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Father, we thank you for our freedom, and how freedom in You was the basis for our nation's founding.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey (R) announced Tuesday morning he has directed the Arizona Commerce Authority to cancel all financial incentives for Nike’s planned manufacturing plant in the Grand Canyon State. Ducey said his decision was made in response to a Wall Street Journal report stating former NFL anthem-protester and Nike pitchman Colin Kaepernick pressured Nike to pull its America-themed 4th of July sneakers featuring the “Betsy Ross” flag because he and others found the design to be offensive.

[From The Wall Street Journal: The sneaker giant created the Air Max 1 USA in celebration of the July Fourth holiday, and it was slated to go on sale this week. The heel of the shoe featured a U.S. flag with 13 white stars in a circle, a design created during the American Revolution and commonly referred to as the Betsy Ross flag.

After shipping the shoes to retailers, Nike asked for them to be returned without explaining why, the people said. The shoes aren’t available on Nike’s own apps and websites.] But a few pairs are are available on a re-market site.

“Nike has chosen not to release the Air Max 1 Quick Strike Fourth of July as it featured an old version of the American flag,” a company spokesperson said in a statement to CNN of the decision.

In a series of tweets, Ducey expressed his disappointed in Nike’s decision to nix the shoes and explained his decision to withdraw incentives to the company.

“Words cannot express my disappointment at this terrible decision. I am embarrassed for Nike,” Ducey wrote on Twitter. “Nike is an iconic American brand and American company. This country, our system of government and free enterprise have allowed them to prosper and flourish.”

“Instead of celebrating American history the week of our nation’s independence, Nike has apparently decided that Betsy Ross is unworthy, and has bowed to the current onslaught of political correctness and historical revisionism. It is a shameful retreat for the company. American businesses should be proud of our country’s history, not abandoning it,” the Arizona Governor continued. “Nike has made its decision, and now we’re making ours. I’ve ordered the Arizona Commerce Authority to withdraw all financial incentive dollars under their discretion that the State was providing for the company to locate here. Arizona’s economy is doing just fine without Nike. We don’t need to suck up to companies that consciously denigrate our nation’s history.

“And finally, it shouldn’t take a controversy over a shoe for our kids to know who Betsy Ross is. A founding mother. Her story should be taught in all American schools. In the meantime, it’s worth googling her,” he added. . . .

(Excerpted from Breitbart, article by Joshua Kaplan.)

Let Arizona Governor Ducey know that you are praying for him and that you appreciate that he is standing up for American history and for our most important symbol of freedom, the flag:


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July 6, 2019

It is apparent that many Americans don’t appreciate this great country. Every legal lmmigrants I have discussions with value what America is all about. I pray for those who do not appreciate this great country. We are thankful for God’s mercy for his protection on all who love America.

Marni M
July 5, 2019

God bless you Governor for standing up for America and standing against anti-Americanism. We are so proud of you and we stand with you

July 5, 2019

Amen to Mimi’s response. And I give praise to the Gov. for his stand against this rediculous political correctness. You never hear the pc people mention anything about the sex slavery taking place in African countries & others today. Nor does anyone mention the fact that it was African tribes who sold other tribal member into slavery back in the slave trade days. The people who keep dregging up references to long ago American slave days are simply using it to attack Amer.for political purposes. It suits their agenda to destroy America.

Goode not bad
July 5, 2019

No everything seems to be about ppl being proud of the atrocities that took place in this wicked money hungry self centered country. That is not God, I’m not sure what god you’re claiming to honor, a false wicked one who loves evil

    Dewey L
    July 6, 2019

    There are plenty places you can go if you don’t like America. We have one of the best countries in the world but we have too many people that don’t realize how good they have it in America.

July 4, 2019

Thank God for bold people who stand up in the face of the darkness that has a hold in our country. We continue to pray against the principalities and powers and those that serve them. God is the victor– Jesus said on the cross that it is finished. Hold on saints and pray through!

Carol young
July 4, 2019

in the flag code for the United States of America, there is this: “Do not use the flag as a portion of a costume or of an athletic uniform.” Also: “Do not use the flag in any form of advertising…” and “Do no display, use or store the flag in such a manner as will permit it to be easily soiled or damaged.” The U.S. flag, none of the versions of the U.S. flags, should be used in such a manner.

    Jeanette S.
    July 4, 2019

    I may be incorrect, Carol, but I do believe the flag code is specifically talking about the physical flag itself, not the representation of it.

      Carol young
      July 9, 2019

      Jeanette, thank you for your response. US code for the flag states: who, within the District of Columbia, shall manufacture, sell, expose for sale, or to public view, or give away or have in possession for sale, or to be given away or for use for any purpose, any article or substance being an article of merchandise, or a receptacle for merchandise or article or thing for carrying or transporting merchandise, upon which shall have been printed, painted, attached, or otherwise placed a representation of any such flag, standard, colors, or ensign, to advertise, call attention to, decorate, mark, or distinguish the article or substance on which so placed shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100 or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the court. The words ‘flag, standard, colors, or ensign’, as used herein, shall include any flag, standard, colors, ensign, or any picture or representation of either, or of any part or parts of either, made of any substance or represented on any substance, of any size evidently purporting to be either of said flag, standard, colors, or ensign of the United States of America or a picture or a representation of either, upon which shall be shown the colors, the stars and the stripes, in any number of either thereof, or of any part or parts of either, by which the average person seeing the same without deliberation may believe the same to represent the flag, colors, standard, or ensign of the United States of America. A bit wordy, but…now i realize this is written concerning the District of Columbia, but I believe it to be the code generally pertaining to the United States as a whole. Will see if I can verify that.

        July 9, 2019

        Thank you Carol. If it IS pertaining to the U.S. as a whole, our entire country is guilty for allowing such and the courts have been negligent in enforcing this. Maybe this has already been addressed by the courts concerning advertising patriotic merchandise?

Martha Robinson
July 4, 2019

Heavenly Father,
I thank You and praise Your name for lifting up men like Governor Doug Ducey who stand against the evil agendas to destroy our love and respect for this great country. Thank You for men and women who stand with courage and boldness. May they serve as an example to ALL Americans to stand up for our flag and the freedoms for which this country was established. May Your abundant blessings be poured out upon Governor Ducey and all who stand. In Your precious name.

July 4, 2019

Only one way to stop Nike, their Bank account. As long as the government grants money to colleges and universities to by Nike brand for their athletic departments [you pay for], Nike will laugh all the way to the bank with their big college contact money.

Carol Hedrick
July 4, 2019

PRAISE THE LORD, PRAISE THE LORD, PRAISE THE LORD, for the Governor of Arizona, who has the spinal fortitude to stand up against the foolishness of political correctness, or someone being offended by this country’s heritage.
Father, I pray that more and more Governors will have the strength to stand up against big companies who back foolish ideas like Nike does. For more Governors to put common sense and integrity first instead of money.
I pray that the state of Arizona will be blessed beyond measure and many other companies will want to back the state of Arizona and built their companies there.

Thank you LORD for Governor Doug Ducey, bless him and his family.

In Jesus’ Name I pray Amen

    Betty Beardsley in WI
    July 4, 2019

    I agree with Carol’s statements and prayers. Thank You Father for strong leaders who are willing to stand for Truth and not bow to political correctness. Father, Let Thy kingdom come and let Thy will be done in every state in the USA. Amen

    July 4, 2019


July 4, 2019

“Lord of.all. Thank you for a Governor that stands for America and it’s rich history. I ask that you bless him with health and long life to govern in AZ for a long time in some capacity. “
Nike was made rich on the American dollar. If they dislike us so much may they move to another country. They represent a spirit of greed. May their wealth be stored up for the righteous.

Ken Budz
July 4, 2019

Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. Thank You Lord that some company leaders have sense enough to not jump any and Every time a protestor says something. God bless America and God bless our nation with common sense. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Jeanette S.
July 4, 2019

Since when has our country’s first flag represented slavery? Our flag from the beginning showed the unity of a group of peoples against the tyranny of a king. We had the arguments against slavery in those days also, but we took the steps to work out and form our own independence as we also began to tackle the right for ALL to have liberty. Because we had these issues didn’t mean we were a wicked people, it meant we had to continue to fight for what we knew was right. Today, as we fight against drugs and sex trafficking, our flag doesn’t represent those evils in our society. It still represents the fight for freedom against oppression! We need our eyes and hearts opened to see the work of the enemy to divide and destroy by deception!

    July 4, 2019


    July 5, 2019

    Lord, help us to keep our eyes on you alone and your RIGHTEOUSNESS. May all our words and actions point to you and bring honor to you. May our companies (of all types), and our government (national, state, and local) honor and respect the freedoms that we enjoy as our inheritance from the blood of our Founding Father’s.

    God, please forgive us for our sins and ungratefulness.

    In Jesus name we pray.

      July 6, 2019

      It’s personal 2u wrongs in this country has nothing to do with going simewhere else and at this point it’s not a great country. Many people say God Bless america, God is not blessing evil no matter where you are from or where you go, people arguing is an exciting thing on this subject. It’s really not about nike either, they’re going to make their money & a few people not buying their products will not stop them. There is evil in that company also and every other company out here and this country is in bed with other countries, not for good reasons, guilty!

July 4, 2019

No one is celebrating slavery! Do you see everything through those lenses?

    jr smith
    July 4, 2019

    Excuse me,Carol, but the shoe co, not American anymore, I guess, chose depraved slavery of the enemy and his minion over all freedom we have fought and died for in this great Republic!!!!

George Murrey
July 4, 2019

To say the least I was astounded by the decision of Nike to drop a show that shows the first flag of our country. A company bowing down to a guy that not only won’t stand for our flag, but also not put his hand over his heart. He is not a true representative of our country or our people. I’m praying that Nike and Colin will change their heart of stone to a heart of flesh. We as a country are God fearing and was started by a group of men that believe in freedom. God bless America every single day, not just on the 4th of July.

C. Lynn
July 4, 2019

I don’t necessarily agree with pulling the shoes but I do appreciate them trying not to celebrate are darkest days- SLAVERY..Does the governor think SLAVERY was a good thing? I also think it’s very juvenile for a governor to try to prevent a company that would help the citizens of Arizona with employment and benefits.

    July 4, 2019

    We don’t celebrate slavery. We acknowledge that we stopped it. It’s part of the history of many nations. Kaepernick should be protesting nations were it still persists, esp. the sex slave industry. Then he’ll be doing something important.

    Gary H
    July 4, 2019

    That is the 1st Flag of the United States of America. The United States FREED FROM THE TYRANY OF ENGLAND. Nothing to do with slavery. Everything is not about the BLACK COMMUNITY. We are all in this together. Of course slavery is evil and wrong. Seems ironic that England is one of the United States strongest allies now, but the black community can’t seem to embrace what they have here. I do not support racism, but I do support people who stand for America, Not kneel. I kneel to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, not to a humanist trouble maker. I thank God for this country and the diversity we have here. People need to embrace freedom and quit trying to separate us by issues of hurt feelings for something rediculous like this particular issue.

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