We love Give Him 15, a daily devotional email from Dutch Sheets Ministries. Many, many IFA intercessors have told us what a blessing these emails are. This installment encouraged us to keep praying for revival. Let us know what you think in the comments.
Three weeks ago I was sent an interesting gift. . . . This gift was 300 Native American arrowheads. What an interesting and unusual gift, I thought. However, this amazing offering became very significant as I read the explanation. I will share that with you momentarily.
On February 9, I posted a dream given to Gina Gholston, regarding the Red River Meeting House. It spoke of this and 3 other wells of revival being re-opened by Holy Spirit – Cane Ridge, Azusa, and Wales. God is going to merge the anointings and power of these world-impacting outpourings, giving us the synergy of the ages.
The dream also spoke of 100 bald eagles, each having arrows in one talon and a scroll in the other. After having been drenched by water from the re-opened well of Red River Meeting House, they flew off to parts of the nation, with the water falling on people like a rain shower. Nothing else was said about the eagles in this dream.
In the following day’s post, February 10, I shared a sequel Gina was given to this dream. In this dream she saw the 100 eagles again. As they were flying (in all directions) across America, suddenly they all began diving toward the ground. When near the ground they leveled off and began dropping their arrows onto the land.
From the first dream, she knew there were 100 eagles. In the second dream, she could see that each carried three arrows. So, 300 arrows were released throughout the land. When each arrow hit the ground it ignited as though it had hit a gas pocket and a spiraling plume of fire shot up. Then she watched as the water the eagles were carrying and releasing was also being ignited by the fire. The water from the Red River Meeting House was extremely flammable and instantly caught fire. It seemed all of America was on fire with the flames of revival.
Toward the end of the dream, Holy Spirit spoke to her and said, “The eagles are on assignment. They carry ‘Fire Power’; they carry glory. And at the precise moment, their arrows will be released, hit their targets, and the move of God will ignite and spread very quickly! Do not doubt it!”
Now, back to the arrowheads gift. The brother who sent them to me offered the following explanation. “When I accepted the call of God to ministry in 1998 and moved my family back to North Carolina, my personal devotion time took a new direction. God promised me that if I would walk and pray, he would…lead me in my walks to the ancient artifacts left behind by the First Nations People. So, for over 20 years I have been walking and praying in the fields around my home in North Carolina…I have found a wonderful collection of Indian artifacts…I heard the dream about the eagles with the 300 arrows, and felt it would please the Lord if I would send you a tangible expression of the 300 places God set afire with revival.”
I was very moved by this sacrificial gift. Last week, while ministering in Shreveport, Louisiana, Holy Spirit, through a series of prophetic words, made it clear that the timing of this gift was significant. He was announcing to me that the eagles have now released the arrows of revival fire. Five days later another person, in another city, gave me a beautiful replica of an arrowhead, made of pure silver. To my recollection, in 40 years of ministry, I have never been given an arrowhead – until now. Two gifts; five days apart. Surely, without a doubt, they are a confirmation that this revival has begun.
I have begun hearing of pockets of outpouring. One of them is in Modesto, California, led by Mario Murillo. Thousands are coming to this tent meeting, and hundreds, if not thousands, are being saved. Many miracles are occurring. I will be showing you a short clip at the end of this post showing pictures of the revival. I plan to have Mario himself share what is happening on a post within the next few days.
Rejoice! Our prayers are working! Please pray with me regarding this outpouring and others that are about to begin.
Pray with me:
Father, thank You for the arrows of Your deliverance coming to this nation. Thank You for the fires of revival that are beginning to burn. Thank You for re-opening the wells of revival from Red River Meeting House, Cane Ridge, Wales, Hebrides and elsewhere. This incredible outpouring of Your Spirit has begun.
Thank You for what You are doing in Modesto, California, and elsewhere. We thank You for Mario Murillo and many like him who contend for souls and have persevered in their evangelistic callings. We know, of course, this is not about one man, but it’s about You using Your people scattered everywhere. We thank You for the miracles that are occurring and the hundreds and hundreds of people being saved. Please continue this revival. Give them great, great favor and let the anointing intensify. Let it spread throughout California and to other parts of the nation.
We thank You for this. Bring more and more and more. Let America and the nations of the earth burn with holy fire! In the mighty name of Jesus we pray, amen.
Our decree:
We decree that the wells of past revivals have been opened, the eagles have flown, the arrows have been released, and the fires of revival are now beginning to burn in the land.
You can watch the short clip of the Modesto Tent Revival by clicking here.
Share your decrees and prayers about this in the comments below!
(Used with permission from Give Him 15. Photo Credit: Canva.)
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This current society , it is easy to relate to Elijah’s moment of fear .
I Kings 19:14 He replied, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty . The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and {{canceled}} your prophets . I am the only one left, and now they are trying to {{cancel}} me too.”
When blinded by media hype , pray with Elisha :
2 Kings 6:17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
Revelation 22:20c Even so, come, Lord Jesus.