Jeffrey Goldberg, Editor-in-Chief for The Atlantic, confessed that the central claim in his publication’s reprehensible hit piece on the President could very well be false.
The Atlantic column starts off with a claim that the President did not want to visit the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, because “his hair would become disheveled in the rain” and that “he did not believe it important to honor American war dead.”
Remember – this is the lede to the piece and sets up every other argument throughout. That Trump despises the military and veterans, and referred to them as “suckers” and “losers.” . . .
When presented with an excerpt from former national security adviser John Bolton’s book which details how the weather was the cause for cancellation of the visit to the cemetery, not a decision by POTUS over his hair, Goldberg conceded, “I’m sure all of those things are true.”
I just watched Goldberg's interview on CNN and was struck by his response to evidence that the flight to the cemetery was canceled for weather. Both Bolton and Pentagon sources have confirmed that reason, and Goldberg says that that all may be true…
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) September 6, 2020
“According to what that article said, the president made disparaging remarks about soldiers and people buried in the cemetery in connection with the decision for him not to go to the ceremony that was planned that afternoon,” Bolton stated, “and that was simply false.” . . .
The entire premise of the story is certifiably fake news, and the American people are supposed to believe the other things your anonymous sources said? That’s not how this works.
Still, Goldberg is standing by the bulk of the story.
CNN asked the Editor to respond to President Trump’s denials that the comments were ever made.
“I would be willing to swear on anything that I never said that about our fallen heroes,” the President said. “There is nobody that respects them more. So, I just think it’s a horrible, horrible thing.”. . .
Goldberg replied, “Uh, I stand by my reporting. I have multiple sources saying this is what happened, so I stand by it.”
(Excerpt from The Political Insider. Article by Rusty Weiss. Photo Credit: White House Flickr.)
Are you surprised by this Editor’s report?
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I stand firmly with PRESIDENT TRUMP (intentional uppercase)on this issue. I believe him to be a true patriot and defender of America’s military. Actions speak much, much louder than words. Not only is the president loyal to America and her military heroes, but also a defender of human life, especially the lives of the unborn! God forbid that murderous biden (intentional lowercase) and harris (intentional lowercase) ever get elected. That would truly be a dark day in American history! I pray for our PRESIDENT and his cabinet daily for victory and for his opponents to be exempt from any further political success in the future. God save America!
To IFA: Question. I can’t find the place to pray for President Trump, VP Pence, our nation, etc. I hope this is not removed. If ever our president & VP & nation need our prayers, it’s now. Please restore this feature. God bless you!
My Father, This election is about tremendous spiritual warfare. Darkness has fallen and deception has overtaken many. We release Truth into our nation. It is the first part of the armor in Ephesians 6. We bind the False accuser, Prince of Darkness, Father of lies, satan, who is on the rampage. He is enraged by the Light that is emerging in our nation. For so very long, right under our noses, grievous evil & corruption have been run out of the seat of government. It is being exposed. The darkness hates the Light & seeks to extinguish it. But greater is God who is in us than he who is in the world. The victory is Yours! May we rise up as Your army & stand in the gap for our nation & our president. We declare a turnaround to righteousness. We must overturn Roe v Wade. We need SCOTUS, the Senate, the House, and especially our President. Father, remember mercy and allow us to turn from our many sins and to You. For You are our only Hope!
We bind the false accusations, lies, deception, propaganda & corruption that is coming out in full force. We release Truth. We are taking every thought captive to obedience in Christ. Arouse in us righteousness based in Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Give us courage to take back the land for You. The battle belongs to You, Father. We answer Your call to engage, for Your glory.
God HATES liars.
Father God:
The truth will set us free. We are praying for all the MSM journalists who are willingly being directed by money to write fictions instead of facts. That they will open their eyes and be afraid that for every lie that they wrote, it will bite them back just because God has created law of the universe of sowing and reaping. So if they sow lies they will reap its consequences.
Your will be done. Let every lies that these MSM journalists wrote will back fire on them and will give benefit for a landslide victory for Donald Trump in this 2020 election.
In Jesus’ Name we pray and thank You. Amen.
Dear God, bring revival.
For those of you who have not seen what Trump is up against, please watch Abraham Hamilton III as he talks about the source behind some of this evil-
Father, give our media repentance for their lies. Change their hearts or remove their influence.
If they won’t repent, remove them – there are 1000s more qualified than they. Or close their networks, they create destruction, not light. Amen