America’s leading physician-assisted suicide advocacy group has tapped a Planned Parenthood of Illinois board member to help lead the organization.
Compassion & Choices named Jill Gordon, CEO of children’s hair salon company KidSnips, to its board of directors on Thursday. Gordon has donated tens of thousands of dollars to both Planned Parenthood and Compassion & Choices through her foundation, the Jill and Bradford Gordon Family Foundation. Gordon told the Washington Free Beacon the issue of assisted suicide is “close to my heart.” . . .
Rachel MacNair, vice president at the Consistent Life Network, said she is not surprised that a prominent abortion supporter would also become a cheerleader for assisted suicide.
“The connection between killing at both ends of the lifespan has been one that both pro-life and pro-choice advocates have held for a long time,” MacNair told the Free Beacon. “For pro-lifers, of course, it’s social approval of killing either way and done on similar reasoning. For pro-choicers, it’s choice and bodily autonomy either way and done on similar reasoning.”
Kim Callinan, president and CEO of Compassion & Choices, told the Free Beacon she added Gordon to the board based on her wide-ranging professional success.
“Compassion & Choices appointed Jill because of her leadership experience as a CEO, an entrepreneur, and nonprofit board member across multiple organizations, not because of her work on a particular issue,” Callinan said. “Jill’s past experience with governance, stewardship, and fidelity will help ensure that Compassion & Choices continues our commitment to ensuring that patients have access to the full range of end-of-life care options from pain management to hospice care to medical aid in dying.”
KidSnips, Gordon’s company, is the largest provider of children’s haircuts in the Chicago metropolitan area, according to a Compassion & Choices press release. Gordon’s foundation has donated nearly $120,000 to Planned Parenthood affiliated organizations since 2014 and more than $74,000 to Compassion & Choices since 2013, according to
Illinois, where Gordon’s company is based, has some of the most lenient abortion restrictions in the country. Democratic governor J.B. Pritzker signed the Reproductive Health Act in 2019, which repealed a state ban on partial-birth abortion—in which doctors artificially deliver unborn children before terminating them. The practice is already illegal under federal law, but the line around the partial-birth abortion ban has been blurred in the past. Kermit Gosnell, a former abortion doctor in Pennsylvania, was convicted on three counts of first-degree murder for using scissors to snip the spinal cord of fully delivered babies—a practice that went undetected for decades.
Terry Schilling, president of the American Principles Project, told the Free Beacon he sees a clear relationship between abortion and physician-assisted suicide and believes in the importance of protecting human life from conception to natural death.
“Planned Parenthood and Compassion & Choices share one big thing in common: a disregard for human life,” Schilling said. “Both abortion and assisted suicide treat life as something that can and should be cast aside if it appears to have no value. Not coincidentally, they also threaten the most vulnerable of human lives: the unborn and those at the end of life.”
What are your thoughts on Planned Parenthood and an assisted suicide group teaming up? Let us know your thoughts and prayers for America in the comments below!
(Excerpt from The Washington Free Beacon. Article written by Patrick Hauf. Photo by Astrid Riecken/Getty Images)
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“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5). “From such turn away. Don’t give them any thought or place. It only builds them up. Why are we so surprised? God has already told us about these things. “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.” (Revelation 22:14-15). IT IS WRITTEN!
Dear Lord, I pray that Gov’t officials would understand and regard human life as sacred and precious as You do. I thank You for the gift of life and every life deserves the chance to live. I pray that You would stir the consciences of people instead of people with seared consciences. I pray that You would convict their hearts and help them turn back to You before its too late. In Jesus name, amen.
Our nation has made a treaty with death (Is.28:18). God has always given us a choice, and told us to CHOOSE LIFE (Deut.30:19). We, the ekklesia, must continue to choose life and stand in the gap and cry out for God to bring revival and pour out His Spirit on this nation. In every place of rebuke in the OT God called out His people for their treatment of aliens, widows and orphans, and for sacrificing their children in the fire(Deut.12:31; Ez.16:20-21;Lev.20:1-5). How much of our chaos right now is an outworking of reaping what we have sown? Father forgive us for abandoning You to follow after gods of our own making. We have become the heart-darkened, foolish people You describe in Romans 1:20 and on. But, as did Moses,Daniel, and Jesus we come to repent, to cry out, “Father forgive us for we know not what we do!’Reveal Yourself to us that we might repent, that we mught turn to You the living God and away from idols. Cleanse this land oh God!
Lord forgive the evil being done in our country. Convict these people of the heinous crimes in which they commit. Protect both the unborn and those at the end of their lives. Give people a conscience.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen
The left stolen and perverted the vocabulary of this country, Baby killing is called planned parenthood and elderly killing is called compassion and choices. Homosexuality is called identity, Socialism is called social justice., ETC. We must match and exceed their boldness by retaking the vocabulary of this country by using words that accurately describe what ever is being discussed.
Please, I implore you all, do your research and homework on ‘QALY’. It truly is a matter of life and death. As the Body of Christ, it is our duty to always seek Life. (((HUGS)))
Yes, very disturbing. Qaly definition here:
Very Nazi-esque with the disregard for life.
When one compares how man values life (QALY) to how God values life (Acts 10:34; Gen. 1:27; PS. 139:13-14; Lev. 19:32, 14), there really is no comparison.
“Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
This is a late response that may not be seen. for years I have heard and read about the coming need to help older, less valuable citizens decide/choose death. From the first report of deaths in nursing homes by people sent there with COVID. . . I thought it was a convenient way to “eliminate” older people who were no longer valuable. It is heart breaking how the older generation was isolated from family, ministers, and friends, but deliberately exposed.
I feel I must draw attention to something called: “Complete Lives System”. Please do your research, brothers & sisters. We need not be ‘ignorant of the devil’s devices/schemes’ (2 Cor. 2:11). Those that are ‘condemned already’ see ‘Life’s value’ on a sliding scale. They believe that children should be able to be killed up to age 2 (reasoning: they have no sense of ‘tomorrow’ therefore, won’t miss anything by dying); they believe that under 15 yrs. of age, their lives are increasing of less value; they believe anyone over a certain age, beginning in their 40’s, begins the slippery slope downward as their ‘life’s value’ diminishes. The less ‘productive’ one appears to be by their standards, should have less opportunity to live and thrive ‘for the good of mankind’.
Bottom line, it all comes down to mammon and resources. These demented ‘madd scientists’ are, in fact, playing ‘god’. Here is a page that describes this reprobate mindset:
Warning*** It is disturbing to read about how they view such things. The spiritual battle is far deeper than the topics of abortion & euthanasia. It’s difficult to even imagine how completely evil and wicked the thoughts are in the minds of these people whose hearts are so hardened and whose ‘love has waxed cold’. Now, we have a ‘leader’ of our country who is entangled with such.
A quote from the above link: “The fact that these eugenics organizations simply re-branded themselves after WWII and are now implicated in modern RNA vaccine development alongside the Galton Institute (formerly British Eugenics Association), Oxford’s AstraZeneca, Pfizer and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation should give any serious thinker pause as we consider what patterns of history we are willing to tolerate repeating in our presently precarious age.”
These two “groups” want to kill those, in the womb, to the oldest, to the most vulnerable, to the handicapped, mentally and physically. The Bill Gates “crew,” including people like Ms. Gordon, are all in favor of killing the most vulnerable among us!! The owner of a children’s hair salon, how ironic!! I wonder if they would change their “mind” if they were in the position of “the most vulnerable??” They have all been given over to a depraved mind!
I beg the pastors, in the pulpits, to STAND UP! SPEAK UP! Stop ignoring what is blatantly in front of you! Stop being “politically correct,” afraid, or whatever it is that is holding most of you back!! I would like to see large ministries, who have “pastors” speaking on everything but the most important problems on earth today stand up, speak out against these atrocities, these abominations!! I would ask them, shouldn’t you fear a Holy God, who is watching, listening to your SILENCE?? He will not hold us, or them, guiltless! I firmly believe that people in the pews would SUPPORT any ministry or pastor who has the courage to take a stand for righteousness!
You’re right on topic, Pauline. I shared a link in my post just after yours that you may find most interesting. We must pray that eyes be opened. The spiritual battle is intensifying rapidly. God have Mercy!
How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? Selah Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
Psalms 82:2 – 4 ESV
1 Cor. 15:26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
Why would we desire to turn anyone over to the enemy?
Father, we thank you for exposing the truth, that Satan and his followers are here to steal, kill and destroy, always cloaking this in deception with words such as compassion and choice. Always making it a social “justice” issue. Thank you God that many see the truth as it is written, “thou shall not kill” and it is murder. Praying for believers to remain hopeful that You will reign and the millions that are killed by these barbaric practices sit at you right hand in absolute peace. Thank you Father for the millions, billions that stand with You to expose this evil
Even the title of their organization Compassion and Choices is deceptive, may God expose the agenda of this group and understand the value of each life. It is the Lord who promises us 70 or 80 years, may we not interfere with His timing and plans for our lives.
Not a surprising development, considering the radical, anything goes political climate in our nation, and the state of Illinois, in particular. Lord, I pray that these groups would fail miserably in their efforts. Satan, you and your minions are rendered ineffective by the first drop of blood that Jesus shed on the cross. You cannot have influence over these groups of people in the mighty, powerful name of Jesus. Our God is greater, our God is stronger, and I pray for Him to take what satan meant for evil , and turn it for good. I ask this in Jesus’ holy name.
Only God knows the time and circumstances for each birth and each death! These are not decisions to be made by us.
Psalm 139:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
Ecclesiastes 3:2 a time to be born and a time to die, …
Your are the God of Life! Forgive us our sins and open the eyes of those who are walking in darkness. Speak to their hearts that they many come to You seeking mercy, grace and forgiveness. Lord God, only You can turn the heart of a king (Prov 21:1) but through Your loving kindness You give us free will. Please reveal Truth to those willing to do and support these terrible sins. Let not the enemy have his way in us. May You church stand firm on Your Truth and Your love for humanity regardless of what stage of life they are in. Hear oh Lord and make straight our paths! We love You and know You will be returning for us soon. Help us to see the urgency of these dark day and work more diligently and boldly at sharing the Gospel of Christ! In His Name we pray!
Any person who thinks that adding compassion to abortion makes it right & loving is being deceived. There is no way anybody can wrap abortion up in compassion & say that they’re motives make aborting babies better. Abortion is corrupt & pure evil. Adding any form of compassion to that will not change the truth. People who believe THAT are being deceived & believe that they are actually doing a good thing! But what they are actually doing is taking the life of an innocent infant & snuffing the life out of it. There is nothing loving about that. No one who says they want to help ease your pain in an abortion clinic is showing compassion. Abortion is murder. Pure & simple! So the only way to make it less painless is by not aborting at all. Stop the abortions. Be open to acknowledging the truth, the cover ups, & the lies that have replaced the truth of what abortion is all about! Take a stand for the infants that have been aborted! Choose to give life instead of taking life.
Lord, please expose the spirit of death that is on planned parenthood and this “choices.” Please expose, expose, expose baal and molech worship that is at the root of abortion and assisted suicide. “Author of Life” please send Your Spirit for Jesus sake. We need an AWAKENING!!
God have mercy!
In Jesus name! Amen 🙏
I appreciate the actions and follow-up work of the person that took the time to contact the Wilkerson group. We must educate people but with patience and love.
No matter the cost, we must all ready ourselves in the Lord and not fear man in letting the Truth be told. I believe we will all be called upon in some manner to take a stand for the helpless and innocent, if we have not yet been called upon to do so. We can no longer stand by thinking someone else will do it. When the Lord places a burden on our heart, may we be found faithful and endure until the end. In Jesus’ name I pray.
My heart breaks. The deception in the name itself. The fact so many Christians see nothing wrong with abortion and Euthanasia. What if we could hear them cry? I think about the cry of a newborn baby. How everyone, when they hear it, want to help meet whatever need that precious little person has. It is a very distinct cry. What if we could hear their cries as they are chemically destroyed or surgically aborted? And the elderly? Or people of all ages with special needs? No one will stand up for them. The world just wants to get rid of them. It has nothing to do with compassion. Death was never been given by God as a solution to problems or illness, or suffering. If we “play God” then we may end the life of an unsaved individual whom God is shouting to in their suffering. Damning them to an eternity of suffering beyond any suffering they would have endured on earth. And if we end the life of a saved person prematurely, then we end their witness in their suffering to a lost and dying world. My mother in law was in a near fatal accident at 87 years of age. She broke her neck and had severe internal injuries. She did not want to live and questioned God. She is a strong believer. But fast forward three years. She has new friends and has been a witness in her assisted living. She’s going to meet another great grandchild soon. She loves life today, even after being quarantined for 8 months in her small room. She’s been a light to the staff at her assisted living during Covid. Bringing them encouragement. I thank God an assisted suicide option wasn’t available. Life is a precious gift. Even in suffering, our lives are a praise to our creator. God’s power is on display. Paul writes, “Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Thank you for sharing such a heart felt testimony! Yes and amen! Life is precious and a gift from God. As humanity continues to cross the lines set by God, we cry our like Habakkuk, “Oh Lord, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear? Even cry out to You, ‘Violence’ and You will not save. Why do You show me iniquity, and cause me to see trouble?” No problem or evil planned by the enemy is new! All has been done since the beginning of time. Help us, Your children, to stand firm. Help us to speak Truth when we see or hear of such injustice and evil. Give us the courage of Noah, Daniel, and Ester speaking out at such a time as this. Thank you for Joli and her shared story. May it embolden many to do the same! We love You, praise You and glorify Your Name, in Jesus Name, Amen!
Dear Joli,
That truly is such a redemptive and beautiful testimony. I’m having one of those ‘teary-eyed while smiling’ moments. Ty! (((HUGS)))
This time I truly have no words to speak, except, “Look Lord”….and have mercy on those in our nation that worship Baal with child sacrifice. Everything is being exposed so that it can be destroyed and demolished by God’s command and to make way for the Lord’s righteousness to roll in like the former and the latter rain in these last of the last days! Praise God!
This is horrific, yet not unexpected. I am old enough to recall when abortion was made legal. I knew then that euthanasia was the next step.
I am a bereaved mom. A few years ago, I ran across a parent who called himself a ‘minister’ on a bereavement site, ‘compassionate friends’, on facebook. This man supported a group called: ‘death with dignity’. As I looked into the background of this person, I discovered that his wife is the daughter of David Wilkerson. She had hundreds of thousand of followers on her site and she was a dedicated supporter of ‘death with dignity’. Having also buried a son as she had, I understood her grief. What I could not relate to is her support of such an organization because of the suffering her son endured before his death. No one wants to watch another suffer and die, especially if that someone is our own child. However, I do not agree that is a reason or justification to have someone killed as we might do to a wounded animal to ‘put them out of their misery’. I prayed earnestly about this matter. The Lord led me to 2Sam.1. When David learned that the Amalekite had killed Saul, as a result of Saul’s attempted suicide that failed in order to put Saul ‘out of his misery’, David said: “How was it you were not afraid to put forth your hand to destroy the Lord’s anointed?” David then had the Amalekite executed.
I reached out to these parents, but they reacted with anger and verbally attacked me. I then contacted David Wlkerson’s ministry which his son, Gary, now manages since his father’s death. I called a few times and appealed to them based on this Scripture passage the Lord gave me. I never learned whether or not they continued to support this form of euthanasia, but I am of the strong conviction that God does not.
When I saw the many, many followers of this ‘prominent figure’ (because she is David’s daughter), my burden intensified. So many supported her in her pursuit of ‘death with dignity’ based solely on who she is. To this day, I am still amazed that so many who call themselves ‘Christians’ would support the killing of others. I do understand the compassion and heartache, but that can never be an excuse to kill. I can only hope that since that time they have repented and have changed their message to their numerous followers.
Lord Jesus, please be our refuge in such perilous times. Forgive us for our shortcomings and weaknesses and please give is the strength to endure until the end.
Father God hear our cries? Help provide a door for your spirit to move and not ONLY convict but convince those in government leadership to act on scriptural basis in changing our laws to protect ALL life! AMEN
Thank you for sharing. May I copy this? This is a very beautiful testimony and truth to be shared. May the God of all comfort continually bring you comfort in your loss.
Hi Joli,
I’d have to ask that you please pray about it before sharing it. I even hesitated to share it myself because I didn’t want to come across as negatively ‘bashing’ anyone. I know such things do need to be exposed and believe it is even our responsibility to do so (Eph. 5:11). At the same time, ‘love covers a multitude’ (1 Pet. 4:8), and because I do not know whether or not this couple repented of such things and stopped promoting such, I hesitate. On one hand, this deception must be exposed and stopped. On the other hand, we are to follow MT. 18:1-17 which was the course I was led to follow at that time. Because it has become such a pressing matter, and because I trust this site’s confidentiality, I was comfortable in sharing this. The ‘status’ though of this couple, and the strong influence with such a large following, is poignant.
So, I am fine with anyone sharing it but I ask that you do so prayerfully and in love. Even though it has been a few years since I had this encounter, re-visiting it brings tears to my eyes. I truly do understand the deep anguish of these parents and why they considered moving their son to a state where such actions are considered legal and ‘merciful’. But therein lies the deception.
Jude Gibbs (Author of ‘Gifts from the Ashes’-Hope in Jesus for Bereaved Parents)
I am glad you approached the Wilkerson’s with your concerns. I would rather approach death by faith believing that God still heals as His Word clearly says. If it’s God’s will-well it is God’s will to heal! Keep on having faith to believe!
It was one of the most difficult tasks I’ve been called upon to act upon. I did so with a very heavy heart and many sleepless nights. It was not something I wanted to do. It is my deep hearted hope that others in their ministry came along side them in their darkest hour and that they now preach ‘Life’. One day I will know. Blessings.
This would make a great article-to share with folks who do not see your comment here. It is surprising and shocking the people who feel that death is a helpful solution. Thank you for your diligent follow up when you must have been prompted by the Holy Spirit to dig deeper. We must also pray for those who are leading people astray with these harmful ideologies and organizations. Both abortion and assisted suicide prey on the fear, pain, and helplessness people feel in their situation. Instead of providing life-affirming God directed answers they are offering death and regret. Thanks Jude for your comment!
Ty, Kris. I agree that death is never the answer. Every breath we breathe is because God wills it to be. Life, no matter how difficult, must always be treasured. Blessings.
Dear Jude, I was very saddened by the story you shared, especially a daughter of David Wilkerson, as he was admired by many. I understand it is painful to watch the last days of a loved one, but in today’s medical world there are many ways to keep a patient comfortable in final stages of life. As a retired nurse who worked over 50 years in critical care areas I think those last moments with a loved one, holding a hand, wiping a mouth with a cold cloth and speaking words of love to them are treasured. The last sense lost is hearing and I always encouraged families to play music or even the Word of God, filling their spirit with God’s Word and preparing their spirit to meet with their God. I lost my sister during the pandemic and because family was not allowed to be with her, she died alone and even when my Mom died, I would have given anything to have been with her in her last moments of life. God can do amazing things as He prepares us to be with Him in the spirit. Why would we want to remove that and control what God has dominion over. I pray that as others who may be on the fence with this issue that we submit to God and allow Him to take the lead. God Bless
Ty, Toni, for sharing your personal, as well as, professional knowledge on this matter. I am sorry for your heartache and grief. I truly deeply believe that such matters are safely in God’s hands. On my ‘journey’, I have encountered numerous parents who have been called upon to walk this very difficult and excruciatingly painful path. The reaction/response differs widely. Many walk away from God at such a time when they need Him most.
It is a burden on my heart that I carry with me daily. But because of Jesus, I know I will see my son again and He has given me great Hope which I know shall be realized, all in God’s good and faithful timing.
I pray that the Body of Christ ‘weeps with those who weep’. We can learn so much from Job who wrestled profoundly with grief. There’s a bit of an analogy presented by his wife who told him to ‘curse God and die’. No matter how deep our anguish, we must never give up Hope. Making the decision to kill one who is suffering so is also a desire to end our own suffering though it can often be disguised as a very sacrificial act on our part and a deception that we are being ‘merciful’.
I think of how horrific it must have been for our Heavenly Father to watch the suffering of His only Begotton Son, Jesus. He truly does understand. If He had intervened by putting a stop to His Son’s suffering, where would we all be? Thankfully, very thankfully, He did not for our sake. That is how greatly we are loved.