I Prayed have prayed
Father, give our elected officials wisdom with these weighty decisions they have to make. Reveal to them You will and Way.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

What do Eric Swalwell and Hunter Biden have in common?

Both are highly connected, Mr. Swalwell as a member of the House Intelligence Committee and Mr. Biden as the son of the incoming president. Both have made news for their dealings with China, Mr. Swalwell for his relationship with a Chinese spy named Christine Fang, and Mr. Biden for business deals made with enterprises connected to the Chinese Communist Party. Both also benefit from a U.S. press corps uninterested in getting to the bottom of their stories.

When the New York Post published emails in October raising doubts aboutĀ Joe Bidenā€™s claims heā€™d never discussed his sonā€™s business dealings, many dismissed the story as ā€œRussian disinformationā€ā€”and some suppressed it. As for Mr. Swalwellā€™s China connection, theĀ New York Times still refuses even to mention it. . . .

Their cases are only a microcosm of what Secretary of State Mike Pompeo complains is an all-out Chinese Communist Party effort ā€œto make Americans receptive to Beijingā€™s form of authoritarianism.ā€ China does this on multiple fronts, often masquerading under the banner of ā€œfriendshipā€ associations. But the agenda is always the same: to use whatever tools it has to mute opposition to China.. . . .

In a September speech to state legislators, Mr. Pompeo cited Roger Roth, president of the Wisconsin Senate, as another Chinese target. Mr. Roth received an email from Wu Ting, wife of the Chinese consul general in Chicago, that asked him to ā€œconsider adopting a resolution expressing solidarity with the Chinese people in fighting the coronavirus.ā€ . . .

Such actions help explain why Mr. Pompeo recently shut down five ā€œcultural exchangeā€ programs that allowed congressional staffers to travel to China on trips paid for by Beijing. . . .

Or take Chinaā€™s theft of data and intellectual property, including research on Covid-19. This columnist, who worked in the George W. Bush White House, had his personal information stolen by China in a 2015 hack of the Office of Personnel Management. . . .

American campuses are a particularly soft target. In 2019 Columbia President Lee Bollinger presented himself as a champion of free speech in a Washington Post op-ed in which he declared, ā€œNo, I wonā€™t start spying on my foreign-born students.ā€ But he said nothing about Columbiaā€™s Confucius Institute, an institution Mr. Pompeo calls ā€œpart of the Chinese Communist Partyā€™s global influence and propaganda apparatus,ā€ or reports that Columbiaā€™s Global Center in Beijing has canceled talks that might upset Chinese officials. Or the likelihood thatĀ ChinaĀ is spying on Columbiaā€™s Chinese students.

The is the missing backdrop to the Hunter Biden and Eric Swalwell cases. Mr. Swalwell isnā€™t accused of any wrongdoing, but does anyone believe he is the only U.S. politician (or staffer) compromised by a Chinese honey trap? . . .

Next July marks the 50th anniversary of Henry Kissingerā€™s secret trip to China. China has changed much since then, and so has its approach to America. Joe Biden might be tempted to think his sonā€™s case and that of Mr. Swalwell will pass. But they wonā€™t, because they are part of a much larger and more sinister China story to which Americans are only now waking up.

(Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal. Article by William McGurn. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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Laura Dominick
January 1, 2021

Thank You, Lord, for giving President Trump advisors like Mike Pompeo! I pray that You will remove the traitors from his midst and surround him with people who seek Your will for our nation. It seems as though there are many, many people in America who should be charged with treason. How sad and disgusting that people would be willing to turn over a nation to slavery for their own gain. May the Lord judge and rebuke those people! I have had a picture in my spirit of Jesus standing before His praying church with infinite love in His eyes, but then He turns toward the wicked people plotting against America and there is fire in His eyes! I pray these people repent before it is too late.

January 1, 2021

We(taxpayers) are not paying representatives to go to Washington and behave in this manner. This fulfills the prophesy: “”And they have healed the brokenness of My people superficially, Saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ But there is no peace. King James 2000 Bible They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people lightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace. ” I guess it was Kissinger’s idea, if we just bring them into the world economy they will favor capitalism and, then, democracy. Because of this they have enough money to buy off our representatives. No? Then why so little support for Trump, for stopping the steal? We should not be surprised at the communists but our representatives? They were undoubtedly taught in high school that communism is just an economic system. The essence of it is not that, but rather Satanism. Look at Karl Marx’s biography. He was not an atheist but rather a Satanist. Ignorant of Satan’s themes our representative don’t behave as if we are at war.

    January 1, 2021

    You are all too right. I highly recommend the Specter of Communism series through Epoch Times for people to learn the truth about Communism and how it is Satan’s scheme against humanity. https://www.theepochtimes.com/how-the-specter-of-communism-is-ruling-our-world-list-of-chapters_2658181.html?utm_source=share-btn-copylink&st=mo12VD6vsB6CgKgrNxpsjScqrnGnGsgoZOtgRzozeXQrdIKIFNHLYOyoaVe12rncN2jhz0W4lmA5DNBNTAPi_ssSxK-Z_MfPVQw

      January 1, 2021

      I agree. The Epoch Times is owned by those who have escaped the grip of communist China. What a great resource it is that the Lord has provided. Why donā€™t many people even listen to these knowledgable people! They have experienced it!

    January 1, 2021

    So well said! My thoughts about the representatives. I pray the Lord opens the leadersā€™ eyes to the glaring truth that we see and grant them moral courage to stand up for truth. I pray, make phone calls and write letters to our leaders, and try to talk to those in my circle of influence. That is how I am fighting this war. I pray the leaders see and do their part.

      January 1, 2021

      Thank you Marlene. I actually forgot what I said but I know what I think. My ancestors left the Russian Empire before the Bolsheviks but I had a field trip to a Nike base when I was in 2nd grade. Gov. Rockefeller told everyone to build bomb shelters and I was dreaming, in 3rd grade, about Russian soldiers bursting into the house. I have been studying communism since high school and even then noticed the mainstream media was soft on communism. I didn’t know then then our people would go to communist countries and be shown what they wanted them to see and then they would come back and be soft on communism. I think Bernie went there for his honeymoon. We had a communist teacher at our high school. I saw a poster of Mao by a local high school teacher’s desk. Now that I see the incredibly weak response to election fraud in Congress and the Supreme Court even I am shocked despite what I thought was my already high index of suspicion of communist infiltration. I don’t get it. Why are they willing to give up freedom? How much money do require to sell out?


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