Your prayers are needed in a spiritual battle raging nationally. The Washington Examiner reported that tomorrow, October 25, 2019, will be a day of casting spells on the Trump Administration: “A week before Halloween, opponents of President Trump will gather in the thousands to cast a spell on the administration to prevent the administration from harming the country. Participants in the ritual, which has been performed regularly since Trump’s inauguration, are taking particular encouragement from Democrats’ recent launch of an impeachment inquiry, which they see as a sign their efforts are working. “I’m willing to go on record and say it’s working,” said Michael Hughes, the self-described magical thinker and activist who came up with the ritual. The spell is crafted “to bind Donald Trump and all those who abet him,” and is supposed to be performed during every waning crescent moon until Trump is removed from office.The ritual calls for the use of an unflattering photo of Trump, a tarot card, a stub of an orange candle, a pin, and a feather. Participants then call on the “heavenly hosts, demons of the infernal realms, and spirits of the ancestors” to bind Trump “so that his malignant works may fail utterly.” While he said it is difficult to calculate how many people participated at the first event in 2017, Hughes said it was “definitely in the thousands” and spread “across the world.” He noted that several thousand people continue to participate in the ritual every month…
Karen Tibbits-Williams, a New Zealand-based witch and paranormal investigator, said the point of the ritual is to prevent Trump and his supporters from causing harm, but the ritual does not specify how that result should be achieved.
“It could happen by creating unity and strength amongst his opponents, it could be brought about by his impeachment and removal from office,” she wrote in an email to the Washington Examiner.
But while the means by which Trump is bound is not clearly defined, Tibbits-Williams is also confident the ritual is working.
“I’ve seen for myself, many times over, the power and effectiveness of magick. My confidence in the power and efficacy of our Binding — and the effect which it is having — is absolute. I don’t ‘believe’ that it works … I know it does,” she said.
Hughes’ spell comes at a time in which witchcraft is on the rise in the United States. From 1990 to 2008, the number of individuals practicing Wicca, a form of witchcraft, increased from about 8,000 to about 340,000. In 2014, the number of Wiccans in the United States may have been as high as 1.5 million, based on a Pew survey.”
(Excerpt from Washington Examiner. Article by Jeffrey Cimmino.)
You can’t lay hands on President Trump in prayer for him, but you can pray in agreement. Let’s pray for the protection of President Trump and all in his administration who are doing their best to restore America and are the most pro-Christian, pro-prayer, pro-religious freedom, and pro-life in history. Let’s also pray in the authority that the Lord has given us for the overthrow of every incantation and wicked scheme directed by these occultists and that they will be set free from the delusion and grip of the evil one.
Thanks so much for your prayers of faith and authority led by the Spirit for His breakthrough in these important concerns.
For more teaching on spiritual warfare for this season, click HERE.
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Heavenly Father,
Thank you for our President, Donald Trump, and Vice President, Mike Pence. I pray for them and their families. Deliver them from evil. Lord God! how awesome are your works through the greatness of your power. Your enemies shall submit themselves to you. Hide Donald Trump and Mike Pence from the secret plots of the wicked from the rebellion of the workers of iniquity. According to Psalm 64, I pray for Donald Trump and Mike Pence and also their families, friends, and those who stand for righteousness in the White House.
Lord let us be glad in you and trust in you. Your Word works and is forever. In Jesus Name Amen.
Let us not give room to the devil. LET US NOT EVEN SPEAK OF him.
Prayer for President Trump, his family, his administration, & his supporters
Abba, I thank You that You have Your Hand on the current president of Your U.S.A., Donald Trump. Thank You that You have anointed & appointed him, as well as given him Your Wisdom & Discernment, Knowledge, Revelation, Insight, Strength, Good Health, & Shalom to “Hear & Obey” You, to follow You and to serve You & Your people, and to accomplish Your Plans, Purpose, & Agenda, not only for himself & his family, but for Your country, the U.S.A., and Your people therein. Continue to bless & protect him & his household & family with Your unbroken Protection at ALL times — shamar them olam! Cover them ALL daily & generously with The Blood of The Lamb of Elohim — Yahushua HaMoshiakh of Netzerot! According to Your WORD, in The Name of Yahushua HaMoshiakh of Netzerot, I decree & declare Z’kharyah 2:5 around President Trump, his entire family, their properties, transportation, and wherever they go. Build a wall of fire around them with Your Glory in the center of it that NO witchcraft, NO voodoo, NO hex, NO vex, NO word curse, NO principality, NO power, NO evil power of darkness, & NO demon in hell can penetrate. Ameyn. I further decree & declare in The Name of Yahushua HaMoshiakh of Netzerot, that Donald Trump will NOT be impeached, NOT assassinated, NOR harmed in any way, and that NO weapon formed against him or his household & family will prosper NOR prevail, and every lie & false accusation will be proven wrong and put down for ALL to hear, see, & accept. And that Donald Trump WILL BE RE-ELECTED in 2020 again by a landslide & stay in office the entire term!! Strengthen President Trump, his wife, children & family to SEEK YOU, KNOW YOU, & TRUST YOU more & more each day. Continue to anoint & appoint him/them to do Your Will blamelessly (as much as possible in this life). Teach & empower President Trump, his family, & ALL those who support him, stand with him, and/or vote(d) for him, ever-increasing those who support/stand with You & him, to think, speak, & live Your WORDs of TRUTH daily & to be faithful to the calling. Make them ALL strong in You, Yahushua, & The Power of Your Might by Your Spirit!! Dress them in Your full armor each day. Guard their hearts, minds, mouths, & bodies so that NONE of the evil enemies’ frequencies touch them NOR effect them at all!! Ameyn. Thank You for daily guiding & directing President Trump’s steps, as well as his mind & mouth by Your Kadosh Spirit. Empower him to know where/when to go, who to talk to, and what deals to make specifically according to Your Righteousness, TRUTH, & Justice. Thank You for covering & protecting him, his household & family, all his administration, advisors & cabinet members, & each of their households & families (past, present, future), each of their properties, work places, businesses, schools, & transportation by The Precious Atoning Redeeming Blood of Yahushua HaMoshiakh of Netzerot night & day from now on & forever!! Ameyn. Guide & direct each of their steps daily, and do likewise for each of their hearts, minds, mouths, spirits, souls, & bodies. Give them Your 7-fold Spirit to operate in: The Spirit of YaHUaH, Wisdom, Revelation, Council, Might, Knowledge, & The Fear of YaHUaH to do Your Will in ALL matters personal & public, & in his/their positions of leadership & authority, elected or appointed. Expose & shut the mouths of the lions — the liars who speak lies against him, his family, his administration & advisors, or attempt to harm him/them in any way. Expose the lies & the liars & cause their evil words/deeds to return upon their own heads…may it be so. Ameyn. For it is written, “Do NOT touch My anointed, do My prophets NO harm.” Ameyn & Ameyn.
Thank You that Your Voice of TRUTH & LIFE has been heard in the 2016 elections & will be heard again in the 2020 elections!! Ameyn. Thank You for giving Your Righteous ones VICTORY then & continue to give us VICTORY & empower us to stay Rightly aligned with You, Your WORD = Your Torah, & Your Spirit!! Forgive us for we know not what we do, but turn our hearts to You — YaHUaH our Elohim forever! Cause us to REPENT & RETURN TO YOU, Your written WORD, Your written Torah, Your Righteous Instructions — to learn it and do it Your Way! — AND — REPENT of following after the man-made religious & family traditions, rituals, celebrations, teachings, and pagan sun-god idol worship practices that we all have erroneously inherited — all those things that You call abominations to You (the inherited Roman pagan sun-god calendar & any other calendar of man/satan that is NOT Abba’s!) Bring us back into Your sheep pen, Good Shepherd, Yahushua!! Ameyn & Ameyn. May You cover us with an Everlasting Fear & Awe of You, inspire & motivate us to seek You, seek TRUTH, receive The LOVE of The TRUTH, & walk/live in The TRUTH forever!! For You are TRUTH & Your TRUTH NEVER ENDS & NEVER FAILS!! Ameyn & Ameyn. Thank You for confirming & manifesting Your WORD, as well as confirming & manifesting Your servants’ Words because we take You at Your WORD!! Ameyn & Ameyn. Blessed be The Name of YaHUaH our Elohim, from the rising of the sun to its going down. Ameyn & HalleluYah!!
See Mark Taylor’s website for prophecies he has been given by The Almighty since 2011 and his book The Trump Prophecies.
Prayer for President Trump, his family, his administration, & his supporters
Abba, I thank You that You have Your Hand on the current president of Your U.S.A., Donald Trump. Thank You that You have anointed & appointed him, as well as given him Your Wisdom & Discernment, Knowledge, Revelation, Insight, Strength, Good Health, & Shalom to “Hear & Obey” You, to follow You and to serve You & Your people, and to accomplish Your Plans, Purpose, & Agenda, not only for himself & his family, but for Your country, the U.S.A., and Your people therein. Continue to bless & protect him & his household & family with Your unbroken Protection at ALL times — shamar them olam! Cover them ALL daily & generously with The Blood of The Lamb of Elohim — Yahushua HaMoshiakh of Netzerot! According to Your WORD, in The Name of Yahushua HaMoshiakh of Netzerot, I decree & declare Z’kharyah 2:5 around President Trump, his entire family, their properties, transportation, and wherever they go. Build a wall of fire around them with Your Glory in the center of it that NO witchcraft, NO voodoo, NO hex, NO vex, NO word curse, NO principality, NO power, NO evil power of darkness, & NO demon in hell can penetrate. Ameyn. I further decree & declare in The Name of Yahushua HaMoshiakh of Netzerot, that Donald Trump will NOT be impeached, NOT assassinated, NOR harmed in any way, and that NO weapon formed against him or his household & family will prosper NOR prevail, and every lie & false accusation will be proven wrong and put down for ALL to hear, see, & accept. And that Donald Trump WILL BE RE-ELECTED in 2020 again by a landslide & stay in office the entire term!! Strengthen President Trump, his wife, children & family to SEEK YOU, KNOW YOU, & TRUST YOU more & more each day. Continue to anoint & appoint him/them to do Your Will blamelessly (as much as possible in this life). Teach & empower President Trump, his family, & ALL those who support him, stand with him, and/or vote(d) for him, ever-increasing those who support/stand with You & him, to think, speak, & live Your WORDs of TRUTH daily & to be faithful to the calling. Make them ALL strong in You, Yahushua, & The Power of Your Might by Your Spirit!! Dress them in Your full armor each day. Guard their hearts, minds, mouths, & bodies so that NONE of the evil enemies’ frequencies touch them NOR effect them at all!! Ameyn. Thank You for daily guiding & directing President Trump’s steps, as well as his mind & mouth by Your Kadosh Spirit. Empower him to know where/when to go, who to talk to, and what deals to make specifically according to Your Righteousness, TRUTH, & Justice. Thank You for covering & protecting him, his household & family, all his administration, advisors & cabinet members, & each of their households & families (past, present, future), each of their properties, work places, businesses, schools, & transportation by The Precious Atoning Redeeming Blood of Yahushua HaMoshiakh of Netzerot night & day from now on & forever!! Ameyn. Guide & direct each of their steps daily, and do likewise for each of their hearts, minds, mouths, spirits, souls, & bodies. Give them Your 7-fold Spirit to operate in: The Spirit of YaHUaH, Wisdom, Revelation, Council, Might, Knowledge, & The Fear of YaHUaH to do Your Will in ALL matters personal & public, & in his/their positions of leadership & authority, elected or appointed. Expose & shut the mouths of the lions — the liars who speak lies against him, his family, his administration & advisors, or attempt to harm him/them in any way. Expose the lies & the liars & cause their evil words/deeds to return upon their own heads…may it be so. Ameyn. For it is written, “Do NOT touch My anointed, do My prophets NO harm.” Ameyn & Ameyn.
Thank You that Your Voice of TRUTH & LIFE has been heard in the 2016 elections & will be heard again in the 2020 elections!! Ameyn. Thank You for giving Your Righteous ones VICTORY then & continue to give us VICTORY & empower us to stay Rightly aligned with You, Your WORD = Your Torah, & Your Spirit!! Forgive us for we know not what we do, but turn our hearts to You — YaHUaH our Elohim forever! Cause us to REPENT & RETURN TO YOU, Your written WORD, Your written Torah, Your Righteous Instructions — to learn it and do it Your Way! — AND — REPENT of following after the man-made religious & family traditions, rituals, celebrations, teachings, and pagan sun-god idol worship practices that we all have erroneously inherited — all those things that You call abominations to You (the inherited Roman pagan sun-god calendar & any other calendar of man/satan that is NOT Abba’s!) Bring us back into Your sheep pen, Good Shepherd, Yahushua!! Ameyn & Ameyn. May You cover us with an Everlasting Fear & Awe of You, inspire & motivate us to seek You, seek TRUTH, receive The LOVE of The TRUTH, & walk/live in The TRUTH forever!! For You are TRUTH & Your TRUTH NEVER ENDS & NEVER FAILS!! Ameyn & Ameyn. Thank You for confirming & manifesting Your WORD, as well as confirming & manifesting Your servants’ Words because we take You at Your WORD!! Ameyn & Ameyn. Blessed be The Name of YaHUaH our Elohim, from the rising of the sun to its going down. Ameyn & HalleluYah!!
The wicked plotteth against the just and gnasheth upon him with his teeth.
The LORD shall laugh at him for HE seeth that his day is coming.
The wicked have drawn out their sword and bent their bow to cast down the poor and needy and to slay such as be of upright conversation.
The sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken. Psalm 37:12-15.
O, Father GOD, let us share in your laughter as we watch You defeat your enemies schemes to unsettle the man YOU chose to be our President. In Jesus Name Amen.
Father in Heaven and on Earth, we are so grateful for the incarnation of the Holy Spirit and His affectual work with the children of God. We are so grateful for the calling of God and the leadership of our country that you have placed and ordained to such a time and season. According to your Word “there is no weapon formed against them or us that will prosper.” I thank you also for the allegiance we have been called to, to serve and live a life after your Word. Jesus we lay our life at your feet with humility and confession asking for the healing virtue of God to heal our land. Forgive us (the people of this land) for putting anything before you, making idols, disobeying, giving into worldly flesh and desires, lying, cheating, baring false witness, giving into practices of witchcraft and every evil way, complacency, hypocrisy, heresy, gamboling, indecent acts, transgender lies, death to the born and unborn, the lackadaisical or foolish gestors and anything that would hinder our witness or the witness to others. Holy Spirit deepen the conviction of the purpose of the kingdom of God and to look Heaven bound as a purpose for life in godliness. Strengthen our feeble hands and knees, our minds renewed and kindled with thoughts after you. Lord I ask let your light shine and dispel the darkness. Resonate in us a new and living hope that outshines the lies of our enemy. Utilize us in your power and that even our forehead would be as flint and our countenance with peace. Thank you in Jesus holy name. Amen
My prayer is that the intention of evil that consumes these blind followers of demonic forces will be exposed and they will see evil they practice for what it really is so that they will turn from their wicked ways. My heart is encouraged that they are trying to bind Trumps malignant works because it is a curse undeserved. It will not land.
God is already turning their intention for harm upon themselves. Rejoice the Lord is King!
We are so thankful for our dear President Trump and Vice President Pence. We thank the Lord for all that they have been able to accomplish in and for our country since they were elected to their positions. We are praying for God’s hand to be on them these next few days as those under the influence of Satan try to bring them down. Satan is a defeated foe! He knows that and runs scared when God’s people pray… let us do that! God reigns victorious! Jesus is Lord! We are thankful!
There is a song called “A Witches Invitation” by the Christian singer/composer Carman. Many of you may remember him in the late 80’s early 90’s. He writes about a man who was invited to a warlock’s home by a warlock so that the warlock can boast about what satan can do and how much power he supposedly has. By the end of the song, Carman makes it more than clear to him that the warlock’s soul is at stake and is doomed to hell. These witches are doing the same thing as they think they have all powers vested by satan who is doomed already. Praying for their souls but cursing their actions against out nation and our President! Our God reigns! We have read the back of the book. If you are interested and want to celebrate Jesus’s victory on the cross, listen to this song and praise the Lord on High, God of the Universe, Creator and Lord, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God . . .. You can listen to it and watch it in the following link – I pray for President Trump’s protection from these demonic spirits and praise the God of Heaven and Earth that He rules and reigns in the hearts of men – including our President! Amen!
Heavenly Father, we come to you with a humble heart and ask for your protection over President Trump, his family and his administration. We pray that no weapons form against them will prosper. Every word spoken against them is canceled, void and sent back into the pit. We plead the blood of Jesus over them. We thank you and praise your name forever. In the mighty and matchless name of Jesus we pray.
God, hear our voices when we come before You.
Protect President Trump’s life from the terror of the enemy. Hide President Trump and his family and his advisers from the scheming of wicked people, from the mob of evil doers,
who sharpen their tongues like swords and aim bitter words like arrows,
shooting from concealed places (the basement of the Capitol) at the innocent.
They shoot at President Trump suddenly and are not afraid.
They encourage each other in an evil plan; they talk about hiding traps and say, “Who will see them?“
They devise crimes and say, “We have perfected a secret plan.“
The inner man and the heart are mysterious.
But God will shoot them with arrows; suddenly, they will be wounded.
They will be made to stumble; their own tongues work against them.
All who see them will shake their heads.
Then everyone will fear and will tell about God’s work, for they will understand what He has done.
The righteous one rejoices in the LORD and takes refuge in Him; all those who are upright in heart will offer praise.
Psalm 64
This is the most powerful way to pray: using God’s Word. For God promises,”So shall My word be that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 I am praying in agreement with this prayer for our President.
I am praying in agreement with this prayer.
Lord Jesus, We thank You for Your great salvation and that You mete it out to whom you will. We touch and agree with Father’s will that many be saved, for there is no stronghold nor urse made by self from sin that Your blood does not speak against and is not able to cleansd away. So we believe for the salvation of every participant, that Your blood will set them free, and that You will strategically arrange strong believers who minister in deliverance in their paths. We open our mouths wide and expect You to fill them. We stand fearlessly for their salvation and trust Your grace to move towards them to deliver them all, in Jesus name! Amen!! That all be saved and come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ!
My father, first I want to give you praise for your overwhelming and ever present love, no matter how bad or good I am, you are always there, holding me, encouraging me and helping me to walk forward day by day….there is no love like yours. I thank you for your provision, for your guidance, for your longsuffering of us and our horrible conduct. I ask you now father to place a hedge of protection around our President from now to the end of his life here on earth…I ask you to bring down his enemies and utterly destroy them, remove their resources, their hate for him, is hate for You my father. For those that come against You and Your people, I pray that you would change their hearts, help them to see the light of your unmeasurable love and come to you. Confound Satan in his efforts to destroy President Trump, this nation and your people. I pray for revival to break out across America like a vast wildfire that cannot be quenched my Lord, that YOU would once again be the True leader of America….that the revival that breaks out in America would spread across the Earth….like a great rushing wind….I come against the evil forces being directed to the President today and everyday. I command you now in the name of Jesus Christ to remove yourself from his presence, the presence of his family and those advising him. I ask Father that you would give our president, his family and his advisors a supernatural strength and wisdom, creativity to solve problems that they have never known or realized before. We know God that you alone are able to change the entire world in one moment if you wish it….we rely on you Father for judgment, wisdom and guidance. Our hearts stand ready to follow you Lord, into whatever end….we love you Lord, we love you so much, with our entire beings Lord. I Love you Lord, my father, my master, my savior….so much….
My dear Heavenly Father, YHWH, King of all created things, I appeal to you along with all those who profess Christ Yeshua as Savior, Lord and King, that these evil beings who have captured human beings to do the bidding of satan will be bound from every scheme or even an attempt to execute their schemes thru human hands. Yeshua, you gave us, your followers the ability to bind things that are bound from heaven, so I along with so many bind up the evil stronghold in Washington DC by the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of Abba and in The Name of Yeshua! I pray specifically for Michael Hughes who is now captured by satan and who needs to be set free in Christ. Lord, I ask that You go after this wayward man and allow him to see you in a way he will understand the sin housed in him and know the redemption of true freedom. I pray he will become a man after Your Own Heart and shock those around him as he will begin to spread the gospel using a tremendous testimony of knowing evil then knowing the goodness and righteousness of Christ! Hallelujah! In these times Lord, be glorified! Hallelujah I’m Christ Yeshua I pray! Amen
with You Family of God.
Prayed & Shared
on Twitter…
I declare and decree that in the Mighty Name of Jesus and in the power of the Blood of His Everlasting Covenant, in the name of the Lord of Sabaoth and our Coming King, that as the people willingly offered themselves for battle, as heaven and the stars fought against Sisera; every enemy, every lying tongue and every weapon formed against President Trump and his administration shall be bowed down, shall lay down, shall fall where they bow, there they shall fall down dead at his feet. To God be the glory.
Heavenly Father, We come before Your throne now through our Lord Jesus Christ and by the Blood of the Lamb to intercede for President Trump and all our righteous leaders. Father, You alone are God and there is no other. According to Your Word in Ephesians, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against Powers and Principalities, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the hosts of spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places. You have given us authority over all the power of the enemy through Jesus. We take up the Sword of the Spirit, which is Your Word and is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword and we use it against the powers of darkness that dare to come against Your people and our President. We decree and declare in Jesus Name that no weapon formed against Pres. Trump, our righteous leaders or their families shall prosper. We ask You to surround them with Your angelic hosts to protect and guide their steps. We ask You, Holy Spirit, to lead them safely around every snare, trap and evil plan set against them. Please reveal the plans of the enemy to them so they will not be taken by surprise. Give them eyes to see and ears to hear. We come into agreement in Jesus Name and rebuke all evil spirits and remove all evil curses, in Jesus Name. Father, there is none greater than You, no power greater than Your power. No name greater in heaven, in the earth or under the earth than the name of Jesus. We stand in Jesus Name against all powers, spells, curses, hexes, vexes and evil words spoken or induced by any and all human agents or any and all evil spirits. Thank You, Father, for Your Word, Your protection and Your grace. We plead the Blood of Jesus over Pres. Trump, his family, staff as well as all righteous members of Congress and Judicial branch, their families and their staff. Glory be to You forever. In Jesus Holy and Precious Name we pray..Amen
Agreed with this excellent prayer.
Praying in agreement with this powerfulprayer.
Amen!! In complete agreement with this prayer!
Amen AND Amen!
Praying in agreement. No weapon formed against our President will prosper.
And may the intentions of this wonderful prayer be prayed for every Christian everywhere, and especially for our persecuted brethren throughout the world. May GOD arise and HIS enemies be scattered. In JESUS powerful NAME. AMEN.
2Kings 6:12-17 The king of the Armeaneans were against Elisha. Their armies surrounded the town in which he Elisha was in, but Elisha prayed and the LORD sent His armies to surround them. And the armies of the LORD are greater than those that are agasinst them.
LORD GOD our awesome Judge, and redeemer we come to you asking you to send YOUR armies around President TRUMP and keep him safe and shut the mouths of the enemy. For Greater IS HE that is for President Trump than those that are against him. Let GOD arise and HIS enemies be scattered. Father I repent for those that are coming against our President and causing all kinds of disorder in our Country the U.S.A. THAT WAS ESTABLISHED on YOUR word Father God bring us back to YOU. YOUR SON’s BLOOD was shed for all our sins and I pray for the salvation of those who are against our President that they would hear the voice of God and turn from their wickedness and be saved and set free from the power of the enemy who has distorted their minds. in JESUS mighty matchless name. He is our TRUE KING and the GOVERNMENT IS ON HIS SHOULDERS Amen
Our God is GREATER! Calling for the God of Elijah to show up and knock their socks off. Praying for a spirit of unity and worship to arise among God’s people that will dispel the darkness and change hearts bringing many into the kingdom. Power and demonstration. and for God’s angel armies to surround Trump and his family (as well as Pence and his family) so that NOTHING can get through. The enemy was defeated at the cross and we stand in the gap and enforce that victory. In JESUS NAME AMEN!
Please join those of us who are already sounding the shofar at 9pm at every waning crescent moon (2 nights before the new moon each month). We do this as an act of spiritual warfare, declaring null and void all the witchcraft and sorceries of the “bind Trump” movement. We also declare God’s blessings on our President, every member of his Cabinet, and all whom he oversees, to complete every God-assignment on the executive branch of the United States government. I felt led to initiate a call for all shofar-blowers to do this beginning February of 2017, the first waning crescent moon after President Trump’s inauguration, because I learned of the call that went out in late January, 2017, for all witches, wizards, and sorcerers to “bind Trump and all who abet him” at midnight, hour by hour through the time zones. It’s 9pm here on the West Coast when it’s midnight on the East Coast.
We also declare, “We have no king but Jesus!” like Americans did during the Revolutionary War, and exalt His name above every other name.
Sounding the shofar announces the presence or coming of the King (1 Kings 1:34,39). Jesus, the Eternal King, will come on the clouds with the sounding of the shofar (Matthew 24:30-31; Revelation 11:15). When we sound the shofar to announce the gospel of the Kingdom throughout the world, we are obeying God’s command in Jeremiah 51:27, “Sound the shofar among the nations!”
Dr. Kobernick:
My husband will blow the shot at tomorrow evening at 9 PM per your call. This is tremendous. We live two short, small-town blocks from the Pacific Ocean in southwest Washington State. My husband will blow it both toward the east to meld with others blowing showers from thghe east coast, and to the west, toward Hawaii. We will then enter into agreeing prayer.
We used to live in another Western Washington town rife with three active witches Cohen’s and a practicing Satanist cult, as well. We have seen the I’ll effects up close. People who know Jesus must also realize that on Halloween night, witches gather for annual “celebrations” of their occult beliefs and practices. In our former town, for instance, the witches held a convention. And they ordered 100 red roses from a local florist prior to the convention to use in a Halloween ceremony during their convention.
Blessings to you for inspiring the blowing of the shofars! Amen and amen!
Please forgive the typos on my previous reply. The software on my tablet apparently does not know what to do with the word shofar. Please insert shofar where it replaced that word with “shot”, “shot at”, or the like!
Thanks for replying. I’m glad to know another believer is sounding another shofar in the name of Yeshua haMashiach, and voiding out the sorceries against our president by the power of the blood of Jesus.
Steve: can you recommend any godly resources that further explain the significance of the moon phases to the occultists so we can pray more strategically? They seem to put a great deal of emphasis on each phase of the moon in their rituals, not just during the waning crescent. We’d appreciate further information.
In the meantime, my husband and I will blow the shofar and pray each month during all four days of the progressively waning crescent moon.
The occultists are known for taking their rituals very seriously, and believers must halt it through persistent intercession.
I reject the notion that Democrats are encouraging this. I am a Christian first and a Democrat second. While I do not support Trump, I do not wish ill on him or any Republicans. This is a made up story to rally the Republican base and make the Democrats look evil. And yes, I do pray for trump.
Father God, You are Holy, Sovereign, Just and True. I give You all the praise. There is nothing that You are unaware of. I ask You to please forgive us in the United States of America. We have sinned against You and You alone. You are the One Who makes America great. We ask for forgiveness because we have LEFT OUR FIRST LOVE. We are calling wrong right and right wrong. We are passing laws that are totally against Your Holy Word. Forgive us, please and have mercy on us.
Heavenly Father you are still in control we rely on you to get this country straightened out again. But God we’ll take care of this in Jesus name amen
Abba Father, thank You that You are light and in You there is NO DARKNESS AT ALL. Thank You that greater are You who is in us than he who is in the world. Thank You Abba that You reign and the earth rejoices and the people rejoice. When the enemy presses in hard, do not fear, the battle belongs to You Lord. Even though the enemy is seemingly coming in like a flood, the battle belongs to the Lord. Abba, we claim Your hedge of protection to surround President Trump, Vice President Pence, all politicians who follow You and their families. In Jesus’ name, we bind, crush, render powerless and cast before the judgement seat of the throne of Christ anything or anyone intending/seeking to do harm physically, mentally, spiritually, or emotionally to President Trump, Vice President Pence, all politicians who follow You and their families. We invite Your love into this situation of hatred and destruction, and we break the curses of hatred in Jesus’ name. Cause those who are cursing to have powerful encounters with You Lord and to be rescued from the enemy’s camp…to go from being Sauls to Pauls. We cry out to You Lord to have mercy upon our nation and not give us what we deserve; but to allow an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our nation and for revival…that it would begin in our churches…that it would begin in each of us. ” Do not fear for I AM with you. Do not anxiously look about you for I AM your God. I WILL strengthen you, surely I WILL help you, surely I WILL uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Is. 41:10). Yes, Abba, we claim this promise. Glorify Yourself O Lord in this situation that ALL will know You are God. We worship You, we adore You, we praise You. Amen.
They rush on the city, they run on the wall. For great is the ARMY that carries out His word! The Lord utters His voice before His ARMY. Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, sound and alarm!
Thank you Lord for calling your warriors together to defeat the plans and curses of the enemy. You are in the midst of our prayers and your light is exposing the darkness.
Place your hand of protection over your own and give them your strength to tear down strongholds of DECEPTION, DELUSION and ENMITY against our President. As Satan’s disguise is exposed and his hideous agenda uncovered may those who are trapped by his shackles be set free. Do a quick work that they run to you for forgiveness and healing and bring forth the truth that stamps out the lies. In Jesus’ name, amen!
Our Help is in the Name of the Lord
If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, now may Israel say;
If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, when men rose up against us:
Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us:
Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul:
Then the proud waters had gone over our soul.
Blessed be the LORD, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth.
Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped.
Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth.
The government, the President and all his administration, the snare is broken and they have escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers.
We pull down the strongholds causing these divisions and infighting. We turn the battle to the enemy camp. We release civil war into the enemy camp, confuse their tongues and let them kill one another in Jesus’ name.
We demolish strongholds and every evil imagination against the President, we bind their words. We release angels of God to burn the demons scrolls, banners, flags, standards and seals and break their cups in Jesus’ name.
They will bow the knee to Jesus In Jesus’ name. We release the serpent of God to swallow up every serpent of the enemy in Jesus’ name.
We lose the fire of God upon every demon in Jesus’ name. We lose fiery destruction on all demons that have been released on the government right now in Jesus’ name.
We command this mountain of division, impeachment and false accusations to be moved and cast into the sea in Jesus’ name. We take back our peace and order by force in Jesus’ name.
The name of the Lord is our help, the strong tower. The righteous run into it and they are safe. Thank you, Lord for doing the battle in Jesus’ name. (Ex. 14:14).
Amen and Hallelujah!
Yes Jesus! Amen!
Amen and Amen! My husband and I are In full agreement from Mission, Texas!
What a Mighty God we serve!!
Amen and Amen!!! May Jesus Christ be lifted up over President Trump and cancel all curses against him. Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world!!! I John 4:4
Father, You have been faithful to remind us in your Word “that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”. So being warned we take the weapons of our warfare which are mighty in God for the pulling down and destruction of fortresses, that come against the knowledge and plan of Our God for this President and our nation. We take all authority in the Name of Jesus and by His Precious Blood and bind, cast down all evil words and plans of who come against our president. We ask the Lord God Sabaoth to defend this President for Our God is greater than the god of this world. Place a wall of fire about him and his family and help us as a people to see with our spiritual eyes that we may stand in the gap and see the defeat of the enemy.
Father in Jesus Name we decree the surpassing greatness of Your power toward us who believe which You brought about when You raised Jesus up from the dead far above every power, principality, ruler authority and spirit of wickedness in high places and seated Him at Your right hand giving Him the Name above all Names. In the power of Jesus’ Name and the power of His Blood we agree binding all the curses and and chants and spells and every word spoken against President Trump and all of us who are for him and not against him. Begone in Jesus name. Be taken up and cast into the sea for it is written Christ came to undo the works of the devil and render them powerless. Jesus Is Lord over America! Father we delight to know You are laughing from Heaven as the nations devise a vain thing. We laugh with You and rejoice in the total victory of the cross transferring us out of the domain of darkness into the kingdom of the Son of Your love. We pray for the witches to be saved out of the hand of the enemy and brought into the kingdom of God. May the devil’s camp be emptied and may he forever regret coming against President Trump in Jesus name AMEN
W0W—0h, yes Mighty, Awesome 0ne!
So thankful for all of these wonderful prayers to stand in agreement with.
The Word of God says, an undeserved curse will find no rest. Thank you Lord.
Father I appeal to you in the wonderful all powerful name of Jesus for protection over our president and his family also the persons surrounding him in the guidance and divine direction , Lord you are reminding me that even though there are giants in the land You are well able to succeed, we thank you for the word of encourage ment , we stand in your strength for the battle that rages against us.
Praying in AGREEMENT with all of my brothers and sisters here, and throughout this country and the entire world praying for our President, this country, and for us the American people. May all evil plans, and ill-will, and wicked thoughts, intents of the heart, and words spoken be cast down by the living God and may His warrior angels be present in multitudes, fighting against all evil forces, seen and unseen, and may more and more of God’s own rise up and pray to our powerful and mighty God, just as Elijah did when he, by the living God’s strength and power, stood against the 800 Pagan priests, and cast down ALL that they attempted, as God Himself intervened. May our God do so, especially tomorrow, Friday October 25, 2019, all OVER and inside Washington DC, and most notably wherever those of evil-intent are gathered. Father may it be so, in Jesus name. Shine Your Light and Your Truth smack into the middle of those darkest of places, piercing that darkness, and shattering it, and scattering the enemy and his minions, and agents that hide in that darkness, amen.
“As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.” Proverbs 26:2
“A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.” ~Psalm 91:7
“Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.” ~Isaiah 54:15
“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.” ~Isaiah 54:17
Amen!!! In Jesus name!
Father God You are the Most High God You are The Great I Am! There is no power that can stop your purpose for President Trump! And we stand in agreement as the body of Christ and we cast down every spell that is spoken against President Trump in the authority of Jesus Christ!!!
Heavenly Father I asked for the Salvation of every occultus that is aligned themselves with the Enemy to try to stop Your kingdom from coming Your will from being done. I asked that they will see as Jesus did satan falling from from heaven like lightning. And in Your great Mercy You will set them free from the enemies grasp and show them your salvation.
I agree with your body for President Trump and his family’s protection for all those that support him and are aligned with him in every aspect of our government that you will protect them. I plead your blood Lord Jesus over his mind, his body, his soul, and spirit I asked for Supernatural strength and peace.
Father as warriors with heaven we call upon the release of Your Heavenly Army to disarm all the Demonic powers that are fighting against President Trump. And we thank you Holy Father for the Victory in Christ Jesus is Yours, is our!!! Hallelujah and Amen
Anyone who would like to can go to…(the briefing) which is part of Lou Engles Ministry. And can sign up to pray an hour a week for this very situation. The prayer initiative from The Briefing started when the witches and occultist first started cursing President Trump.
Prayer Warriors, tomorrow 10/25, there is a call for witchcraft to be aimed at the destruction of president Trump. The evil of the left has no limits….let us begin praying now to put a hedger of protection around our president, pray for the destruction of his enemies and the enemies of America. Pray for God’s hand on our nation, to bring God back as the TRUE leader of this nation. on 10/25 begin your day with praise to the Almighty God who has this entire mess in HIS hand along with the answer to every problem and question, speak to God throughout the day with a grateful heart and battle spiritually all day against the forces of pure evil and hate that want to see the destruction of the Godly and the free
A prayer warrior prays for Almighty God to bless those who are lost souls, and in His Divine mysterious ways to restore those have separated themselves from our Lord and Savior to a renewal of His Almighty presence and return to Him who is the Alpha and the Omega from Everlasting to Everlasting. Amen
Dear Anita, Take the time right now to read “The Oracle” by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. It will astound you, the exacting precision with which God is governing the unfolding of His Plan of salvation, how He governs even the naming of key people in His acts. Scripture and History are telling one story, as you will see, step by step, in this book, layed out so clearly. For your own sake, you need to see this! It will enrich your heart mightily. Be blessed in doing so!
It is available on Kindle, and other formats.
In full agreement with that prayer and declaring Psalms 2:8 as well over all our leaders in Jesus name, amen
A prayer warrior prays for Almighty God to bless those who are lost souls, and in His Divine mysterious ways to restore those have separated themselves from our Lord and Savior to a renewal of His Almighty presence and return to Him who is the Alpha and the Omega from Everlasting to Everlasting. Amen
“Though devils all the world should fill, All eager to devour us. We tremble not, we fear no ill,
They shall not overpower us. This world’s prince may still Scowl fierce as he will,
He can harm us none, He’s judged; the deed is done; One little word can fell him…A mighty Fortress is our God” That little word is JESUS!
Amen. That Word is Jesus and His authority over all wicked principalities is final. In the mighty name of Jesus we proclaim victory over all evil attacks against the President and all those who have been placed in leadership over this nation. No curses or spells or witchcraft of any kind shall prevail against the Living God. Lord, we pray that You will bring down and destroy the weapons formed against the President. You are Almighty God and rule over all. All praise and glory be to God forever and ever.
Clearly does history repeat itself. Long ago the Devil challenged God in the wilderness and some people hung onto their golden images, but Moses called upon God at he altar and consumed the fire at the altar to show the mighty power of the Almighty. Throughout history, God’s power and the clesr evidence of His influence has been evident. The Devil has no power except when ignorant people think that they are somehow more wise and want to be more powerful.
Once again we are asked to choose, As we wander in our wilderness, we better make the right choice. George
History does repeat itself. Please watch Pat Robertson’s comparison of Neville Chamberlain’s behavior before WWII on today’s 700 Club for an accurate description/prophesy. Pray for the country of Israel in this time of betrayal.
I declare the Truth is not in those who are part of this ritual. They are under such a strong delusion [don’t you be] when they ‘cast a spell on the administration to prevent the administration from harming the country’. They can not see that Trump is not harming the country but everything he does is to restore and revitalize it. They are speaking an incredible huge lie and I place the mirror in front of them when they chant “so that [their] malignant works may fail utterly.” A lie cannot stand in the face of the Truth. He said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life!” They will fail utterly by their own declaration! I cover this with the Blood of Jesus. In Jesus’ Mighty Name.
Amen! I’ve been thinking the same thing. President Tump isn’t causing any harm so their curses will do the opposite of what they want.
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Let’s not be destroyed because WE made a mistake! Hallelujah!
I hear the Holy Spirit saying what the enemy meant for evil, God will use for good (Gen 50:20). We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Rom 8:28) And He will do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think (Eph 3:20) Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord (2 Chron 20:17)
Anita, The LORD has directed our President to oppose abortion–the murder of the innocent. GOD directed our President to help Israel by bringing the American Embassy to Jerusalem. Anita you need to know your Bible–HE who blesses Israel will also be blessed. Don’t believe everything you hear on the news, Anita. Prayerfully check with GOD before you make accusations against the man whom GOD raised up to govern this country.
Before you kneel to pray: Go through your Home, Vehicle, RV, Office, Garage, Shed, etc. and ask The Holy Spirit to show you anything that is occultic in nature: Jewelry, Posters, Paintings, Books, Ornaments, CDs, Video Games, Board Games, Clothing, horoscopes, etc., and get rid of it!
Give NO room to the devil!
Then search your heart for any unconfessed sin including sins of omission, so that your prayers may be answered.
“If I regard iniquity in my heart The LORD will not hear me.
Then pray as the Holy Spirit leads:
Dear Father GOD, Open our eyes to see if there be any wicked way in us or wicked item in our homes. Grant us Our Father to fast and pray at this time. Through the Blood of Jesus we as Christians have been redeemed out of the hand of the devil. And no weapon formed against us will prosper. Help us Our Father to be a pure and holy people that our prayers can rise to you as a fragrant incense. We give You praise dear LORD for defeating the wicked one at Calvary. he is and always will be a defeated foe. All who were bought with the Price, the price of your sacrificial death on the Cross at Calvary are more than conquerors through You who ever lives to make intercession for us. We are safe in your keeping. Psalm 91. Today, We declare the devil’s defeat, and pray for those who have been deceived that they may be granted repentance and renounce the evil of their doings. Praise, Honor and Glory be to You O LORD JESUS forever and ever. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
Amen 💜🙌💜🙌💜🙌💜🙌💜🙌💜🙌
AMEN!!! The holy Angels of GOD surround us, and may the Warrior Angel Guardians protect President Trump & all his family, all his staff, all his Cabinet and Counsellors! In JESUS’ Holy NAME, the NAME above all names — KYRIOS!!! to which all knees shall bow, in Heaven, on earth, and under it.
Father, We thank you for President Trump. In Luke 10:19,You have given us authority over all the power of the enemy,and nothing shall by any means hurt us. We place the blood of Jesus over our president,his cabinet and his family. We bind the Jezebel spirit that is coming out of those who are cursing him. We love the people,but come after the Jezebel spirit that works through them. We bind up all witchcraft and render it powerless,in the mighty name of Jesus. Every curse spoken over him will be turned into a blessing.
Hi Saints of God,
We, that are born-again, hopefully baptized in water and filled with the Holy Spirit are blessed in the Name of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.
I am sensing in the Holy Spirit that this is “Great Door Of Prayer” for the President, United States of America and the whole world.
This prayer alert confirms what I am sensing, Halloween, Witchcraft, and the passing of Elijah Cummins.
Former Presidents Obama and Clinton are to speak on Friday.
Funeral can be used to speak against the President Trump, America and Christians
Amen! This is from the Lord! This prayer alert is right on time. We need to step up our intrrcessionand battle today, tomorrow and all throughout halloween.
Thank You, Father God, for the exceeding greatness of Your power toward us who believe, according to the working of Your mighty power which You worked in Christ when You raised Him from the dead and seated Him at Your right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.
And You put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. (Eph 1:19-23) You demonstrated Your own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by Your blood, we shall be saved from wrath through You. (Rom 5:8-9) Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us. (Gal 3:13). Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow,
so a curse without cause shall not alight. (Prov 26:2). We accept the precious sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ to redeem and protect all of us from every curse. Thank You, Lord Jesus. Without You we would have no hope, but with you all things are possible and you said “It is finished” (John 19:30b). You have won, Lord Jesus, and we worship You forever. We being dead in our trespasses and the uncircumcision of our flesh, You have made alive together with You, having forgiven us all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And You have taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Having disarmed principalities and powers, You made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. (Col 2:13-15) All praise, honor and glory be unto You alone, Lord Jesus.
Yes and Amen!
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling spells and witchhunts against President Trump. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground, in Jesus name. Amen.
I agree with all these prayers. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” I speak forgiveness to all these who are under the control and deceptions of the evil one. I pray that they will submit to God and renounce all of this evil. Jesus gave us authority over all the power of the devil (Luke 10:19), so I join with all those praying for protection for President Trump, and I declare that no weapon formed against him will prosper. He is covered with the Blood of Jesus. He and his family and his administration are safe, under the protection of the Most High. We give you high praise and honor, Lord Jesus! Thank you for your victory! We worship you. We will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, in Jesus’ name. AMEN!
Amen to all the prayers for our President Trump and those with him. More are with us than against us. “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven, for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. ” Matthew 5:44-45 Thank You Father for Your promises. May Your Holy Name be glorified in these times.
Father we ask that by the power of your Spirit, you fade their tarot card, blow out their candle, bend their pin and cast the feather to the wind. They bind ok n earth we bind and loose according to your will in heaven. We call forth strength and blessing on this President. They bring their thousands but you say one puts a thousand to flight and two ten thousand. We join in unity against the plan of the enemy knowing that you answer today as you did in the days of Elijah. Thank you that we will see with our eyes the defeat of the enemy in and over Washington.
Before we married, my wife lived near a witch who was placing curse-knots, &c., on her lawn, & posting malevolent spirits in the townhouse. One took up residence on the landing in the stairwell! So my wife-to-be said, “If you’re going to settle in there, you’re going to have to listen to *Praise Music* every time I go up & down!” So she did this, singing.
Then one day, the LORD gave her an inspiration: So she said aloud, “I *return the curse* to the ones who sent it, ten times the length, ten times the strength, — that they may know there is a GOD of RIGHTEOUSNESS in Heaven! In JESUS’ Holy & Glorious NAME!”
(To know there is a God of Righteousness IS a blessing, even upon those who are cursing us!)
The evil presence immediately left!
May this experience help others, too.
Heavenly Father, we are blessings our President, we aré praying for Him and his family; we are coverings to them with the blood of Jesus, we are covering every members of this government too, en the name of Jesus!! Amén!!
I come in the strong name of Jesus to ask for the continued protection over President Donald Trump and his family. As David approached Goliath and Said “who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should father armies of the living God?“ my hope is in you the living God who will prevail in every battle. I speak words of faith and commitment to you by living God and precious Savior Jesus Christ. Your word is ever true and honoring to the righteous that I have prayed to you and you have heard their prayer. Now, do as you do and continue to honor the prayer of the righteous!
Bless you Father God! You are all powerful and All knowing. Lord bless President Trump and all his associates and constituents. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over President trump and his camp. Lord I know that you will see to it that the work you have begun in President Trump will be completed and all the plans of the wicked one will be thwarted in the matchless name of Jesus! Lord God you are the only wise God and I give you all glory and honor! You reign in majesty. How majestic is your name throughout the whole earth! Blessed be your name Jesus!!
Amen! Standing in agreement with your prayer!
Behold, I give you authority to trample on the serpents and the scorpions, and over ALL the power of the enemy and nothing by any means shall hurt you. Luke 10:19
Thank you Father, for the blood of Jesus that trumps any occult scheme. We stand on Your Truth.
Amen and amen to these prayers for protection for President Trump and his family.
Matthew 18:19 The Passion Translation (TPT
19 Again, I give you an eternal truth: If two of you agree to ask God for something in a symphony of prayer, my heavenly Father will do it for you.
Let’s get “in tune” and be “conducted” and led by the Holy Spirit into an extraordinary symphony of praise; a declaration of the mighty power of God to overcome evil with good and an outrageous expectation that God will show Himself strong on behalf of His people. We are boldly confident that He will do abundantly above and beyond all that we can dream of even in our wildest imaginations!
Go God!
Amennnnn! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Awesome Commander in Chief, Our Father in heaven!! You are so so Awesome!!
I,we, acknowledge You as the supreme!!
You rebuke the devil here Father….You lift up Your standard against these wicked rituals- vexes-curses-every wicked spirit of Halloween and death!
I decree in the Only Authority- the Name of Jesus Christ my Lord…..back off, demise,destroyed,incinerated works of the kingdom of darkness assigned to our Pres. tTrump-family- administration-supporters- all of our businesses.
I decree the BLOOD of my LORD JESUS CHRIST over ALL of Pres. Trump’s goings-comings today!!! Over all his family-businesses, secret services, administration, rallies- citizens-supporters, congressmen & Governors & Judges & Ice & law enforcements people who are 100% supporters of our Pres..!!
Father, I so love You , I place our beloved Pres. Trump into Your Sovereignty today and our US military .Divine protection from injuries,accidents,incidents, and deaths .
I choose to trust You….ThankYou my Father!
King Jesus!! All honor- Allpower-All Glory !!
I plead the Blood of Jesus over President Trump and I place angels round about him to protect him. I claim Isaiah 54:17 over him. “…no weapon formed against him shall prosper.” I dress our President in the armor of God…the helmet of salvation, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of peace, the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit. I thank you, Father God, in advance and I consider it done. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the NAME above all names.
Amen, I stand in agreement!!
Thank you for standing in agreement! And God hears and answers our prayers.
“Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine.”
Psalms 16:5 NLT
God, I’m so grateful that you always guard what is mine and I thank you for guarding my President and his administration! The battle belongs to you, Lord. I put my trust in you, Lord and I know you have sent your holy warring angels to fight my battles. In Jesus Name!
1 John 4:4 King James Version (KJV)
4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
Satan is under the Churches feet. We must pray that the Church will rise up and take authority that was given to her by Jesus Christ. Amen
“Every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God…and…is the spirit of the Antichrist…(But)You are of God…and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” 1 John 4:3, 4. We the children of God bind the powers of evil that is attempting to cast this spell upon President Trump to prevent the progress that is taking place and will be taking place through the combined power that comes from this unity through the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. It is in His name and the power of His BLOOD that we curse the dark powers of evil and bind them to the pits of hell for the glory of the Kingdom of our great God and King. Amen!
I am a missionary and Spirit filled ordained minister.On Thursday night and Friday night we will have a serious Holy Ghost filled and Holy Ghost led prayer meeting to cancel all the curses and declarations of Satan through witches against America. We will ask in faith believing for the release/outpouring of God’s Spirit over the nation. If you love Christ and are living sin free, ie not practicing sin but living Holy Please join us to pray in unity. Please email [email protected] for conference call number. We pray for revivals every Tuesday night and have a prayer and revival center in georgia.