(From IFA Staff: We are seeing increasing attacks on ministry leaders and their families. Will you pray for Intercessors for America, our staff, and our families? We value the prayer covering of our intercessors and appreciate each one of you.)
With kingdom leaders like Josh Harris and Marty Sampson either walking away from or questioning their Christian faith in recent weeks, master’s-level practitioner Tracy Daniels warns others that the enemy is accelerating his attack on their ministry through their mental health.
Depression, anxiety and what Daniels calls “pastoral PTSD” have become all too common for kingdom leaders. But they can fight back.
“I just want to encourage people in this situation, with all of the shootings that are happening and the attack on mental health, that God is still in control,” Daniels told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of “Greenelines” on the Charisma Podcast Network. “We all know that it’s a major spiritual battle. We’ve just got to begin to really tap into the things of God and allow God to guide some of us leaders. Some try to do it on their own.
“My advice to them is, don’t hold it in. Try to pray it out. Pastors, please seek professional help with a Christian counselor and follow up with your doctor. Some things we think that fall into line medically are actually about your mental health. So, please seek help, whether it’s with a doctor or with a counselor….
(Except from Charisma News article by Shawn A. Akers.)
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May you place all your Pastors in a peace bubble, dear Lord. May they hear your voice speaking quietly to them. May there sleep be sweet and may Angels minister to them. We ask your protection on their minds and emotions. We ask that you would strenghten their marriages and protect their children. We plead the blood of Jesus over them and entrust them into your care, our dear Savior GOd. In Jesus name, amen
Excellent advise: Psych Always consider the physical body as well as the emotional Spiritual man. For we are not given a spirit of fear but that of love and a Sound Mind. So therefore, consider the whole. Tripirtate man that he might walk in wholeness as decreed in 3 John 2. All men are to be reassured at this time to not look at what the world defines but to take their Stand. And Stand on the ROCK OF OUR SALVATION.
Seek the Father intently as to the working out, individually then corporately.
I, myself have begun including an interval of quiet and music before I go out.
It was interesting that i was cautioned to lock the door when family left. This from a developing spiritual teen facing transgender issues and callous disregard of family spiritual concepts in school.
We are one in the Lord. I pray Psalm 103, Psalm 85 and Psalm 149 over each individual connected with IFA. Blessed be the Name..
For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.
Jude 1:4 NIV
Lord You promised You would not lose even one of Your sheep, that You would search for them. And so Lord it seems Your Sovereignty over thelives of many that are ‘falling away’ seems to be in question. Lord, Your Word never fails, Your promises are always kept, You are long suffering, merciful, faithful and true. These are not words that can be used for those that have turned against You. Lord, if they are Yours, rebuke them through Your Holy Spirit and show them the error of their ways, bringing them back into the fold.
Father, may they turn to You if they have questions of faith and not to the internet to air their challenges to Your authority over them.
To Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.
Jude 1:24-25 NIV
Lord, as our Church leaders seek to do your will I ask that you place a spiritual hedge of protection around them so they may keep their eyes on you. I pray they would not be concerned over the winds that usher the storm ahead. Keep their bow straight into the wind and bring them safely through the storm of darkness that seeks to drown them into the sea of forgetfulness. Deliver them to the shore you have destined for them so that they may bring your good news to the lost and hurting. Give them the crew they can count on to remain calm in the storm and to hear your words of direction above the chaos. In the name of Jesus I pray. amen
Lord, let church leaders not be complacent. It’s easy to tuck yourself into your little ministry bubble and forget that we are at war. Please, protect church leaders, but also help them have wisdom and awareness. Make them wise to the schemes and plans of the Enemy so that they can take action to defend their selves, families, ministries, and communities. I pray that those who are in ministry for the right reasons will be strengthened and stand firm and those who are in ministry for the wrong reasons will be dissuaded out of it. Raise up Joshuas and Johns to prepare the way for Your kingdom.
Father, I pray for those who are ministry and actively serving You, whether it’s through worship ministry, leading Sunday School, missions, or preaching, etc. Father God, protect them from the enemy who wishes to silence them or keep them from being effective. I pray in Jesus Name that You would frustrate the plans of the enemy. Father, please protect ministry leaders, workers, and their families from the enemy’s attacks. I pray in Jesus Name, amen.
Oh Lord I pray for our Church leaders who You have placed to watch over us. Bless them with Your peace. Let our prayers of incense rise up to You on their behalf continually through out each day covering them with Your grace. So Be It AMEN
In love may I challenge the following-
‘Some things we think that fall into line medically are actually about your mental health’-
Let’s call out and rebuke sin where there is sin. We are called to rebuke and discipline when appropriate to prevent these kinds of stories from becoming commonplace. And the church has become lax, not taking a stand. We must get back to expositionally teaching and preaching the Word of God, not worrying about making someone comfortable with their sin. The Gospel is OFFENSIVE to our sinfilled lives! That is why we need a Savior. Not to have another bff to bring about goodness in our lives. It is not our lives plus Jesus. Read God’s Word, meditate on it day and night, leave the world behind and follow Jesus. We cannot change ourselves no more than a leopard can change his spots. It is when we come to the end of ourselves that He does His best work and we have a testimony that bring us to our knees knowing the wretch we are and the grief we place on the Holy Spirit that was left to dwell on this Earth until the coming of Christ. He is omniscient and omnipresent. What you are doing right now, what you were doing 2 days ago and what you are planning to do a week from now, would you do it in the face of Jesus?? How does it Glorify God if at all! What motive do you have for doing anything? Is the church activity bringing glory to you or to God? Do you even know the difference (I ask these questions b/c I had all the wrong answers for 2 decades!) Folks, we are here for one purpose, to glorify our Creator in our word and deed. We wonder why people walk away, why all the suicides, why depression, why, why, why. It’s because they have no idea Who the God of the universe truly is, no understanding of why He has authority or why as heirs we should want to please our Father, not in a legalistic sense, but because He first loved us, and has promised good to His children. Oh how I pray for this confusion to be cleared up, but as Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun. So for these folks searching for ‘new’ ways of seeing scripture, entertaining the flock, creating programs and games to play with children I implore you to stop and spend that time in Gods word alone. Spend more time there than in any other thing. There you will find the peace, the hope, the love and the desire to turn your back to the World and be the men and women we were created to be for His Glory alone.