, or does it just appeal to the side of me that wants it to be true to validate my position against the person in the story?

I tend to get my news from several sources. This doesn’t mean they all say the same thing about the stories, or that I believe everything they say. But if a story is true, it will likely show up in several of the mainstream sources I read.

Ultimately, remember that we follow a Man who claimed to be the Truth. He told Pilate that He came to testify to the truth. Pilate then asked, “What is truth?” That is the question of our time. The truth will be clearer if it isn’t hidden among the clickbait in our lives. (Excerpts from Ed Stetzer’s article for Christianity Today – Ed Stetzer holds the Billy Graham Distinguished Chair of Church, Mission, and Evangelism at Wheaton College, is Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center, and publishes church leadership resources through Mission Group.)

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August 22, 2017

I lift up the Presidential Address and pray that many Americans watch it without biased news dissection, and i pray that the damage the biased news did regarding the Presidents comments regarding Charlotesville will fade away. Lord help the President to be able to talk the talk of a President so that he is better understood. Thank you that he is forthright in saying what he means and that he is not two faced. Continue to make the crooked roads straight before him, and bless the works of his hands. Thank you Lord for our President.

Lord, may that comment of the Senator who said she wished the President would be assassinated further alienate good citizens from the radical left, and the news media that supports it. In Jesus name, Amen.

Belay Woldemaraim
August 22, 2017

Father God place the real people on the media, help them, and use them to speak real, and the truth.
I pray in the name of Jesus.

August 21, 2017

Please pray and pray for our beautiful America that God will send a light to every man woman and child to know the truth and we will survive this dark cloud that is harming this country and the truth will be revealed through prayer and fasting we need to fast do penance and offering Hod bless America

Esther Rachwal
August 21, 2017

Dear Lord:
We need your help desperately. We know that our prayers to you helped get Donald Trump
elected, but now he is being maligned, trashed & ridiculed by the media which gives Americans a
false sense of what he is trying to do. Only YOU can counteract all the negative stories and the
reporters to present the news in an unbiased and fair manner, which was meant to be their mandate.
Open the hearts and minds of Christians who even have only a seed of a mustard seed of faith, that
you will help it to grow to make them see the truth of how the media is manipulating the news.

August 21, 2017

Heavenly Father,

I pray for Your truth to prevail in the hearts and minds of our citizens; may they have the quiet of heart to hear Your truth, the wisdom to discern between fake and truthful news, may they be drawn to what is right, what is true, and what is noble. I pray You will convict the hearts and minds of those in the news industry, may all darkness flee their hearts and minds, as the truth comes in like a lightning rod to show them the way of truth and life. May they have a deep desire for truth; while they follow and speak what is true.

August 21, 2017

Heavenly Father, praise to You for this wonderful day that You have given us. Forgive us when we are not instruments that properly bear Your name. Forgive us when we don’t see sin as You see it. Forgive our apathy and laziness. Forgive us when we don’t tell others of Your soon to be return. Forgive our unharmony and disunity and our bickering amongst ourselves.
Father, Jesus is truth and all lies come from the evil one. Protect Your church from following lies. Give us discernment and wisdom to see what society is throwing at us is a lie. Protect our Constitution and this country that was created with You in mind.
Hold the journalists and news agencies accountable for printing false or misleading new stories. Help the masses to see through the deception. Put an end to their agenda and the slander and deal with their deception. Remove their funding and let them live in their shame until they are repentant.
Let Your Name, which is above all names be magnified and made to shine. Use us as Your ambassadors and give us the tenacity and faith to be faithful.

August 21, 2017

Father in Jesus name, Hekp your people… myself included, to be wise and discerning about the type of news we consume. Help is to pray when we listen to or read unsettling news, and help us to communicate THE GOOD NEWS more than anything. In Jesus name Amen!

August 21, 2017

All people would convert to alternative news, e.g. Alex Jones, Savage, Levin, James Manning, even Rush & W.N.D.
Let the lamestream media go bankrupt.

August 18, 2017

Father, give us a heart hunger for the Word of God. You tell us to be in the word, devouring it, so that we might not sin against you. Lord, too many Christians voted for the last Presidential candidates that were for Abortion rights for women. Lord how can we lead people to you when we ourselves are deceived. Help us Lord to be your salt and light. Give us your decernment, may we have the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom. In Jesus name, Amen

i would also ask for prayer for Citizen GO based in Germany, please pray for the funds they need to continue their great work in Europe as well as here.

August 18, 2017

Amen yes and amen quick to listen slow to speak. Then when we do speak it will be with a right spirit. Even the truth must be spoken in love to hear fruit or it falls on deaf ears. People want to see truth in your character not just what you say. We will be more effective as we line ourselves up to what is right in Gods word. But must be in a right relationship and spirit. I believe that is why he is using a lot of people right now in this cabinet to be successful.

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