I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we pray for the truth to come out and justice to be done.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Travesty” is not a nice word. It usually is applied to gross perversions of justice, and that apparently is the context Attorney General William Barr desired when he dropped it into an interview answer the other day in the breezy courtyard of the Department of Justice (DOJ).

His composed, understated delivery almost disguised the weighty magnitude of that disturbing word and the loaded adjective that preceded it. “I think what happened to him,” he said, referring to the president and the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into his campaign, “was one of the greatest travesties in American history.”

Okay, it’s important to pause for a moment and absorb what the AG said. He just called an FBI investigation not just a travesty but one of the “greatest” travesties in the nation’s history. It was an unprecedented statement by an attorney general about his own department’s premier agency.

Pray as the Durham investigation continues–download our brand new Special Report on The Durham Report.

The FBI has made plenty of mistakes, but never in its 112-year history has an FBI investigation been characterized as a travesty, let alone one that equates to other hall-of-fame travesties in American history.

Is the AG’s assessment fair? The answer is entwined in his next statement: “Without any basis [the FBI] started this investigation into [Donald Trump’s] campaign … .”

Oops, stop again right there. Mr. Barr is making a definitive statement about that which many of us have speculated all along, namely that the weirdly unprecedented investigative team put together by former FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe did not have adequate legal reasons to open a case into the Trump campaign in the first place. The attorney general just confirmed that.

But wait a minute, doesn’t that directly contradict DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s assertion that the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation was justified?

Two things to keep in mind regarding that inconsistency.

First, remember that IG Horowitz reached two primary and controversial conclusions: 1) that there was adequate justification for starting the investigation, and 2) that there was no “evidence” of political bias as a motivating factor for the investigation. He based his conclusions, according to his report, solely on his interviews of the FBI individuals who started and ran the case — from Mr. Comey on down. That’s our story, they all said, and we’re stickin’ to it.

This would be like an FBI agent interviewing four subjects suspected of robbing a bank and, after hearing their denials, concluding there was no evidence they committed the crime.

In fairness, the IG is not a criminal investigator and certainly not steeped in counterintelligence matters. The attorney general, on the other hand, owns the Attorney General Guidelines that dictate what it takes to initiate an FBI investigation, particularly of an American citizen. He is the ultimate arbiter.

Which leads to the second point: The AG is logically being briefed on the progress and findings of U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation, which he commissioned to examine how the empty Russia collusion case got started in the first place and if it involved any wrongdoing on the part of the government. It is a safe bet that Mr. Durham is collecting evidence beyond the self-serving statements of the FBI principals involved. It also is now a safe bet that his findings will respectfully disagree with Mr. Horowitz’s.

Attorney General Barr communicates in a clear, understandable, calm-as-a-summer-evening manner uncommon in Washington. He undoubtedly did not get to his current position without being a skilled litigator, whose first rule is never make a statement to the court that you can’t back up. His newsworthy claim that there was zero basis for the FBI’s investigation stands, in all probability, on a mound of — in his words — “troubling” evidence now in his possession. . . .

He likened the Comey team’s inappropriate investigation and subsequent fallout to sabotage, or the effects of sabotage. “Sabotage” is another powerful word, technically a wartime crime, but a useful metaphor in its ramifications, since it implicates a range of supporting crimes such as conspiracy, fraud, perjury and false statements.

The AG then ominously stated that he is not interested in simply receiving a “report” from Durham. He expects him to focus on possible criminal violations: “And if people broke the law, and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted.”

(Excerpt from The Hill. Article by Kevin Brock.)

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April 19, 2020

Father- Thank you for those who would seek honesty and true justice. Thank you that things that are hidden are being revealed. You are the God who sees all, knows all and judges rightly. Please strengthen the hands of those who are upholding the law and truth.Please bring those who perpetrated this upon our president and nation to be brought to justice. Please give momentum to the actions that need to be taken. We ask for your protection upon those who would seek justice. Please help them to complete the task.We ask that the media not be able to spin this and that the truth would be so plainly told that they have to report it. Please continue to protect our president and his staff. Please help them to seek your face and hand in the affairs of this great land.

Felicia Penner
April 18, 2020

Lord God, our Heavenly Father, i pray that you would give your people singleness of mind regarding you and your kingdom, to include me. Help us turn from being “Latte” christians to actually picking up our cross and following you. Help us let go of America and our wealth and all the world to take on your mission for each of us; to shine the light of Jesus to a dying world. Thank you for President Trump, thank you that he is rough but honest in being a warrior in this pivitable time in our nation. Protect him and the Vice President still, and thank you that they are still in the land of the living. This is your work of protection. We continue to petition you for a great revival, but as your word says, a revival must start with your Body. May we be willing to say “search me oh Lord”. We pray for those who are evil to be rooted out of our government. May your justice flow from your throne, our Savior God. In Jesus name, Amen

Darlene Estlow
April 18, 2020

Father, thank you that wickedness and unrighteousness is being revealed. Protect Attorney General Barr and John Durham as they go forward with this investigation. Open doors before them that cannot be closed. MAy what was done be brought into the light. May you be glorified in all this. Praise your name.

Patrick McNeil
April 18, 2020

The above article echoes my thoughts from the beginning of the Mueller investigation. Like him or hate him Donald Trump has done nothing to bring about either spying on his campagne or impeachment.

Denise N.
April 18, 2020

Lord God, we thank You for exposing the corruption and lies to the light. We pray protection over AG Barr and Mr. Durham. We pray that You will continue to use them to share the truth and that righteousness and justice will prevail! We pray that those involved with this will plot will be held accountable and any further plans to derail this administration would be stopped. We pray for President Trump and his administration and his family. We pray for protection, wisdom and courage. We pray that hearts would be turned to You! Oh Lord God, hear our prayer in the power of Jesus Christ we pray!

April 18, 2020

I truly pray that the name of Jesus Christ, not only God, would be proclaimed throughout the world. Let us not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Let even our president proclaim the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To God be the glory for sending us your son. In His mighty, glorious name I pray and believe for Kairos now!


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