I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank you for raising up individuals to fight for truth and justice in our elections. Expose any misdeeds in Arizona's gubernatorial race, God, and protect our elections.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Arizona’s elections, especially in Maricopa, seem anything but secure. Let’s pray that any fraud is uncovered and the true winner is elected.

From The Daily Wire. Arizonaā€™s attorney generalā€™s office orderedĀ Maricopa CountyĀ officials to submit a report on its botched handling of the November 8 election that led to Democratic gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbsā€™ apparent victory overĀ Republican Kari Lake, saying answers are needed before the election can be certified. …

Who is praying on the wall?


ā€œTheseĀ complaints go beyond pure speculation, but include first-hand witness accounts that raise concerns regarding Maricopaā€™s lawful compliance with Arizona election law,ā€ wrote Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright in a Saturday letter to the countyā€™s chief civil division attorney, Thomas Liddy.

Wright requested a full report on how tabulator and printer malfunctions at some 60 Maricopa voting locations were addressed on Election Day, as well a copy of each voting locationā€™s Official Ballot Report, including any discrepancies and explanations. …

ā€œMaricopa County appears to have failed to adhere to the statutory guidelines in segregating, counting, tabulating, tallying, and transporting the ā€˜Door 3ā€™ ballots,ā€ Wright wrote. ā€œIn fact, Maricopa County has admitted that in some voting locations, ā€˜Door 3ā€™ non-tabulated ballots were commingled with tabulated ballots at the voting location.ā€

Wright cited a sworn statement from one election observer who said those non-tabulated votes were placed in duffle bags and possibly commingled with tabulated votes.

The state has not yet officially certified a winner, though that is supposed to occur at the beginning of next month. Wright said the report must be submitted before election results can be properly certified. …

How are you praying over Arizona’s gubernatorial election? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Lucilla Sanchez-Schlageter
November 25, 2022

Father God, thank you for Your faithfulness and mercy inspite of us. I decree You will continue to fulfull Your Word and desire for this nation. I decree and declare you will continue to expose evil and all the hidden things, not for our earning it, but for the children and their future both, in this nation and throughout the world. I decree that we will see, with our own eyes, the salvation and turning of America to honor You as it was intended. ONE NATION UNDER GOD! That America will fulfill the purpose and calling You have placed upon her. I pray this in Jesus name.

Priscilla Meyenburg
November 25, 2022

I stand with all the praying Christians in Az. Who has been cheated out of the rightful results in AZ. I heard the prophets voices from God assuring the people that there was a red wave over the election of Mid Terms. I lift up prayers to God that these will be overturned and give the rightful Governorā€™s, Senators, Congress, judges back their hard worked efforts so their Hope will be uplifted and that they will Praise God for what he has done. Thank you Father God for being their refuge, I honor you for your angels to guard us in all ways. God I lift up your presence and for your great love you have for your children. My heart fills up with fullness of presence and want you to know you are our Hope, you will keep all promises as we honor the one truly God. Maricopa Cty. Needs the true revealing that YOU Father God can only do. I ask in Jesus name that the fraudulent votings will be revealed in AZ., PA., NM, CA., GA., Il., MI., MA, and all other states that kept the rightful people from winning. I lift up my prayers that all criminals that took a part in fraud will be exposed and punished for doing what Satan has used them for his greed of power. Psalms: 91 v. 14,15 Because he[a] loves me,ā€ says the Lord, ā€œI will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him. Thank you Father God šŸ™

Rosa A Siemens
November 24, 2022

I come to your Throne of grace and mercy and lift up to you your daughter and son Kari Lake and Mark Finchem and pray for your favor. They are both godly people and they have aligned themselves with your Word and your world view. I also lift up to you Blake Masters and Abraham Hamadeh and ask for your favor, so they are shown to be the rightful winners in our election. We need an Attorney General that will stand for what is just and apply the law as written and respect our Arizona Constitution.

I pray for justice to be done, that the evil plans and actions of Maricopa County officials is uncovered, that the rightful winners will be chosen. You know Kari and Mark’s hearts and their desires to serve and give a voice to all of us here in my home state of Arizona.
Please Father, favor them so they could be our next Governor and Secretary of State. Give them peace so they know that this election result is in your hands. Please give our court here in Arizona and our Legislators the desire to offer the only cure to this stolen election: A new election in December.

Thank you Father for granting us a fair election from this moment on. In Jesus’ Glorious Name, I pray. Amen

Darlene Estlow
November 23, 2022

It is terrible that Maricopa County goofed things up. Father, I pray the corruption would be uncovered and dealt with and a true count of the vote to be done.

Linda Hampton
November 23, 2022

Our Great and Holy God YHWH, the Creator of our World, and America. Please Father defend this lady who wants to serve You. Take away the hiding, and cheating, expose the enemy, and let her extol Your name. Let her know, itā€™s because of Your mercy that she truly won. Please save our Republic Father. Bring healing to our land. Amen

Nancy Bryda
November 23, 2022

The Lord knows what is going on here and I ask that God’s will to be done here in Arizona. If there was cheating, I am asking for God to expose at his proper timing what needs to be done. I know Keri Lake is a Godlier candidate and will stand up for justice and righteousness. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of his throne. All that is done in darkness is and will continue to come into the light in Maricopa County for the glory of God and God alone. I decree the Holy Spirit is and will direct people in the ekklesia of that county and state and elsewhere to follow the blueprints of God as he directs. I decree God’s purposes are and will be done with this election in Arizona. The gates of Hell will not prevail against the church. Keri Lake was born for such a time as this. I speak the mind of Christ over Keri Lake and her team. Hindering spirits are bound and angels loosed as the Lord of Hosts directs and this child of God agrees with God and with God alone.

Joseph Blanchard
November 23, 2022

Thank you for addressing election fraud. Many Christians are flowing with foxnews and pretending that it does not exist. Thank ifapray.org, much for your boldness and forthrightness.

Election integrity is the only way we will not become a banana republic like Venezuela.


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