Therefore, come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you. And, I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. (2 Cor 6:17-18)
New Jersey Christians are calling on prayer warriors, Christian leaders, legal scholars, concerned taxpayers, and all defenders of liberty and truth to come and help them in their efforts to protect the children. This is a cry for help. They have been called to be the firewall to protect the children not only in NJ, but to stop the effort to normalize what God’s word calls an abomination from spreading like wildfire into each state and every public school in our nation.
Come over to Macedonia and help us. (Acts 16:9b)
There is a lie being taught in our nation, not only in the public schools, but also from many pulpits. This lie is powerful. It says that in order to love, you must tolerate, accept and even celebrate the choices others make, even when your religious convictions, family values, personal conscience, and the HOLY WORD of God says otherwise. We are here to say enough! No more of these lies will be taught to our children! It is time to speak truth to these deceptions and be to light in a dark world. Many of these lies are being forced upon our school children in every public-school system nationwide.
In January 2019, New Jersey’s Governor, Phil Murphy, signed a new law that is based on the same premise that has countless California parents distraught by the extremely graphic and inappropriate lessons being taught to their children under the guise of inclusion (including pedophilia and fisting, and things that we cannot even print on this page). New Jersey’s law mandates that the curriculum reaches beyond sex-education in health class, and even beyond history lessons. All middle and high schools in the state are required to “plant” and implement LGBT-inclusive material in ALL relevant subject matters, prohibiting parents from opting out, or even being notified when and how this material will be taught. This new curriculum has been drafted by employees hired by Garden State Equality. This organization boasts of being, “New Jersey’s Largest LGBTQ Advocacy & Education Organization,” yet it seems that no one is concerned that they are not only writing the curriculum, hiring “coaches” to help schools manage the objections of Christian parents, but they also intend to provide this curriculum to other states that implement similar laws.
As of August, there were four states that have passed this new requirement to change the public schools curriculum including California, New Jersey, Colorado, and Oregon. Additionally, Maryland started to work on the developing curriculum this past summer. And all of this is being paid for by your tax dollars.
Too many Americans are standing by watching this, complaining and saying, “somebody needs to stop this”, but yet, they remain silent even when it is made law, or added to the policy in their children’s school. We are here to say enough, no more. Team PYC – Protect Your Children is hosting a conference, this Saturday, October 26, 2019 in Flemington, NJ. The goal of this conference is to encourage and educate parents, teachers, pastors, leaders, legislators, administrators, taxpayers, Christians, and concerned citizens to stand up and help them know how to speak out. The event is on private property–it is free, but registration is required.
Team PYC is organized in many counties, and they have a strategic plan to mitigate or repeal this mandate to normalize lifestyles that not only contradict Christian standards, but call those who desire to live out their faith bigots, haters, and extremists. Speakers include Alex Newman, an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does; Mayor Alfonso Cirulli, a defender of Parental Rights who recently called the LGBTQ rights movement “an affront to almighty God,” condemning the new law that requires LGBTQ-inclusive material be taught in public schools; Crystal Lopez, whose son went to Rutgers University and was given hormones against her wishes; State Senator Mike Doherty, who is a fearless leader on God-given rights. And more than ten other conservative state leaders who are working hard to protect the children.
Are you willing to speak out? Are you willing to be light in a dark world? Are you willing come out from them and be separate? Please join this effort. Please attend this conference if you can, and please pray for their efforts if you cannot. If you would like to join their efforts, please join Team PYC on or visit their supporting page Man and Woman Up for Christ on Facebook.
For more information, please contact NJ Parental Rights at: [email protected]
Please remain silent no longer. The time is short. Please sound the alarm.
(Used with permission. Article by Victoria Jakelsky, Man and Woman Up for Christ.)
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Please join our April 2021 NJ Parental Rights Conference:
Please join us on Saturday, April 24, for a NJ Parental Rights Workshop.
Topics include history, current state of public education, action steps, legal rights and support, other options for education, break out action groups.
We plan to fight against the lies fond in the blow pic. Please stand with us.
LIMITED SPACE – Registration is required
NJ Parental Rights Workshop
Flemington, NJ
Saturday, April 24
2:00-2:20 Greet and mingle (coffee and catch up)
2:20-3:00 The NJ LGBT History
3:00-3:45 Speakers
3:45-4:00 Break
4:00-4:30 How to Take Action
4:30-5:30 Breakout Sessions:
•School Policy- The new Laws in the NJ Schools
•Legal Action in your school!
•2021 Election Teams and Action Plan
5:30-6:00 Wrap-up and work on the May 2021 Schedule
Please click here to register.
Dear Mr, president, can’t thank you enough for your hard work for your people, I’m sure how clean hands do you have that is why alot is against you,I totally respect and agree with you at most of what you going with, but as Christian parent I trust and believe in you that you will stop all moving for LGBTQ to destroy our children, this community against our holy Bible, so please save us, and save the great America.God bless you.
We love you so much.
Does Protect Our Children have an online website? Are there any more conferences or meetings scheduled in New Jersey? I found out about the Flemington, NJ conference after the fact. I did see some video of it online.
GOD HELP US! The time is NOW!
Abba Father, We have arrived at this place because we “the church” have been silent about blatant sexual sins that were happening 50 years ago in our culture. Your people became silent and took a back seat. We failed to love our neighbor enough to share the good news of Jesus. We failed to teach our children to be set apart. We failed to separate ourselves from Hollywood and the music industry. We compromised. We have been living comprised lives for so long. Forgive us. Show us how to walk through this now mine field with boldness and love. Let us not just be a noisy gong. Lets us be self sacrificing, not living in fear of the consequences. Let us be the feet that brings good news to this dark world. In Yeshua’s name, Amen!
Amen Amen. Good prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, we are living in a day we never dreamed we would see. All of Your truths are being trampled and Your people’s faith is being tested. You know we love these people, many in our own families, who are walking in ways contrary to Your Word. Give us the wisdom we need to do Your bidding. In the face of persecution help us to stand for the Truth of Your Word and fight for our families. I especially pray for those on the frontlines. Build a hedge of protection around them. Give the an extra measure of Wisdom, Grace and Knowledge from You. Give those of us praying guarded time to hold them up in prayer. In The Mighty Name of Your Son Jesus. Amen
Amen and Amen!
Dear Heavenly Father,
Open our eyes to see this isnt a moral issue, it is a heart issue. You have engraved your instruction on our hearts and circumcised them. We have walked in confusion that love and complacency and tolerance were the same thing. It is time as the whole body of Jesus that we acknowledge this hasn’t worked and that you take the heart of stone that has been hardened by opinion and humanism and make it a heart of flesh pliable in your hands as it says in Ezekiel 36. We repent for throwing off your instruction and seeking our own solutions and ask for Godly wisdom that comes from above. I ask as Fathers, mothers , grandparents all who love you to come together in unity. Create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us. No longer can compromise and complacency be our stand. We must stand and defend our children and grandchildren in these times. In the times of old you had men and women of valor and zeal that stopped the plagues of Israel in unconventional ways but you were pleased with their passion give us Your plan to do Your will in these last days. We are to be your hands and feet, and the example to this next generation. Let us not walk in unbelief and help us to realize we all have to start walking Your way to defeat this evil. To hate that which is evil and cleave to that which is good. To lay aside our own sins that so easily beset us and take seriously this is a battle for the soul of this nation. Yeshua (Jesus) shed to much blood for a generation to be lost. There is strength in the name of the Lord, there is power in the name of the Lord, there is hope in the name of the Lord. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Let us be like David who didnt only pick up a rock for Goliath but picked up 4 more for his brothers. Be victorious in the name above all names. All the Glory goes to Yehovah (God). In His mighty name Yeshua (Jesus) Amen
Amen! Beautiful prayer, standing in agreement!!!
Amen and Amen!
Amen to Joni’s prayer!
Let’s LIFT HIGH THE NAME OF JESUS IN PRAISE-despite what we are seeing and hearing in the natural! Shout ALOUD HIS PRAISES! WE ENTHRONE THE LORD ON OUR PRAISES AND ADORATION and He destroys the enemy’s plans!
Thank You LORD for this rally cry to fast, pray, and step out to defend our precious children and youth! BE EXALTED O LORD!
Father God release the power of Your Word over these public schools in NJ. We ask Holy Spirit to move on all of our behalf that serve you in public schools in America and New Jersey. Mark 1:3 says we are the ones “calling out in the darkness saying this is the way” so we say have your way Father God in your powerful Son’s name, amen and amen
Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for prayer. Lord I pray that You will awaken Your church and others. Please Father God help people to resist this pushy and valueless nonsense. Children need to know reading and writing and math and science. This stuff is doing more harm than good. Taxpayers should be angry. Students need to be prepared to shape their future not this baloney. Lord help us I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Amen to your prayer! Only God Almighty can destroy this evil that seeks to destroy our precious children who are made in the image of God. Jesus is interceding on our behalf at the Throne if Grace as we plead for his mercy and grace to shine through this present darkness. Jesus, we plead with you to glorify your holy Name!
I pray in agreement with the above prayers but I also say as I’ve been saying to anyone who listens in CA… GET YOUR KID OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOL!!!! They are exposed to too much evil. There’s no time to “fix” this. Your children are being indoctrinated. My goddaughter is afraid of being shot in school. Public school curriculum is demonic. Get them OUT!!!
I call upon the Spirit of our God to raise up a standard against this onslaught of evil that is attempting to force such ungodliness upon our children and their parents. Please, Father, please send your Spirit of might and power upon our land in a special way to render those powerless who are implementing and imposing such evil upon our children and families. It is through the blood and power of the Holy Spirit and in the Name that is above all Names, Jesus, that we collective take a stand, Amen!